ERG (gen)
ERG ili ETS-srodni gen jest ljudski onkogen sa hromosoma 21.[5][6][7] ERG je član porodice ETS (erythroblast transformation-specific) transkripcijskih faktora.[8] Gen ERG kodira protein, koji se također naziva ERG, koji funkcionira kao regulator transkripcije. Geni u porodici ETS regulišu razvoj embrija, proliferaciju i diferencijaciju ćelija, te angiogenezu, upale i apoptoze.
Aminokiselinska sekvenca
Dužina polipeptidnog lanca je 486 aminokiselina, a molekulska težina 54.608 Da.[6][8]
10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | ||||
Transkripcijski regulator ERG je jedarni protein koji vezuje purinom bogate sekvence DNK.[9][10] Transkripcijski regulator ERG neophodan je za adheziju trombocita na subendotelu i regulira hematopoezu. Ima DNK vezujući domen i PNT (šiljasti) domen.[8] ERG je eksprimiraniji na višim nivoima u ranim mijelocitima nego u zrelim limfocitima (tipovi bijelih krvnih zrnaca). Stoga, ERG može djelovati kao regulator diferencijacije ranih hematopoetskih ćelija.[11]
Mutacija Mld2, generirana putem ENU mutageneze, bila je prvi nefunkcionalni alel Erg. Homozigotni Mld2 je embrionski smrtonosan na dan 13,5. Odrasli heterozigotni miševi za mutaciju Mld2 imaju defekte hematopoetskih matičnih ćelija.[12] To znači da kada gen ERG nije bio aktivno transkribiran i proizveden ERG protein, hematopoetske ćelije miša nisu mogle pravilno funkcionirati. Budući da je ERG važan za sposobnost hematopoetskih ćelija da funkcionišu i samoobnavljaju, može biti primijenjen u korištenju krvnih matičnih ćelija za popravak tkiva, transplantaciju i druge terapijske primjene.[13]
Ovaj gen se može klasifikovati kao protoonkogen. Tokom hromosomskih translokacija koje se dešavaju u diobi ćelija, ERG se može slučajno zaglaviti na drugom hromosomu od onoga kojem pripada. Ovo je analogno drugoj translokaciji, filadelfija hromosomu. To rezultira proizvodima fuzije gena, što može imati loše posljedice za ćelije. Primjeri ovih proizvoda fuzije gena bili bi TMPRSS2-ERG i NDRG1-ERG kod raka prostate, EWS-ERG kod Ewingovog sarkoma i FUS-ERG kod akutne mijeloidne leukemije.[14] DNK vezujući protein ERG spaja se sa proteinima koji vezuju RNK Ewingovog sarkoma i TLS/FUS kod Ewingovog sarkoma i akutne mijeloidne leukemije i funkcionišu kao aktivatori transkripcije.[15][16] ERG and its fusion proteins EWS-ERG and TLS/FUS-ERG inhibit apoptosis.[17] Morfolino oligonukleotidi koji mijenjaju preradu korišteni su da induciraju preskakanje egzona 4 u ćelijskim linijama raka prostate, modelima miša i tkivu kulture eksplantata, što dovodi do efekata protiv raka, uključujući smanjenje proliferaciju i indukciju apoptoze.[18]
Fuzija gena TMPRSS2
ERG se može spojiti sa proteinom TMPRSS2, kako bi se formirao onkogeni fuzijski gen koji se obično nalazi u ljudskom karcinomu prostate, posebno u hormonsko-refraktornom karcinomu prostate. Ovo sugerira da prekomjerna ekspresija ERG može doprinijeti razvoju androgene nezavisnosti kod raka prostate, putem prekida signalizacije androgenih receptora.[19] Fuzijski gen je kritičan za napredovanje raka jer inhibira ekspresiju androgenih receptora a veže i inhibira androgene receptore koji su već prisutni u ćeliji. U suštini fuzija TMPRSS2-ERG remeti sposobnost ćelija da se diferenciraju u prave ćelije prostate, stvarajući neregulirano i neorganizirano tkivo.[19] U 90% karcinoma prostate koji prekomerno eksprimiraju ERG, oni takođe poseduju fuzijski protein TMPRSS2-ERG, što sugerira da je ova fuzija preovlađujući podtip raka prostate.[20]
Fuzija gena EWS
Ewingov sarkom je povezan s hromosomskim translokacijama, što obično rezultira fuzijom gena s transkripcijskim regulatorima. To znači da bi se transkribirani protein mogao proizvesti u višku ili nedostatku, što rezultira neprirodnom aktivnošću u ćelijama. Obično je ovo prvi korak u progresiji ćelije u malignost. U oko 10% slučajeva Ewingovog sarkoma ima fuziju EWS1-ERG.[8]
Fuzija sa TLS/FUS
Kod akutne mijeloidne leukemije, translokacija t(16;21) kod mijeloidne leukemije spaja TLS/FUS sa ERG što narušava prirodnu TLS/FUS RNK vezujući domen i umjesto toga ubacuje ERG DNK vezujući domen.[21]
Pokazalo se da ERG ima interakcije sa:
- ^ a b c GRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000157554 - Ensembl, maj 2017
- ^ a b c GRCm38: Ensembl release 89: ENSMUSG00000040732 - Ensembl, maj 2017
- ^ "Human PubMed Reference:". National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine.
