
Ceadmere and sē sandceosol

Cead mere is lūh onmiddan Affrice drūgoðan, on sūþan þæs Dēadƿylle Sand. Hē nimþ his ƿæter of Ceari ēa. For ofer þūsand gearum ƿæs Ceadmere sē stōƿe þær gān camelgebornum ceapmannum of þæm Araba landum on Norþaffrice.

Sē mere licþ on fēoƿer landa mearcum; Ceades þæs landes (hƿærto Cead mere giefþ naman), Nigerie, Nigerlandes and Camerunes.

Tōdæg is sē mere lǣssa þonne geo, forþæm micel ƿæter tīeþ man of his strēamum for gebūra æccrum.