Petrus I Brasil Cāsere

Petrus I
Gehalgod 1. dæg Geolan 1821
Æftergenga Petrus II Brasil Cāsere
Fæder João VI of Portugal
Modor Carlota Joaquina of Spain
Geboren 12 Winterfylleð 1798
Palace of Queluz, Queluz
Deaþ 24 Haligmonað 1834
Palace of Queluz, Queluz
Handseten Petrus I Brasil Cāsere handseten

Petrus I wæs se forma Brasil Cāsere, fram 12. dæg Winterfylleðes 1822 oð his deað on 7. dæg Eastermonðes 1831. Eac wæs he Portugales Cyning for twæm monðum in 1826. Petrus Portugal Æðeling wæs Iohannes VI feowþa sunu Cyninges. He staðolde Brasil þæt Casererice ðe he meaht forsceotan uphedding in þæm lande. He fang to rice in Portugale in 1826 ac forscrah swylc cynedom ðe he meaht gerecsian Brasil anlice.

Petrus Casere onswog Portugal mid here in 1832.