- ^ "Mouse PubMed Reference:". National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine.
- ^ Reddy ES, Rao VN, Papas TS (Sep 1987). "The erg gene: a human gene related to the ets oncogene". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 84 (17): 6131–5. Bibcode:1987PNAS...84.6131R. doi:10.1073/pnas.84.17.6131. PMC 299022. PMID 3476934.
- ^ a b Rao VN, Papas TS, Reddy ES (Aug 1987). "erg, a human ets-related gene on chromosome 21: alternative splicing, polyadenylation, and translation". Science. 237 (4815): 635–9. Bibcode:1987Sci...237..635R. doi:10.1126/science.3299708. PMID 3299708.
- ^ Rao VN, Modi WS, Drabkin HD, Patterson D, O'Brien SJ, Papas TS, Reddy ES (Nov 1988). "The human erg gene maps to chromosome 21, band q22: relationship to the 8; 21 translocation of acute myelogenous leukemia". Oncogene. 3 (5): 497–500. PMID 3274086.
- ^ a b c d "ERG ETS transcription factor ERG [Homo sapiens (Human)] - Gene - NCBI".
- ^ Reddy ES, Rao VN (Dec 1991). "erg, an ets-related gene, codes for sequence-specific transcriptional activators". Oncogene. 6 (12): 2285–9. PMID 1766675.
- ^ Siddique HR, Rao VN, Lee L, Reddy ES (Jul 1993). "Characterization of the DNA binding and transcriptional activation domains of the erg protein". Oncogene. 8 (7): 1751–5. PMID 8510921.
- ^ Murakami K, Mavrothalassitis G, Bhat NK, Fisher RJ, Papas TS (Jun 1993). "Human ERG-2 protein is a phosphorylated DNA-binding protein--a distinct member of the ets family". Oncogene. 8 (6): 1559–66. PMID 8502479.
- ^ Loughran SJ, Kruse EA, Hacking DF, de Graaf CA, Hyland CD, Willson TA, Henley KJ, Ellis S, Voss AK, Metcalf D, Hilton DJ, Alexander WS, Kile BT (Jul 2008). "The transcription factor Erg is essential for definitive hematopoiesis and the function of adult hematopoietic stem cells". Nature Immunology. 9 (7): 810–9. doi:10.1038/ni.1617. PMID 18500345. S2CID 205361508.
- ^ Taoudi S, Bee T, Hilton A, Knezevic K, Scott J, Willson TA, Collin C, Thomas T, Voss AK, Kile BT, Alexander WS, Pimanda JE, Hilton DJ (Feb 2011). "ERG dependence distinguishes developmental control of hematopoietic stem cell maintenance from hematopoietic specification". Genes & Development. 25 (3): 251–62. doi:10.1101/gad.2009211. PMC 3034900. PMID 21245161.
- ^ "Gene Cards".
- ^ a b Ohno T, Ouchida M, Lee L, Gatalica Z, Rao VN, Reddy ES (Oct 1994). "The EWS gene, involved in Ewing family of tumors, malignant melanoma of soft parts and desmoplastic small round cell tumors, codes for an RNA binding protein with novel regulatory domains". Oncogene. 9 (10): 3087–97. PMID 8084618.
- ^ a b Prasad DD, Ouchida M, Lee L, Rao VN, Reddy ES (Dec 1994). "TLS/FUS fusion domain of TLS/FUS-erg chimeric protein resulting from the t(16;21) chromosomal translocation in human myeloid leukemia functions as a transcriptional activation domain". Oncogene. 9 (12): 3717–29. PMID 7970732.
- ^ Yi H, Fujimura Y, Ouchida M, Prasad DD, Rao VN, Reddy ES (Mar 1997). "Inhibition of apoptosis by normal and aberrant Fli-1 and erg proteins involved in human solid tumors and leukemias". Oncogene. 14 (11): 1259–68. doi:10.1038/sj.onc.1201099. PMID 9178886.
- ^ Li L, Hobson L, Perry L, Clark B, Heavey S, Haider A, et al. (25. 6. 2020). "Targeting the ERG oncogene with splice-switching oligonucleotides as a novel therapeutic strategy in prostate cancer". British Journal of Cancer. 123 (6): 1024–1032. doi:10.1038/s41416-020-0951-2. PMC 7493922. PMID 32581342. S2CID 220049871.
