عرسة جرابية
العرسة الجرابية (الاسم العلمي: Phascogale) هي جنس من الثدييات تتبع فصيلة الدصيوريات من رتبة دصيوريات الشكل.[3]
أنواع العرسة الجرابية
- ^ ا ب Don E. Wilson; DeeAnn M. Reeder, eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (بالإنجليزية) (3rd ed.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN:978-0-8018-8221-0. LCCN:2005001870. OCLC:57557352. OL:3392515M. QID:Q1538807.
- ^ C. J. Temminck, Monographies de mammalogie, ou Description de quelques genres de mammifères, dont les espèces ont été observées dans les différens musées de l'Europe: Ouvrage accompagné de planches d’Ostéologie, pouvant servir de suite et de complément aux Notices sur les animaux vivans, publiées par M. le baron G. Cuvier, dans ses Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles (بالفرنسية), Paris, vol. 1, p. 23, DOI:10.5962/BHL.TITLE.125524, hdl:2027/chi.57128935, QID:Q122711982
- ^ موقع تاكسونوميكون (بالإنكليزية) Taxonomicon عرسة جرابية تاريخ الولوج 01 تموز 2019 نسخة محفوظة 14 أبريل 2020 على موقع واي باك مشين.
دصيوريات | Dasycercus (Mulgaras) |
- Brush-tailed mulgara (D. blythi)
- Crest-tailed mulgara (D. cristicauda)
Dasykaluta |
- Little red kaluta (D. rosamondae)
Dasyuroides | |
| |
Myoictis |
- Woolley's three-striped dasyure (M. leucura)
- Three-striped dasyure (M. melas)
- Wallace's dasyure (M. wallacii)
- Tate's three-striped dasyure (M. wavicus)
| |
Parantechinus | |
Phascolosorex (Marsupial shrews) |
- Red-bellied marsupial shrew (P. doriae)
- Narrow-striped marsupial shrew (P. dorsalis)
Pseudantechinus (False antechinuses) |
- Sandstone dibbler (P. bilarni)
- Fat-tailed false antechinus (P. macdonnellensis)
- Alexandria false antechinus (P. mimulus)
- Ningbing false antechinus (P. ningbing)
- Rory Cooper's false antechinus (P. roryi)
- Woolley's false antechinus (P. woolleyae)
Sarcophilus | |
دصيوريات | Antechinus |
- Tropical antechinus (A. adustus)
- Agile antechinus (A. agilis)
- Fawn antechinus (A. bellus)
- Yellow-footed antechinus (A. flavipes)
- Atherton antechinus (A. godmani)
- Cinnamon antechinus (A. leo)
- Swamp antechinus (A. minimus)
- Brown antechinus (A. stuartii)
- Subtropical antechinus (A. subtropicus)
- Dusky antechinus (A. swainsonii)
Micromurexia |
- Habbema dasyure (A. habbema)
Murexechinus |
- Black-tailed dasyure (M. melanurus)
Murexia |
- Short-furred dasyure (M. longicaudata)
Paramurexia |
- Broad-striped dasyure (P. rothschildi)
Phascomurexia |
- Long-nosed dasyure (P. naso)
| |
دصيوريات | Antechinomys | |
Ningaui |
- Wongai ningaui (N. ridei)
- Pilbara ningaui (N. timealeyi)
- Southern ningaui (N. yvonnae)
Sminthopsis (Dunnarts) |
- S. crassicaudata species-group: Fat-tailed dunnart (S. crassicaudata)
- S. macroura species-group: Kakadu dunnart (S. bindi)
- Carpentarian dunnart (S. butleri)
- Julia Creek dunnart (S. douglasi)
- Stripe-faced dunnart (S. macroura)
- Red-cheeked dunnart (S. virginiae)
- S. granulipes species-group: White-tailed dunnart (S. granulipes)
- S. griseoventer species-group: Kangaroo Island dunnart (S. aitkeni)
- Boullanger Island dunnart (S. boullangerensis)
- Grey-bellied dunnart (S. griseoventer)
- S. longicaudata species-group: Long-tailed dunnart (S. longicaudata)
- S. murina species-group: Chestnut dunnart (S. archeri)
- Little long-tailed dunnart (S. dolichura)
- Sooty dunnart (S. fulginosus)
- Gilbert's dunnart (S. gilberti)
- White-footed dunnart (S. leucopus)
- Slender-tailed dunnart (S. murina)
- S. psammophila species-group: Hairy-footed dunnart (S. hirtipes)
- Ooldea dunnart (S. ooldea)
- Sandhill dunnart (S. psammophila)
- Lesser hairy-footed dunnart (S. youngsoni)
Planigalini | Planigale |
- Paucident planigale (P. gilesi)
- Long-tailed planigale (P. ingrami)
- Common planigale (P. maculata)
- New Guinean planigale (P. novaeguineae)
- Narrow-nosed planigale (P. tenuirostris)