Genetička genealogija

Genetička genealogija je upotreba analize DNK u kombinaciji s tradicijskom analizom rodoslova i tradicijskim genealoškim i historijskim zapisima po kojima se mogu zaključiti odnosi između pojedinaca. Genetička genealogija uključuje upotrebu genealoškog testiranja DNK da se utvrdi razina i pravac genetičkih odnosa između uključenih osoba. Ova aplikacija genetike postala je popularna među porodičnim historičarima, u prvoj dekadi 21. stoljeća, kada su testovi postali pristupačni. Testove su promovirale amaterske grupe, kao što su prezimena studiranih grupa ili regionalne genealoške grupe, te istraživački projekti, kao što je Genografski projekt. Od 2013. godine, bilo je testirano na stotine hiljada ljudi. Kako se ovo polje razvijalo, ciljevi praktičara su prošireni, sa traženjem mnogih podataka o precima, izvan proteklog stoljeća za koje se može rekonstruirati tradicijski pedigre.[1][2]

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[3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]

[15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28]

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  1. ^ Carmichael, Terrence; Alexander Ivanof Kuklin; Ed Grotjan (2000). How to DNA Test Our Family Relationships. Mountain View, CA: AceN Press. ISBN 978-0-9664027-1-1.CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link) Early book on adoptions, paternity and other relationship testing. Carmichael is a founder of GeneTree.
  2. ^ Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca; Paolo Menozzi; Alberto Piazza (1994). The History and Geography of Human Genes. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-08750-4.CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
  3. ^ International Society of Genetic Genealogy (2006). "Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2006, Version: 1.24, Date: 7 June 2007". Pristupljeno 1. 7. 2013.
  4. ^ Family Tree DNA Editorial Team (2013). "Understanding Results: Y-DNA Short Tandem Repeat (STR)". Gene by Gene. Pristupljeno 1. 7. 2013.
  5. ^ Family Tree DNA Editorial Team (2013). "Understanding Results: Y-DNA Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP)". Gene by Gene. Pristupljeno 1. 7. 2013.
  6. ^ Family Tree DNA Editorial Team (2013). "Understanding Results: mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA)". Gene by Gene. Pristupljeno 1. 7. 2013.
  7. ^ "The International Society of Genetic Genealogy". Pristupljeno 1. 7. 2013.
  8. ^ [ Arhivirano 30. 5. 2013. na Wayback Machine Slavery at Jefferson's Monticello: The Paradox of Liberty, 27 January 2012 – 14 October 2012, Smithsonian Institution, accessed 23 March 2012. Quote: "The [DNA] test results show a genetic link between the Jefferson and Hemings descendants: A man with the Jefferson Y chromosome fathered Eston Hemings (born 1808). While there were other adult males with the Jefferson Y chromosome living in Virginia at that time, most historians now believe that the documentary and genetic evidence, considered together, strongly support the conclusion that [Thomas] Jefferson was the father of Sally Hemings's children."
  9. ^ "The Genographic Project: A Landmark Study of the Human Journey". National Geographic. Arhivirano s originala, 13. 11. 2006. Pristupljeno 19 Feb 2009.
  10. ^ Deboeck, Guido. "Genetic Genealogy Becomes Mainstream". BellaOnline. Pristupljeno 19 Feb 2009.
  11. ^ "DNA Clans (Y-Clan) - DNA Ancestry Analysis". Genebase. Arhivirano s originala, 3. 2. 2009. Pristupljeno 19 Feb 2009.
  12. ^ Franklin-Barbajosa, Cassandra (Oct 2004). "In the Wake of the Phoenicians: DNA study reveals a Phoenician-Maltese link". National Geographic Online. Arhivirano s originala, 26. 12. 2007. Pristupljeno 19 Feb 2009.
  13. ^ "How Big Is the Genetic Genealogy Market?". The Genetic Genealogist. Pristupljeno 19 Feb 2009.
