
How to read a taxoboxWikipǣdia:How to read a taxobox
How to read a taxobox

Cræftlicu endebyrdung
Rīce: Plantae
Undercynerīce: Tracheobionta
Stefn: Magnoliophyta
Flocc: Liliopsida
Undergefērscipe: Liliidae
Hād: Asparagales
Cnēoris: Alliaceae
Cnōsl: Allium
Cynn: A. schoenoprasum
Twinemniendlic nama
Allium schoenoprasum

Secglēac (Allium schoenoprasum) is dǣl þæs gārlēaces hīredes (Alliaceae), gegrōƿen for hira lēafum, þe sind gebrocen sƿā ƿyrte. Secglēac hæfþ softre gebirg þonne lēac oþþe gārlēac.

Secglēac (Allium schoenoprasum) is þæt smaloste cynn þæs gārlēaces hīredes (Alliaceae), inlendisc be Europan, Asian, and Norðum American[1]. Secglēac grēƿþ in clīeƿenum, and on Nīƿum Englisce sind forþǣm chives gehāten. Allium schoenoprasum is ēac þæt āne cynn þæs Allium þe in bǣm þǣre Nīƿan and þǣre Ealdan Ƿorulde inlendisc is.

His cynnnama cymþ of þǣm Grēcisce skhoinos (secg) and prason (lēac).[2] His Nīƿa Englisca nama, chive, cymþ of þǣm Frenciscan ƿord cive, þe of cepa ofcumen is, þæt is, þæt Lǣdene ƿord hƿītlēaces.[3]


  1. Allium schoenoprasum factsheet, from Kemper center for home gardening, retrieved on June 13, 2006
  2. Gräslök, from Den virtuella floran, retrieved on June 13, 2006
  3. Chives, from, accessed on June 13, 2006