Reuben Fine
Reuben Fine a zo bet ganet d'an 11 a viz Here 1914 e New York (SUA) ha marvet d'an 26 a viz Meurzh 1993 e New York (SUA).
Psikologour, skrivagnour ha mestrc'hoarier echedoù eus SUA. Unan eus gwellañ c'hoarierion ar bed e-doug ar bloavezhioù 1930. Skrivañ a reas meur a levr echedoù chomet brudet betek bremañ. Goude an Eil brezel bed e studias psikologouriezh: meur a levr a voe skrivet gantañ war an dachenn-mañ.
Oberennoù skrivet
- Reuben Fine, Les idées cachées dans les ouvertures d'échecs, Embannadurioù Payot, Pariz ;
- Reuben Fine, Dr. Lasker's chess career, 1935 ;
- Reuben Fine, Basic chess endings, 1941 ;
- Reuben Fine, Chess marches on, 1946 ;
- Reuben Fine, The ideas behind the chess openings, 1955 ;
- Reuben Fine, Lessons from my games, 1958 ;
- Reuben Fine, Freud, a critical re-evaluation of his theories, 1962 ;
- Reuben Fine, The psychology of the chess player, 1967 ;
- Reuben Fine, The healing of the mind, 1971 ;
- Reuben Fine, The development of Freud's thought, 1973 ;
- Reuben Fine, Bobby Fischer's conquest of the world's chess championship, 1973 ;
- Reuben Fine, Psychoanalytic psychology, 1975 ;
- Reuben Fine, The world's great chess games, 1976;
- Reuben Fine, A history of psychoanalysis, 1979 ;
- Reuben Fine, The psychoanalytic vision, 1981 ;
- Reuben Fine, The logic of psychology, 1983 ;
- Reuben Fine, The meaning of love in human experience, 1985 ;
- Reuben Fine, Narcissism, the self, and society, 1986 ;
- Reuben Fine, The forgotten man, 1987 .
Ul levr diwar e benn
- Aidan Woodger, Reuben Fine: A Comprehensive Record of an American Chess Career, 1929-1951, McFarland & Company, Inc. Publishers, Jefferson 2004.