John Heard

John Heard
Nacimientu Washington DC[1]7 de marzu de 1946[2]
Nacionalidá Bandera de Estaos Xuníos d'América Estaos Xuníos
Llingua materna inglés
Muerte Palo Alto[3]21 de xunetu de 2017[3] (71 años)
Sepultura Old South Cemetery (en) Traducir[4]
Causa de la muerte infartu de miocardiu
Casáu con Margot Kidder (1979 – 1980)
Pareyes Melissa Leo
Fíos/es 4
Estudios Universidá de Clark
Universidá Católica d'América
Llingües falaes inglés[5]
Oficiu actor de televisión, actor de cine, actor de teatruactor
IMDb nm0001334
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John Heard, Jr. (7 de marzu de 1946Washington DC – 21 de xunetu de 2017Palo Alto) ye un actor estadounidese conocíu pol so papel como Peter McCallister, nes primeres dos películes de Home Alone. Anguaño puede ser vistu en CSI: Miami como un personaxe recurrente llamáu Kenwall Duquesne, padre de Calleigh Duquesne.

Primeros años

Heard nació en Washington, D. C., fíu de John y Helen Heard y creció colos sos dos hermanes, una d'elles que ye actriz. Asistió a Gonzaga College High School, graduóse na Universidá de Clark en Worcester, Massachusetts.

Vida personal

Heard tuvo casáu menos d'un añu cola actriz Margot Kidder, el so matrimoniu namái duró seis díes.[7] Tien un fíu llamáu Jack cola so ex-novia Melissa Leo. Ta divorciáu de la so segunda esposa, Sharon Heard, con quien tien dos fíos, Max y Anika.


Añu Títulu Papel Notes
1975 Valley Forge Mr. Harvie Película TV
1977 Between the Lines Harry Lucas
1977 First Love David
1978 Rush It Byron
1978 On the Yard Juleson
1979 Chilly Scenes of Winter Charles
1980 Heart Beat Jack Kerouac
1981 Cutter's Way Alex Cutter
1982 Cat People Oliver Yates
1983 Will There Really Be a Morning? Clifford Odets Telefilme
1983 Legs Dan Telefilme
1984 Violated Skipper
1984 C.H.O.D. George Cooper
1984 Best Revenge Charlie
1985 Too Scared to Scream Sid
1985 Heaven Help Us Brother Timothy
1985 After Hours Tom Schorr
1985 The Trip to Bountiful Ludie Watts
1987 Out on a Limb David Manning Telefilme
1987 Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam Johnny Boy Voz
1988 The Telephone Telephone Man
1988 The Milagro Beanfield War Charlie Bloom
1988 The Seventh Sign Reverend
1988 Necessity Charlie Telefilme
1988 Big Paul Davenport
1988 Betrayed Michael Carnes
1988 Beaches John Pierce
1989 The Package Colonel Glen Whitacre
1989 Cross of Fire David Stephenson Telefilme
1990 Blown Away Charlie
1990 Mindwalk Thomas Harriman
1990 The End of Innocence Dean
1990 Home Alone Peter McCallister
1990 Awakenings Dr. Kaufman
1991 Rambling Rose Willcox Hillyer
1991 Deceived Jack Saunders
1992 Radio Flyer Daugherty
1992 Gladiator John Riley
1992 Waterland Lewis Scott
1992 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Peter McCallister
1992 Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valde Dan Lawn Telefilme
1993 'There Was a Little Boy Gregg Telefilme
1993 In the Line of Fire Professor Riger
1993 Me and Veronica Frankie
1993 The Pelican Brief Gavin Vereek
1994 In Spite of Love Andrew Telefilme
1994 Because Mommy Works Ted Forman Telefilme
1996 Before and After Wendell Bye
1996 My Fellow Americans Ted Matthews
1997 Silent Cradle Dr. Brittain
1997 One Eight Seven Dave Childress
1997 Executive Power Walker
1997 Men George Babbington
1998 Snake Eyes Gilbert Powell
1998 Desert Blue Professor Lance Davidson
1999 Jazz Night John Little Curtiumetraxe
1999 Freak Weather David
2000 Animal Factory James Decker
2000 Fish Out of Water Gregor
2000 The Photographer Marcello
2000 The Wednesday Woman Bill Davidson Telefilme
2000 Pollock Tony Smith
2001 Dying on the Edge John Fuller
2001 The Boys of Sunset Ridge John Burroughs
2001 O Dean Bob Brable
2001 The Big Heist Richard Woods Telefilme
2001 The Secret Pact Jerome Carver
2002 Researching Raymond Burke Raymond Burke Short filme
2002 Monday Night Mayhem Roone Arledge Telefilme
2002 The Pilot's Wife Jack Lyons Telefilme
2002 Fair Play Owen Curtiumetraxe
2003 Word of Honor Dr. Steven Brandt Telefilme
2004 Under the City Scova
2004 Mind the Gap Henry Richards
2004 White Chicks Warren Vandergeld
2004 My Tiny Universe Bobby
2005 The Chumscrubber Officer Lou Bratley
2005 Locusts Dr. Peter Axelrod Telefilme
2005 The Deal Professor Roseman
2005 Tracks Prison Warden
2005 Edison Captain Brian Tilman
2005 Sweet Land Minister Sorrensen
2006 Steel City
2006 Twenty Questions C. Colin Whitworth Telefilme
2006 The Line-Up Walter Clark Telefilme
2006 Gamers: The Movie
2006 The Guardian Captain Frank Larson
2007 Dead Lenny Dr. Robert Hooker
2007 Brothers Three: An American Gothic Father
2007 The Great Debaters Xérif Dozier
2008 Skip Tracer Con Colbert Telefilme
2008 P.J. Dr. Alan Shearson
2008 Justice League: The New Frontier Ace Morgan Voz
2008 The Lucky Ones Bob
2008 Generation Gap Principal Winters Telefilme
2009 Red State Blues Fritz Curtiumetraxe
2009 Formosa Betrayed Tom Braxton
2009 Little Hercules in 3-D Coach Nimms
2010 The Quickening Ed Erlich Telefilme
2010 The Truth Jonathan Davenport
2010 Ivan's House Ivan Curtiumetraxe
2011 Whisper M'a Lullaby Poppy
2011 Too Big to Fail Joe Gregory Telefilme
2012 Stealing Roses Walter
2012 The Legends of Nethiah Nethiah's Father
2012 A Perfect Ending Mason Westridge
2012 Would You Rather Conway
2013 The Insomniac Paul Epstein
2013 Sharknado
2013 Assault on Wall Street Jeremy Stancroft
2013 Snake and Mongoose Wally Parks
2013 Runner, Runner Harry Furst
2013 Torn Detective Kalkowitz
2013 Buoyancy Frank Curtiumetraxe
2014 Searching for Fortune Denton Sr.
2014 Warren Jack Cavanee
2014 Animals Albert
2014 The Boys of Abu Ghraib Sam Farmer
2014 The Nurse Frank
2014 Boiling Pot Tim Davis
2014 One More Day Tom Curtiumetraxe
2015 Jimmy Vestvood: Amerikan Hero JP Monroe Post


