
Visokoi-īeg is lytlu īeg and agebūrod þæs Traversayīega flocc þāra Sūþsandƿic Īeglanda. Hēo is 3 mīla lang. Bellinghausen fand þēos īege in 1819 and nemnede hie Visokoi (sē is "hēah") for hiere heanesse.

Hodsonbeorg is fyrbeorg, genemned æfter Arnold Weinholt Hodson, sē ƿæs Folcland Īeglanda ealdormann. Þære īege ēastern ende is Irvingnæs.

UK Sūþgeorgia and þā Sūþsandƿīc Īegland SGSSI
Sūþsandƿīc Īegland
Sūþsandƿīc Īegland
Sūþgeorgie Īega: Annenkovīeg • Fugolīeg • Clerke Clūdas • Cooperīeg • Gærsīeg • Kupriyanovīega  • Pickersgillīega • Sadolīeg • Scræf Clūdas • Sūþgeorgia • Ƿilcumanīega • Ƿillisīega

Sūþsandƿīc Īegland: Bellingshausenīeg • Brycgstōƿīeg • Candelmæsse • Cōcīeg • Leskov • Montagu • Saundersīeg • Thila-īeg • Vindicationīeg • Visokoi-īeg • Zavodovski-īeg • Traversayīega •

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