Edinburqlu Mariya

Edinburqlu Mariya
ing. Marie of Edinburgh
Şəxsi məlumatlar
Doğum tarixi 29 oktyabr 1875(1875-10-29)[1][2][…]
Doğum yeri
Vəfat tarixi 18 iyul 1938(1938-07-18)[2] (62 yaşında)
Vəfat yeri
Vəfat səbəbi qaraciyər sirrozu
Dəfn yeri
  • Kurtya-de-Ardjeş kafedralı[d]
Fəaliyyəti gündəlik yazıçısı[d], tibb bacısı, incəsənət xadimi
Ailəsi Vindzorlar sülaləsi
Dini Anqlikan kilsəsi, Rumın Pravoslav Kilsəsi[3][4][…], Bəhailik[5][6][…]

İmzanın şəkli
Vikianbarın loqosu Vikianbarda əlaqəli mediafayllar

Edinburqlu Mariya Aleksandra Viktoriya (ing. Marie Alexandra Victoria of Edinburgh) və ya Rumıniyalı Mariya (rum. Maria a României; 29 oktyabr 1875[1][2][…], İstuell-Park[d], Kent qraflığı18 iyul 1938[2], Peleș qəsri[d]) — Britaniya şahzadəsi, Alfred Sakskoburqqotskinin və böyük knyaginya Mariya Aleksandrovnanın qızı. Atası tərəfindən kraliça Viktoriyanın, anası tərəfindən imperator II Aleksandrın nəvəsidir. Rumıniyanın sonuncu kraliçası olmuşdur.


Mariya 29 oktyabr 1875-ci ildə İngiltərənin Kent qraflığında, İstuell-Parkda anadan olmuşdur. 1893-cü ildə Rumıniya taxtının varisi şahzadə Ferdinandla evlənmişdir. O, 1914-cü ildə atası I Karolun ölümündən sonra taxta çıxmışdır. Onların altı övladı olmuşdur. Birinci Dünya müharibəsi illərində Mariya Qızıl Xaç və digər xeyriyyə təşkilatlarında fədakar əməyi ilə Rumıniya xalqının hörmətini qazanmışdı. 1927-ci ildə həyat yoldaşının ölümündən sonra yeganə hökmdar kraliça olmuş, bundan sonra aktiv siyasətdən uzaqlaşmışdır. Mariya 18 iyul 1938-ci ildə Rumıniyanın Sinaya şəhərində vəfat etmişdir.[7]



  • The Lily of Life (1912)
  • The Dreamer of Dreams (1913)
  • Ilderim (1915)
  • Four Seasons. Out of a Man’s Life (1915)
  • The Naughty Queen (1916)
  • The Stealers of Light. A legend (1916)
  • My Country (1916); enlarged as The Country That I Love: An Exile's Memories (1925)
  • Roumania Yesterday and To-day, by Winifred Gordon (1918) [1st chapter by Queen Marie]
  • The Story of Naughty Kildeen (1922)
  • Ode to Roumania (1923)
  • Why?: A Story of Great Longing (1923)
  • The Queen of Roumania's Fairy Book (1925)
  • The Voice on the Mountain: A Story for Those Who Understand (1926)
  • The Lost Princess: A Fairy Tale (1927)
  • The Magic Doll of Roumania (1929)
  • The Story of My Life (3 vol., 1934–1935)
  • Masks (1937)
  • Later Chapters of My Life: The Lost Journal of Queen Marie of Romania (2004)



  • "A Robin Redbreast’s Carol", The Lady's Realm, January 1903


  • "Byzantine Princess Song" (1933)


