Eardfæste Australiaware
Eardfæste Australiaware sindon menn þæs sweartgehȳdan folce þāra ealdfæder libbedon in Australie and on Tasmanie siþþan ieldum geond gemyndinge.
Witan aliefað ðe ðās sind Middangeardes iedstan folc ūtan Affrican forþæm þe hiera ealdfæder in manncynnes ǣrrestan dagum wandroden of Affrican ymbe þǣm Indiscan Gārsecge beforan þe Asiawara noþðe Europewara iedfædre abyrsten of þǣm lande. Ēac hæfþ Eardfæstan Australiawara blōd lāf ieldrum folc, Denisovmannum. Ðȳ habbað swylca menn þisses worulde ieldste continuous culture.