
Clasificación científica
Reinu: Animalia
Filu: Arthropoda
Clas: Insecta
Orde: Lepidoptera
Familia: Pieridae
Subfamilia: Pierinae
Tribu: Pierini
Xéneru: Belenois
Hübner, [1819][1]
Ver testu

Anaphaeis (Hübner, 1819)
Glycestha (Billberg, 1820)
Pseudohuphina (Stoneham, 1940)

Pseudanaphaeis (Bernard, 1953)[2]
[editar datos en Wikidata]
Belenois gidica, Lake Manyara National Park, Tanzania

Belenois ye un xéneru de caparines de la familia Pieridae.[3] Atópase n'África y suroeste d'Asia.


Especie tipu por monotípia Papilio calypso Drury, 1773.[4]


Esisten 28 especies distribuyíes ente la rexón afrotropical y el suroeste d'Asia.[5]

Plantes güespedes

Les especies del xéneru Belenois  aliméntense de plantes de les families Brassicaceae, Salvadoraceae, Anacardiaceae, Verbenaceae, Celastraceae, Rhizophoraceae y Oleaceae. Les plantes güespedes reportaes inclúin los xéneros Boscia, Capparis, Cleome, Maerua, Apophyllum, Crateva, Thilachium, Cadaba, Ritchiea, Niebuhria, Salvadora, Rhus, Clerodendrum, Brassica y Sinapis.[6][7][8][9][10]


Subxéneru Anaphaeis Hübner, 1819: Subxéneru Anaphaeis Hübner, 1819:

  • Belenois aurota (Fabricius, 1793) – Brown-veined White, African Caper White, or Pioneer White
  • Belenois creona (Cramer, 1776) – African Common White or African Caper
  • Belenois gidica (Godart, 1819) – African Veined White or Pointed Caper

Grupu pseudohuphina:

  • Belenois margaritacea Sharpe, 1891 – Margarita's Caper White
  • Belenois raffrayi (Oberthür, 1878) – Raffray's White

Grupu Incertae sedis:

  • Belenois albomaculatus (Goeze, 1779)
  • Belenois aldabrensis (Holland, 1896)
  • Belenois anomala (Butler, 1881)
  • Belenois antsianaka (Ward, 1870)
  • Belenois calypso (Drury, 1773) – Calypso Caper White
  • Belenois crawshayi Butler, 1894 – Crawshay's Caper White
  • Belenois diminuta Butler, 1894
  • Belenois grandidieri (Mabille, 1878)
  • Belenois hedyle (Cramer, 1777)
  • Belenois helcida (Boisduval, 1833)
  • Belenois java (Linnaeus, 1768) – Caper White
  • Belenois larima (Boisduval, 1836)
  • Belenois mabella Grose-Smith, 1891
  • Belenois ogygia (Trimen, 1883)
  • Belenois rubrosignata (Weymer, 1901) – Red-Edged White
  • Belenois solilucis Butler, 1874
  • Belenois subeida (C. & R. Felder, 1865)
  • Belenois sudanensis (Talbot, 1929) – Sudan Caper White
  • Belenois theora (Doubleday, 1846)
  • Belenois theuszi Dewitz, 1889
  • Belenois thysa (Hopffer, 1855) – False Dotted Border
  • Belenois victoria (Dixey, 1915) – Victoria White
  • Belenois welwitschii Rogenhofer, 1890
  • Belenois zochalia (Boisduval, 1836) – Forest White or Forest Caper White


  1. G. Lamas (2008) Genera and Genus-group Names of the Butterflies of the World, compartido por J. Mallet en The Taxome Project Home Page
  2. Belenois en BioLib
  3. Verz. bekannt.
  4. Genera and Genus-group Names of the Butterflies of the World
  5. Afrotropical Checklist
  6. HOSTS - A Database of the World's Lepidopteran Hostplants.
  7. Butterflies of West Africa.
  8. Lepidoptera of Southern Africa.
  9. Evolution of llarval host plant associations and adaptive radiation in pierid butterflies.
  10. Lepidoptera and some other life forms.

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