Edith Wharton

Edith Wharton, ganet Edith Newbold Jones e New York d'ar 24 a viz Genver 1862 ha marvet e Saint-Brice-sous-Forêt (hiriv e Val-d'Oise) d'an 11 a viz Eost 1937, zo ur romantourez stadunanat.
He buhez
Trede bugel George Frederic ha Lucretia Jones e oa Edith Newbold Jones ; daou vreur koshoc'h he doa.
Ganet e voe e-kerzh ar Brezel-diabarzh ; tri bloaz e oa pa oa echuet ; goude ar brezel ez eas an tiegezh da veajiñ dre Europa ma teskas Edith komz galleg, alamaneg hag italianeg. Bet e oa o chom e Pariz, e Bad Wildbad en Alamagn hag e Firenze. E 1874 e tistrojont da New York.
E 1907 ez eas da Bariz da chom. Daremprediñ a reas skrivagnerien c'hall evel Paul Bourget, Jacques-Émile Blanche, Anna de Noailles, André Gide.
- The Touchstone, 1900 (novella)
- The Valley of Decision, 1902
- Sanctuary, 1903 (novella)
- The House of Mirth, 1905
- Madame de Treymes, 1907 (novella)
- The Fruit of the Tree, 1907
- Ethan Frome, 1911 (novella)
- The Reef, 1912
- The Custom of the Country, 1913
- Bunner Sisters, 1916 (novella)
- Summer, 1917
- The Marne, 1918
- The Age of Innocence, 1920 (Priz Pulitzer )
- The Glimpses of the Moon, 1922
- A Son at the Front, 1923
- Old New York: False Dawn, The Old Maid, The Spark, New Year's Day, 1924 (danevelloù hir)
- The Mother's Recompense, 1925
- Twilight Sleep, 1927
- The Children, 1928
- Hudson River Bracketed, 1929
- The Gods Arrive, 1932
- The Buccaneers, 1938 (diechu)
- Fast and Loose: A Novelette, 1938 (skrivet e 1876–1877)
- Verses, 1878
- Artemis to Actaeon and Other Verse, 1909
- Twelve Poems, 1926
Dastumadoù danevelloù
- The Greater Inclination, 1899, includes Souls Belated.
- Crucial Instances, 1901
- The Descent of Man and Other Stories, 1904
- The Hermit and the Wild Woman and Other Stories, 1908
- Tales of Men and Ghosts, 1910
- Xingu and Other Stories, 1916
- Old New York, 1924
- Here and Beyond, 1926
- Certain People, 1930
- Human Nature, 1933
- The World Over, 1936
- Ghosts, 1937
- Roman Fever and Other Stories, 1964
- "Madame de Treymes and Others: Four Novelettes", 1970
- "The Ghost Stories of Edith Wharton", 1973
- "The New York Stories of Edith Wharton", 2007
- The Decoration of Houses, 1897
- Italian Villas and Their Gardens, 1904
- Italian Backgrounds, 1905
- A Motor-Flight Through France, 1908 (travel)
- Fighting France, from Dunkerque to Belfort, 1915 (war)
- French Ways and Their Meaning, 1919
- In Morocco, 1920 (travel)
- The Writing of Fiction, 1925 (essays on writing)
- A Backward Glance, 1934 (autobiography)
- Edith Wharton: The Uncollected Critical Writings, Edited by Frederick Wegener, 1996
- Edith Wharton Abroad: Selected Travel Writings, 1888–1920, 1995, Edited by Sarah Bird Wright
Evel embannerez
- The Book of the Homeless, 1916