2015 After the Reality Bob Post


2015 Living Among Us Andrew Post


2015 Counting for Thunder Garrett Stalworth Post


2015 Is That a Gun in Your Pocket Xérif Parsons Post


Series de televisión

Añu Títulu Papel Notes
1979 The Scarlet Letter Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale
1984 Kate & Allie Max McArdle Episodiu: "A Weekend to Remember"
1985 Tender is the Night Abe North
1985 Tales from the Darkside Billy Malone Episodiu: "Ring Around the Redhead"
1985 Alfred Hitchcock Presents Bill Callahan Episodiu: "Breakdown"
1986 Miami Vice Laurence Thurmond Episodiu: "One Way Ticket"
1987 The Equalizer Ron Parrish Episodiu: "In the Money"
1989 Screen Two Michael Johnson Episodiu: "Virtuosu"
Law & Order Mitch Burke
Walter Grobman
Episodiu: "Doubles"
Episodiu: "DNR"
1995 American Masters Montresor Episodiu: Edgar Allan Poe: Terror of the Soul
1995 The Outer Limits Paul Stein Episodiu: "Dark Matters (The Outer Limits)"
1995-1996 The Client Roy Foltrigg
The Sopranos Detective Vin Makazian 4 episodios
Episodiu: "The Test Dream"
2000 Perfect Murder, Perfect Town Larry Mason
2001 Law & Order: Criminal Intent Larry Wiegert Episodiu: "The Pardoner's Tale"
2002 Touched by an Angel Allen Episodiu: "Secrets and Lies"
2002 [Law & Order: Special Victims Unit] Gregory Rossovitch / Peter Sipes Episodiu: "Disappearing Acts"
2002 Hack Paul Ballinger Episodiu: "Songs in the Night"
2003-2005 CSI: Miami' Kenwall Duquesne 4 episodios
2004-2005 Jack & Bobby Dennis Morgenthal 5 episodios
2005 Numb3rs Peter Houseman Episodiu: "Soft Target"
2005-2006 Prison Break Governor Frank Tancredi 10 episodios
2006 Battlestar Galactica Commander Barry Garner Episodiu: "The Captain's Hand"
2007 Cavemen Tripp Episodiu: "Her Embarrassed of Caveman"
Entourage Richard Wimmer Episodiu: "Snow Job"
Episodiu: "Tequila Sunrise"
2008 My Own Worst Enemy Peter Episodiu: "Down Rio Way"
2009 The Beast Dr. Blake Episodiu: "Mercy"
2009 Southland Ben Sherman Sr. Episodiu: "See the Woman"
Episodiu: "Westside"
2010 Gravity B.C. Episodiu: "Namaste MF"
Episodiu: "Damn Skippy"
Episodiu: "Are We All Just Dead?"
2011 The Chicago Code Mayor McGuinness Episodiu: "St. Valentine's Day Massacre"
Episodiu: "Mike Royko's Revenge"
2013 Perception Congressman Evan Rickford Episodiu: "Warrior"
Episodiu: "Wounded"
2013 Adam Aporté's House Party Dregory Episodiu: "Dregory"
2013 Tim and Eric's Bedtime Stories The Lawyer
2014 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Roger Ridley Episodiu: "Love for Sale"
2014 Modern Family Gunther Thorpe Episodiu: "The Feud"
2014 Person of Interest Roger McCourt Episodiu: "Death Benefit"
2014 Mistresses Bruce Sappire Episodiu: "Coming Clean"
2014 NCIS: Los Angeles Michael Thomas Episodiu: "Inelegant Heart"
Episodiu: "Praesidium"
Episodiu: "The 3rd Choir"
2015 Lizzie Borden: The Fall River Chronicles William Almy En rodaxe


  1. Afirmao en: Gemeinsame Normdatei. Data de consulta: 15 avientu 2014. Llingua de la obra o nome: alemán. Autor: Biblioteca Nacional d'Alemaña.
  2. «John Heard, the Frazzled Father in 'Home Alone,' Dies at 71».
  3. 3,0 3,1 URL de la referencia:
  4. Afirmao en: Find a Grave. Llingua de la obra o nome: inglés.
  5. Identificador CONOR.SI: 23288163. Afirmao en: CONOR.SI.
  6. URL de la referencia:
  7. Chris Roberts (April 9, 2005) «Non Kidding». Consultáu'l 26 d'avientu de 2010.