۱۹۴۰-جی ایلده برزیل
بۇ مقاله ۱۹۴۰-جی ایلینده برزیلده اؤنملی باش وئرن حادیثهلر، دوْغوملار و اؤلوملر باخیر.
- پرزیدنت: Getúlio Vargas
- ۱۵ مه، Orange Free State، بستهکار
- ۱۹ مه، Carlos Diegues
- ۲۳ ژوئن، Sérgio Reis، شارکیچی، اویونچو
- ۲۱ ژوئیه، Manolo Cadenas، سیاستچی
- ۲۳ سپتامبر، Michael Heltau، سیاستچی
- ۲۱ اوْکتوبر، ۲۳ October، Pelé، فوتبالیست
|title=Pelé : the autobiography |author=Pelé |author2=Duarte, Orlando |author3=Bellos, Alex |year=2006 ]] UK Ltd |location=London |isbn=978-0-7432-7582-8 |page=14 |url=http://books.simonandschuster.com.au/Pele-The-Autobiography/Pele/9781416511212/excerpt_with_id/6070 |accessdate=2 October 2010 |quote=Shortly before I came along, there was another arrival in Três Corações: electricity. In order to celebrate this great improvement to our daily lives, Dondinho named me Edson, a tribute to Thomas Edison, the inventor of the lightbulb. In fact, on my birth certificate I am actually called Edison with an 'i', a mistake that persists to this day. I'm Edson with no 'i', but to my eternal annoyance quite often the 'i' appears on official or personal documents and time after time I have to explain why. As if that wasn't confusing enough, they got the date wrong on my birth certificate as well – it says 21 October. I'm not sure how this came about; probably because in Brazil we're not so fussy about accuracy. This is another mistake that carries on to this day. When I took out my first passport, the date was put in as 21 October and each time I have renewed it the date has stayed the same.
} </ref>
- ۲۹ ژانویه، Paulo Ribenboim
- ۸ نووامبر، Evandro Chagas، دوکتور، بیلیم اینسانی
- date unknown - Manuel F. Araujo, actor (born 1880 in Brazil)