Þā Hƿæsingatun Cynehȳrde (Niwenglisc: Washingotn Commanders) sind andƿīs fōtballtēam steald in Hƿæsingatūne, D.C. in Þēodlic Fōtball Leaga. Se tēam pleȝþ æt Fedexfeld in Landover, Marylande, þe in Prince George's County, Marylande is. The team's heafodweard and ætþringstede sind æt Gemǣnanere ġeard in Æsceburna, Virginisc, ā gemǣne in Ludan Gērēfa, Virginisc, nēah Dulles Gārsecgþegnung. Þā Rēadhyrnan hæfdon gespēld ofer ān þūsend gimmas sīþan 1932. On ðām gemangum hæfð se gild gewunnen fīf professionalum Ameriscum fōtbeallmǣgðum], þāhƿǣr twēon NFL Mǣgðspelum and þrīm Swīðe Bōlum. Sē ġeseldcund hæfð gegrīpen tīen NFL ġewidmǣðspelas and six NFL mǣgðefencspelas.[1]