Palestinisce Landscipas

Palestiniscan Landscipas (scīte on Nīƿum Englisce)

Þā Palestiniscan Landscipas sind þā land inne þǣm Haligan Lande þærin būaþ Arabas and þærin habbaþ sƿylce folc hiera āgan lēodƿeard.

Þā landis in tƿǣm landscipas bedǣled: sē Ƿestofer be ēastan (in Iudea and Samarie þǣm landum) and Gaza be sūþƿestan on Ƿendelsǣs rīman. Siþþan 2007 habbaþ þās tƿegen dǣlas bēon sundrig betƿuh tƿǣm lēodƿeardum.