Upton Sinclair ( 20/09/1878 - 25/11/1968 ) tir amerikaf suterotik isu seltevaf gaderopik.
Inafa gadava tir Englava. Bak 1943 gu Pulitzer Suterotafo Poradro icde Dragon's Teeth berpot zo gabler.
Blirizva | Upton Sinclair

| Koblira | 20/09/1878, Baltimore, Tanarasokeem | Awalkera | 25/11/1968, Bound Brook, Tanarasokeem | Vedeyot | Tanarasokeem | Ava | Englava | Suterind | Berpot |
| Suterot Berpot :
- In the Net of the Visconti, 1899
- A Battle with Misfortune, 1900
- Springtime and Harvest (King Midas), 1901
- The Journal of Arthur Stirling, 1903
- Prince Hagen, 1903
- Manassas, A Novel of the Civil War, 1904
- The Jungle, 1905
- A Captain of Industry, Being a Story of Civilised Man, 1906
- The Overman, 1907
- The Metropolis, 1908
- The Moneychangers, 1908
- Samuel the Seeker, 1910
- Love's Pilgrimage, 1911
- The Convict, 1912
- Sylvia, 1913
- Damaged Goods, 1913
- The Millenium, 1914
- Sylvia's Marriage, 1914
- King Coal, 1917
- The Brass Check, a study of american journalism, 1919
- Jimmie Higgins goes to War, 1918
- 100% The Story of a Patriot, 1920
- They Call Me carpenter, 1922
- Oil !, 1927
- Money Writes !, 1927
- Boston, A Contemporary Historical Novel, 1928
- Mountain City, 1929
- Roman Holiday, 1931
- The Wet Parade, 1931
- What God Means to Me : an Attempt at a Working Religion, 1936
- Co-Op, A Novel of Living Together, 1936
- The Gnomobile, 1936
- The Flivver King, 1937
- No Pasaran ! (They Shall Not Pass !), 1937
- Little Steel, 1938
- Our Lady, 1938
- Another Pamela or The True Vertue Still Rewarted, 1950
- What Didymus Did, 1954
- Theirs be the Guilt, 1959
- Affectionately Eve, 1961
- The Coal War, 1976
- Lanny Budd berpottum :
- World's End, 1940
- Between Two Worlds, 1941
- Dragon's Teeth, 1942
- Wide is the Gate, 1943
- Presidential Agent, 1944
- Dragon Harvest, 1945
- A World to Win, 1946
- Presidential Mission, 1947
- One Clear Call, 1948
- O Shepherd, Speak !, 1949
- The Return of Lanny Budd, 1953
Wenyaxa :
- The Jungle, 1906
- The Second-Story Man, 1909
- Prince Hagen, 1909
- John D. An Adventure, 1910
- The Machin, 1911
- Plays of Protest, 1912
- Hell, A Verse Drama and Photo-Play, 1923
- The Millenium : a Comedy of the Year 2000, 1924
- The Pot-Boiler, 1924
- Singing Jailbirds, 1924
- Bill Porter : a Drama of the Prison Life of O. Henry, 1925
- Oil !, 1927
- Marie-Antoinette, 1939
- A Giant Strength, 1948
- The Enemy had it Too, 1950