
Þis geƿrit is ymbe þone Engliscan tūn, þe hātte Huntandūn. For ōðrum brycum sēo Huntandūn (scīrung)

Huntandūn is tūn in Huntandūnscīre oþþe in Grantanbrycgscīre. Hē ligþ betƿēonum Ēastenglum and Midlande, on Englum.

Huntandūn is se scīrtūn þǣre stǣrlican scīre Huntandūnscīre. Nū for stōƿlican gerecþegnunge is Huntandūnburg in Grantanbrycgscīre, and þegnaþ sƿā gerecþegnung heafodstōl þæs Huntandūnscīr boldgetales.

Brycg ofer Usan ēa be Huntandūne and Godmanceastre on Hundandunscir
Brycg ofer Usan ēa be Huntandūne and Godmanceastre on Hundandunscir

Se tūn ligþ on þǣre Micelan Ūsan Ēa, benorþan þǣre ceapstōƿebyrig Sancte Neod. Hē hæfþ þā mǣstan mǣdƿe in Englalande, Portholmes Mǣdƿe, þe is nēan 257 æcera (1 km²) in micelnesse and hæfþ fela seldcynna gærsa, blōstmena, and dracanflēogena. Ēac is Portholmes Mǣdƿe micel gecyndelīc healdende stōƿ for ofermicelnesse ƿæteres on flōdtidum þe lǣteþ þā ēa slāƿor aflōƿan, þe forƿierneþ þā ofergēotunge nēagra tūna.

Huntandūn hæfde tƿegen ƿīdcūðe speliendas þæs Ƿitena gemōtes: Oliver Cromƿell in þǣre 17. hundredgēare and John Major in þǣre 20.