Hrolf Gangere

Cynedom 911–927
Foregenga Nān
Æftergenga Ƿillelm Langsƿeard
Bryd Poppa of Baius
Gisela of Francum (beƿeddod ac ungegiefen)
Bearn Ƿillelm Langsƿeard
Hus Normandiges Hūs
Fæder Rǫgnvaldr Eysteinsson
Modor Hildr Hrólfsdóttir
Geboren 846
Deaþ ymbe 930
Byrgen Roðen Hēafodcirice

Hrolf Gangere ƿæs se forma Eorl of Normandige and þæs rīces staþolere. He ƿæs brego of Dēnum oððe of Norðmannum and gehiersumode Franclandes norþdæl andlang Sigen þǣre ēa. Carl se Bileƿit Ƿestfrancna Cyning geaf þǣm Norðmanna here land betƿuh Sigenemūðan and Roðem sēo ceaster for friþ, and þærfor ƿolde Hrolf ƿeard his ƿeardmann ƿiþ ƿicingas.[1]

Man secg þe Hrolfes binama ƿæs 'Gangere' forþǣm ðe he ƿæs sƿa micel in his lice þe nān mearh mōt beran hine on his hrycge.

Hrolfes naman ƿrāt man in Frenciscum bōc in 918 ðe he bið ƿicinga brego, and he ricsode in Normandige oð 928. His æftergenga ƿæs his sunu, Ƿillelm oðre naman 'Langsƿeard'. Æfter Ƿillelm bastard gehiersumode Englaland ƿæron Hrolfes sunas Engla cyningas.


  1. David Bates Normandy Before 1066 (Longman 1982), pp. 8–10.