  • "What the River Says", The Lady's Realm, November 1899
  • "Romantic Rumania", The Saturday Evening Post, 7 December 1918
  • "A Queen Looks at Life", North American Newspaper Alliance, June 1925 [syndicated series]
  • "A Queen Talks About Love", Cosmopolitan, September 1925
  • "The Intimate Thoughts of a Queen Facing Fifty", Cosmopolitan, October 1925
  • "Foreword", Art and Archeology, January 1926
  • "At Grand-Mama’s Court", McCall's, March 1926
  • "My Impressions of America", North American Newspaper Alliance, 21 October – 4 December 1926 [14-part syndicated series]
  • "The Story of My Life", The Saturday Evening Post, 16 December 1933–3 February 1934 [8 parts]
  • "My Life as a Crown Princess", The Saturday Evening Post, 14 April – 16 June 1934 [8 parts; not in 12 may 9 June]
  • "My Mission: I. In Paris", The Cornhill Magazine, October 1939
  • "My Mission: II. At Buckingham Palace", The Cornhill Magazine, November 1939
  • "My Mission: III. Paris Again", The Cornhill Magazine, December 1939


  • A Biographer's Notebook, by Hector Bolitho (1950)
  • Queen Mary of Romania: Letters to Her King (2015)
  • Queen Marie of Romania: Letters to Her Mother (2 vol., 2016)