- ^ a b c Yu J, Yu J, Mani RS, Cao Q, Brenner CJ, Cao X, Wang X, Wu L, Li J, Hu M, Gong Y, Cheng H, Laxman B, Vellaichamy A, Shankar S, Li Y, Dhanasekaran SM, Morey R, Barrette T, Lonigro RJ, Tomlins SA, Varambally S, Qin ZS, Chinnaiyan AM (maj 2010). "An integrated network of androgen receptor, polycomb, and TMPRSS2-ERG gene fusions in prostate cancer progression". Cancer Cell. 17 (5): 443–54. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2010.03.018. PMC 2874722. PMID 20478527.
- ^ Tomlins SA, Laxman B, Varambally S, Cao X, Yu J, Helgeson BE, Cao Q, Prensner JR, Rubin MA, Shah RB, Mehra R, Chinnaiyan AM (2008). "Role of the TMPRSS2-ERG gene fusion in prostate cancer". Neoplasia. 10 (2): 177–88. doi:10.1593/neo.07822. PMC 2244693. PMID 18283340.
- ^ Ichikawa H, Shimizu K, Hayashi Y, Ohki M (Jun 1994). "An RNA-binding protein gene, TLS/FUS, is fused to ERG in human myeloid leukemia with t(16;21) chromosomal translocation". Cancer Research. 54 (11): 2865–8. PMID 8187069.
- ^ Verger A, Buisine E, Carrère S, Wintjens R, Flourens A, Coll J, Stéhelin D, Duterque-Coquillaud M (maj 2001). "Identification of amino acid residues in the ETS transcription factor Erg that mediate Erg-Jun/Fos-DNA ternary complex formation" (PDF). The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 276 (20): 17181–9. doi:10.1074/jbc.M010208200. PMID 11278640. S2CID 32288807.
- ^ Basuyaux JP, Ferreira E, Stéhelin D, Butticè G (Oct 1997). "The Ets transcription factors interact with each other and with the c-Fos/c-Jun complex via distinct protein domains in a DNA-dependent and -independent manner". The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 272 (42): 26188–95. doi:10.1074/jbc.272.42.26188. PMID 9334186.
- ^ Wang S, Kollipara R, Srivastava N, Li R, Ravindranathan P, Hernandez E, Freeman E, Humphries C, Kapur P, Lotan Y, Fazli L, Gleave M, Plymate S, Raj G, Hsieh J, Kittler R (Mar 2014). "Ablation of the oncogenic transcription factor ERG by deubiquitinase inhibition in prostate cancer". Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 111 (11): 4251–56. Bibcode:2014PNAS..111.4251W. doi:10.1073/pnas.1322198111. PMC 3964108. PMID 24591637.
Dopunska literatura
- Yi H, Fujimura Y, Ouchida M, Prasad DD, Rao VN, Reddy ES (Mar 1997). "Inhibition of apoptosis by normal and aberrant Fli-1 and erg proteins involved in human solid tumors and leukemias". Oncogene. 14 (11): 1259–68. doi:10.1038/sj.onc.1201099. PMID 9178886.
- Rao VN, Papas TS, Reddy ES (Aug 1987). "erg, a human ets-related gene on chromosome 21: alternative splicing, polyadenylation, and translation". Science. 237 (4815): 635–9. Bibcode:1987Sci...237..635R. doi:10.1126/science.3299708. PMID 3299708.
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- Ichikawa H, Shimizu K, Hayashi Y, Ohki M (Jun 1994). "An RNA-binding protein gene, TLS/FUS, is fused to ERG in human myeloid leukemia with t(16;21) chromosomal translocation". Cancer Research. 54 (11): 2865–8. PMID 8187069.
- Prasad DD, Rao VN, Lee L, Reddy ES (Feb 1994). "Differentially spliced erg-3 product functions as a transcriptional activator". Oncogene. 9 (2): 669–73. PMID 8290279.
- Duterque-Coquillaud M, Niel C, Plaza S, Stehelin D (Jul 1993). "New human erg isoforms generated by alternative splicing are transcriptional activators". Oncogene. 8 (7): 1865–73. PMID 8510931.
- Basuyaux JP, Ferreira E, Stéhelin D, Butticè G (Oct 1997). "The Ets transcription factors interact with each other and with the c-Fos/c-Jun complex via distinct protein domains in a DNA-dependent and -independent manner". The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 272 (42): 26188–95. doi:10.1074/jbc.272.42.26188. PMID 9334186.
- Carrère S, Verger A, Flourens A, Stehelin D, Duterque-Coquillaud M (Jun 1998). "Erg proteins, transcription factors of the Ets family, form homo, heterodimers and ternary complexes via two distinct domains". Oncogene. 16 (25): 3261–8. doi:10.1038/sj.onc.1201868. PMID 9681824.
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Vanjski linkovi
- ERG protein, human na US National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
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