
Crīstcirice (hātte on Nīƿenglisce "Christchurch") is þǣre Sūþīege mǣst burh, and þæs landes ōðru mǣst burh æfter mearce. Ēac, hēo is Nīƿes Sǣlandes þridde burh æfter lēodrǣdenne, and hæfþ nēan 376,700 lēoda (æfter þǣre ambihtlīcan apinsunge þæs 2010. gēares). Crīstcirice ambihtlīce ƿearþ burh þurh Cynelīce Bōc on þǣm 31. dæge þæs Æfterran Līðan þæs 1856. gēares. Þæs is hēo ambihtlīce sēo ieldeste burh Nīƿes Sǣlandes.
Be þǣre 4:35 tīde on þǣm 4. dæge þæs Hāligmōnaðes þæs 2010. gēares, æfter stōƿlīcum dægmǣle, drēag Crīstcirice hefige eorþbeofunge mid þǣm rīme micelnesse 7.1, þe dyde grēatne lyre þe is ƿeorþ apinsodra 4,000,000,000 dælera Nīƿes Sǣlandes.
Þēos burh stent on Afene. Eormengyld stent hēr, þæt is Cantaƿarabyrig Eormengyld, þæt timbrode man gelīc þǣm on Oxnaforde and Grantanbrycge on Brittum.
On Solmōnaðe þæs 2011. gēares ƿæs hēr micel eorþstyrenn and manig hūs fēollon. Þisse byrig Hēafodcirican stīpel fēoll mid miclum hryre. Micel gristbītung hæfþ man for þissum þingum.