
Canaveralnæs and Merrittīeg of rodore

Canaveralnæs stingþ of Floridan sǣrīme ūt in garsecge, nēah se midstede þæs rīces brimecg, in Brevardscīre. Hie līþ beēasten of Merrittīege, and bedæled fram hiere be þǣre Banana Ēa.

Hiere nama ('Cape Canaveral' on Nīƿenglisce), if of þæm Spēoniscan gereorde: Cabo Cañaveral. Sēo næs bār þone naman 'Cape Kennedy' (Kennedynæs) of 1963 oð 1973

Þes læppa in Florida birþ þone binaman 'Rodorrīm' forþæm þe hēr is 'Cape Canaveral Air Force Station' dæl (Canaveralnæs Lyftþrēatƿic) and on Merrittīege is se Kennedy Rodorƿic.

Manig Americaniscu rodorcræft aflēaþ fram þæm Lyftþrēatƿic and fram þæm Kennedy Rodorƿic on þære īege and man secgþ, "Canaveralnæs" "Canaveral" oððe "the Cape" sƿa binaman for rodorflyhte.

On þære næsse stent Canaveralnæs lēohthūs and ēac hēr is Canaveralhȳð, micel sciphȳð. Canaveralnæsceaster stent besūþen.