Actium Sæfēoht

Actium Sæfēoht be Laureys a Castro, 1672

Þæt Actium Sæfēoht ƿæs gefeaht on brime be Epirus on 2 Hāligmōnaþ in þæm geare 31 beforan Cristes tōcyme and ƿæs micel onsæcc þæs Rēmiscan ingeƿinnes. Þes garmitting geaf þone dōm in þæm Endmestan Geƿinne þære Rōmānisce Cyneƿīse þærin feaht Octauianus ƿiþ Marcus Antonius for rīce. Æt Actie mētte Octauies līþhere geānlǣhted þrēat of Marce Antonie and Cleopatran VII Ægyptus Cƿēne, on þæm Ioniscan Sǣ, þe nēah Actium is, sēo burh, se ƿæs in Epirus Vetus Rōmāniscan underrīce on Crēacum.

Octauianes scipheres heretoga ƿæs Marcus Uipsanius Agrippa, and Antonies sciphere hæfde Ǣgyptes scipu to fultume þe send Cleopatra Cƿēne.

Octauian's sige geaf him þone cræft to bringenne in his handum ƿeald ofer Rōme and his rīce. He nām þone binaman Princeps, se is 'Forma mann' and eft geaf him se Senatus ēac titul sēo is 'Augustus'. Be þissum naman ƿæs Octauinus gecenned in folgendum iedum. Þȳ ƿeard Octauianus Augustus Rōmes brego se endode þā Rōmānisce Cyneƿīse and begann þæt Rōmānisc Rīce.[1]


  1. Paul K. Davis, 100 Decisive Battles from Ancient Times to the Present: The World’s Major Battles and How They Shaped History (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), 63.