Əlavə ədəbiyyat

  • Aronson, Theo. Grandmama of Europe. London: Cassell. 1973. ISBN 0-304-29063-7.
  • Botoran, Constantin; Moisuc, Viorica. România la Conferința de Pace de la Paris (rumın). Cluj-Napoca: Dacia. 1983. OL 18196100M.
  • Ciubotaru, Ștefania. Viața Cotidiană la Curtea Regală a României (rumın). Bucharest: Cartex. 2011. ISBN 978-606-8023-13-7.
  • Crawford, Donald. The Last Tsar: Emperor Michael II. Edinburgh: Murray McLellan Limited. 2011. ISBN 978-0-9570091-1-0.
  • Daggett, Mabel Potter. Marie of Roumania. New York: George H. Doran & Co. 1926. OCLC 1075530.
  • Duca, Ion G. Amintiri Politice. Bucharest: Humanitas. 1981. ISBN 978-973-28-0183-3.
  • Dună, Raluca. "'Memory, Though, is as Strong as Hope'. Queen Marie of Romania and her War Literature". Philologica Jassyensia. Iași. year XVII, nr. 1 (33). 2021: 81–93. ISSN 2247-8353.
  • Easterman, Alexander Levvey. King Carol, Hitler and Lupescu. London: V. Gollancz Ltd. 1942. OCLC 4769487.
  • Eilers, Marlene A. Queen Victoria's Descendants. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company. 1987. ISBN 0-8063-1202-5.
  • Elsberry, Terence. Marie of Romania. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1972. OCLC 613611.
  • Gauthier, Guy. Missy, Regina României (rumın). Bucharest: Humanitas. 2010. ISBN 978-973-50-2621-9.
  • Gelardi, Julia. Born to Rule. London: St. Martin's Griffin. 2005. ISBN 978-0-312-32423-0.
  • Giurescu, Constantin C. Istoria României în date (rumın). Bucharest: Editura Enciclopedică. 1972. OCLC 637298400.
  • Horedt, Kurt. Contribuţii la istoria Transilvaniei în secolele IV-XIII (rumın). Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Romîne. 1958.
  • Hupchik, Dennis. Conflict and Chaos in Eastern Europe. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 1995. ISBN 978-0-312-12116-7.
  • Mandache, Diana. "The Marriage of Princess Marie of Edinburgh and Ferdinand, the Crown Prince of Romania". Royalty Digest. 10 (119). May 2001: 333–38. ISSN 0967-5744.
  • Mandache, Diana. Later Chapters of My Life: The Lost Memoir of Queen Marie of Romania. Gloucestershire: Sutton. 2011a. ISBN 978-0-7509-3691-0.
  • Marcus, Della. Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá'í Faith. Oxford: George Ronald. 2000. ISBN 0-85398-442-5.
  • Marghiloman, Alexandru. Note politice, 1897–1924. Bucharest: Institutul de Arte Grafice "Eminescu". 1927. OCLC 23540746.
  • Maria Pavlovna of Russia. A Princess in Exile. New York: Viking. 1932. OCLC 1372354.
  • Marie, Queen of Romania. Povestea Vieții Mele (rumın). 1. Iași: Moldova. 1990. ISBN 973-9032-01-X.
  • Marie, Queen of Romania. Povestea Vieții Mele (rumın). 2. Bucharest: Eminescu. 1991. ISBN 973-22-0214-9.
  • Marie, Queen of Romania. Povestea Vieții Mele (rumın). 3. Bucharest: Eminescu. 1991. ISBN 973-22-0215-7.
  • Marie, Queen of Romania. Însemnări Zilnice. Bucharest: Albatros. 2004. ISBN 978-973-24-0323-5.
  • Morris, Constance Lily. On Tour with Queen Marie. New York: Robert M. McBride & Co. 1927. OCLC 2048943.
  • Nadelhoffer, Hans. Cartier. London: Chronicle Books. 2007. ISBN 978-0-8118-6099-4.
  • Pakula, Hannah. The Last Romantic. New York: Simon and Schuster. 1984. ISBN 0-671-46364-0.
  • Pope-Hennessy, James. Queen Mary, 1867–1953. London: G. Allen and Unwin. 1959. OCLC 1027299.
  • Rattigan, Frank. Diversions of a Diplomat. London: Chapman and Hall Ltd. 1924. OCLC 11319209.
  • Saint-Aulaire, Auguste Félix de Beaupoil, Count of. Confession d'un Vieux Diplomate (fransız). Paris: Flammarion. 1953. OCLC 3450664.
  • Sullivan, Michael John. A Fatal Passion: The Story of the Uncrowned Last Empress of Russia. New York: Random House. 1997. ISBN 0-679-42400-8.
  • Van der Kiste, John. Princess Victoria Melita. Gloucestershire: Sutton. 1991. ISBN 0-7509-3469-7.
  • Veiga, Francisco. Istoria Gărzii de Fier 1919–1941, Mistica Ultranaționalismului. Bucharest: Humanitas. 1995. ISBN 978-973-28-0392-9.
  • Wolbe, Eugen. Ferdinand I Întemeietorul României Mari. Bucharest: Humanitas. 2004. ISBN 978-973-50-0755-3.
  • Cristescu, Sorin. Queen Marie of Romania and Colonel Boyle. Confessions. Bucharest: Tritonic. 2017. ISBN 978-606-749-210-1.
  • Cristescu, Sorin. Queen Marie of Romania. Confessions, February 1914 - March 1927. Bucharest: Tritonic. 2018. ISBN 978-606-749-296-5.
  • Cristescu, Sorin. Queen Marie of Romania - Letters to Her King. Bucharest: Tritonic. 2015. ISBN 978-606-749-102-9.
  • Cristescu, Sorin. Queen Marie of Romania - Letters to Her Mother, vol. I: 1901 -1906. Bucharest: Tritonic. 2016. ISBN 978-606-749-145-6.
  • Cristescu, Sorin. Queen Marie of Romania - Letters to Her Mother, vol. II: 1907 -1920. Bucharest: Tritonic. 2016. ISBN 978-606-749-153-1.
  • Mandache, Diana. Dearest Missy. The Letters of Marie Alexandrovna, Grand Duchess of Russia, Duchess of Edinburgh and of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and of her daughter, Marie, Crown Princess of Romania, 1879-1900. Falköping: Rosvall. 2011b. ISBN 978-91-975671-7-6.
  • Mandache, Diana. My Dear Mama. The Letters of Marie, Crown Princess of Romania, and of her mother, Marie Alexandrovna, Grand Duchess of Russia, Duchess of Edinburgh and of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, 1901-1910. Falköping: Rosvall. 2023.
  • Zimmermann, Silvia Irina. The Child of the Sun: Royal Fairy Tales and Essays by the Queens of Romania, Elisabeth (Carmen Sylva, 1843-1916) and Marie (1875-1938). Stuttgart: Ibidem. 2020. ISBN 978-3-8382-1393-4.

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