Партия „Алианс на либералите и демократите за Европа“ (АЛДЕ; на английски: Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party) е европейска политическа партия, включваща около 60 либерални партии, главно от страните от Европейския съюз.
. Независими депутати в Европейския парламент (19)
Предишни парламентарни групи
Националисти / Крайнодесни
. Европейски десни (1984–89)
. Европейски десни (1989–94)
. Идентичност, традиция, суверенитет (2007)
National Conservatives
. European Democratic Union (1965–1973)
. European Progressive Democrats (1973–1984)
. European Democratic Alliance (1984–1995)
. Union for Europe (1995–1999)
. Union for Europe of the Nations (1999–2009)
Christian Democrats / Conservatives
. Christian Democrats (1953–1979)
. European People's Party (1979–1999)
. European Conservatives (1973–1979)
. European Democrats (1979–1992)
. Forza Europa (1994–1995)
. European People's Party–European Democrats (1999–2009)
Liberals / Centrists
. Liberals and Allies (1953–1976)
. Liberals and Democrats (1976–1985)
. Liberal and Democratic Reformist Group (1985–1994)
. European Radical Alliance (1994–1999)
. European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party (1994–2004)
Social Democrats
. Socialists (1953–1993)
. Party of European Socialists (1993-2009)
Communists / Far-Left
. Communists and Allies (1973–1989)
. European United Left (1989–93)
. Left Unity (1989–1994)
. European United Left (1994–95)
Greens / Regionalists
. Rainbow Group (1984–89)
. Rainbow Group (1989–94)
. Greens (1989–1999)
. Europe of Nations (1994–1996)
. Independents for a Europe of Nations (1996–1999)
. Europe of Democracies and Diversities (1999–2004)
. Independence/Democracy (2004–2009)