
Tǣcōma on Hƿæsingatūn.

Tǣcōma (Niwenglisc: Tacoma) or Tacōma is byrig on Hƿæsingatūn. Ān weallwareburh, hit is ġeseten be Norð-Wealsingatūnes Puget Sund, twēntig and þrītig mīla sūþwest be Sīatl, six and þrītig mīla sūþwest be Belwē, ēand þrītig mīla norþeāst be þām rīces hrōfe, Olymƿia, ānd fīftig and eahta mīla norþwest be Munt Rǣneres Gār, ānd hundeahtig mīla ēast be Ǣlȳmpic Nātlond Þeodparc. Þās byrig folcgeteld wæs twēogentīen and twēntig þūsend be þām tīde þæs geāres 2020. Tǣcōma is sēo ōþre mǣste burh in þām Puget Sund circere and sēo þridda befolcodeste in þām rīce. Tǣcōma ǣac þēodaþ swā sēo mǣst mǣþegeong on þǣre Sūþ Sund circere, þe hæfþ ān befolc of ymbe ān mīlƿeg.

Tǣcōma underfeng his naman æfter þǣm nēah Muntrǣner, gehāten on þām Pugetsundsalisc sprǣce and "Takhoma" on an angelhǣt ƿersioun. Hit is gelǣocalod ā sēo "Burg þæs Sōðes" forþām þe þǣr chēos þāt sǣ ǣr beon þæs norðerne geƿīcƿurc þǣre Norþerne Pacifican Hīeðweg on þām lǣtan 19. hundteontig, on his ǣrƿylme. Sēo ǣcrǣft þǣs hīeðweges wæs gewalden be þǣre Tǣcōma Hæfen, Comendemnet Beā, þurh þæt Tǣcōma his gesaƿulƿord underfēng "ƿonne hrasu mētað sǣlas." Comendemnet Beā þēodlicað þǣre Hæfene Tǣcōma, ā centrūm be tweenum landum on þām Paƿƿiscan Sǣlāc and þæs ƿīdsta hafen in Washington rīce. Sēo byrig āƿorht anrǣd on 1940 forþām þe sēo Tǣcōma Hneaƿrac Brycġ, andfeng ǣrendlāc "Galloping Gertie" for þām upandāle ƿegunge þæs sǣls on windigum cyrrestond.

Swā swā mǣst ġewyrca byrig, Tǣcōma ðrowode lengan niþercyme on þām mid-20. hundteontige bī þæm landbyggungum and geunæðƿaƿum. Sīðan þām 1990um, dūneƿearc Tǣcōma hæfþ ānungað tīd. Swāngungen on þām dūneƿearce inclaþað þā Ēaƿa-Wince Unīƿersitet; þone T Rīc, ǣr Tǣcōma Hlync, sēo frumsta mōdor æled ƿægn sērƿis on þām rīce; þā ƿīcste dīensiġe be ærtum and gesceodu mūseon; and ǣnne getimbrodne æðelhāfen-strand, þone Þēa Foss Wæterweg.