Ēadweard Sweartæþeling

Bryd Ioan of Cente
Bearn Ēadweard of Angoulême
Riċheard II
Hus Plantaġenet
Fæder Ēadƿeard III
Modor Philippa of Hainault
Geboren 15 Sēremōnaþ 1330
Woodstock Palace
Deaþ 8 Sēremōnaþ 1376 (æt 45 wintrum)
Byrgen Cantwarabyrig Hēafodcirice, Cent

Ēadward of Wudustocce, se on stǣrbōcum hēt Se Sweartæþeling wæs Cornwealla Heretoga (fram 1337), Wēala Þēoden (fram 1343) and Æquitainie Æþeling from 1362 oþ 1372. He wæs Ēadweardes III Engla Cyninges ieldsta sunu and ierfa ac he forþferde in 1376 in his fædres līf þȳ ne fange he to rīce and Ēadweardes Cyninges æftergenga wæs þæs Sweartæþelinges geong sunu Riċheard II. Ēadweard Æþeling wæs noþȳlæs lofgeornost and weorðig swa sigfullost Englisc heretoga þæs Hundred Geara Gewinne, and in his agnum dagum wæs Ēadweard regarded by his contemporaries as a model of chivalry and þāra mǣstra cnighta his ielde ān.

Ēadward wæs geboren on 15 Sēremōnaþ 1330 æt Wudustocce Healle forþæm man nemnede hine 'Ēadweard of Wudustocce'.

In 1337 wæs Ēadweard created Cornwealla Heretoga. He wæs rīcesweard in his father's absence in 1338, 1340, and 1342. Hine geaf se cyning anweald swa Wēala Þēoden in 1343 and he wæs in 1346 gedubbed be his fæder æt La Hogne.

In 1346 læd Ēadweard Æþeling þone ord æt Crecy þære Beadwe, and his fæder geþafedon þe he gewinn þone fēoht. In 1349 feaht he in þæs cyninges fare be Calais. In 1355 he wæs asettede þæs cyninges ealdormann in Wasconie, and drāf here in Æquitainia. He oferhergode Avignonet and Castelnaudary, Carcassonne and Narbonne and in þæm niehstan geare fōr he in Auernie, Limousin, and Berry. On þissum fare cwōm Iohanne II Francena Cyning nēah Ēadweardes þrēat and becwōm hie þweores nēah Poitiers. Ðȳ onsæcede hine þā Francas in þæm Poitiers Fēoht þær Ēadweard flēah þā Francas and he heald þone wælfeld and nāmon Iohannes Cyning swa numa.

Ān winter æfter Poitiersfēohte cwōm Ēadweard eft on England. Eftsōn seglode he on Francas and his wig in Franclande and wiþ Castillan wæs lang and sigefull.

Se Sweartæþeling cwōm eft on Englas in 1371 and in þæm niehstan gēare asettede he his bregodōm in Æquitainie and in Wasconlande. In 1376 læd he þæt Ceorla Hūs in hiera stand wiþ Iohannes of Gaunt and his hiredes gripe þæs rīces lēodweardes.

He stearf in 1376 of ūtwærce and his byrgen is in Cantwarabyrig Hēafodcirican. His hom, helm, scild and byrneglōfan sind hēr geheolden.