  14. ^ " Launches new AncestryDNA Service: The Next Generation of DNA Science Poised to Enrich Family History Research" (Press release). Arhivirano s originala, 26. 5. 2013. Pristupljeno 1. 7. 2013.
  15. ^ King, TE; Jobling, MA (2009). "What's in a name? Y chromosomes, surnames and the genetic genealogy revolution". Trends in Genetics. 25 (8): 351–360. doi:10.1016/j.tig.2009.06.003. PMID 19665817.
  16. ^ Sykes, Bryan; Irven, Catherine (2000). "Surnames and the Y Chromosome". The American Journal of Human Genetics. 66 (4): 1417–1419. doi:10.1086/302850. PMC 1288207. PMID 10739766.
  17. ^ "CMMG alum launches multi-million dollar genetic testing company - Alum notes" (PDF). 17 (2). Wayne State University, School of Medicine's alumni journal. Spring 2006: 1. Arhivirano s originala (PDF), 9. 8. 2017. Pristupljeno 24 Jan 2013. journal zahtijeva |journal= (pomoć)
  18. ^ Darwin, George H. (Sep 1875). "Note on the Marriages of First Cousins". Journal of the Statistical Society of London. 38 (3): 344–348. doi:10.2307/2338771.
  19. ^ Jobling, Mark A.; Tyler-Smith, Chris (2003). "The human Y chromosome: An evolutionary marker comes of age". Nature Reviews Genetics. 4 (8): 598–612. doi:10.1038/nrg1124. PMID 12897772.
  20. ^ "National Genealogical Society Quarterly". 93 (1–4). National Genealogical Society. 2005: 248. Businessman Bennett Greenspan hoped that the approach used in the Jefferson and Cohen research would help family historians. After reaching a brick wall on his mother's surname, Nitz, he discovered and Argentine researching the same surname. Greenspan enlisted the help of a male Nitz cousin. A scientist involved in the original Cohen investigation tested the Argentine's and Greenspan's cousin's Y chromosomes. Their haplotypes matched perfectly. journal zahtijeva |journal= (pomoć)
  21. ^ Athey, Whit (2008). "Editor's Corner: A New Y-Chromosome Phylogenetic Tree" (PDF). Journal of Genetic Genealogy. 4 (1): i–ii. Arhivirano s originala (PDF), 5. 3. 2014. Pristupljeno 8. 7. 2013. Meanwhile, new SNPs are being announced or published almost every month. ISOGG’s role will be to maintain a tree that is as up-to-date as possible, allowing us to see where each new SNP fits in.
  22. ^ Belli, Anne (18. 1. 2005). "Moneymakers: Bennett Greenspan". Houston Chronicle. Pristupljeno 14. 6. 2013. Years of researching his family tree through records and documents revealed roots in Argentina, but he ran out of leads looking for his maternal great-grandfather. After hearing about new genetic testing at the University of Arizona, he persuaded a scientist there to test DNA samples from a known cousin in California and a suspected distant cousin in Buenos Aires. It was a match. But the real find was the idea for Family Tree DNA, which the former film salesman launched in early 2000 to provide the same kind of service for others searching for their ancestors.
  23. ^ Lomax, John Nova (14. 4. 2005). "Who's Your Daddy?". Houston Press. Arhivirano s originala, 28. 10. 2014. Pristupljeno 14. 6. 2013. A real estate developer and entrepreneur, Greenspan has been interested in genealogy since his preteen days.
  24. ^ Capper, Russ (15. 11. 2008). "Bennett Greenspan of". The BusinessMakers Radio Show. Arhivirano s originala, 14. 12. 2013. Pristupljeno 14. 6. 2013.
  25. ^ Dardashti, Schelly Talalay (30. 3. 2008). "When oral history meets genetics". The Jerusalem Post. Pristupljeno 14. 6. 2013. Greenspan, born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska, has been interested in genealogy from a very young age; he drew his first family tree at age 11.
  26. ^ Gibbens, Pam (april 2006). "Talk of The Town – At Familytree DNA, it's all Relative". Greater Houston Weekly / Houston Chronicle. Arhivirano s originala, 31. 8. 2013. Pristupljeno 15. 2. 2012.
  27. ^ Bradford, Nicole (24 Feb 2008). "Riding the 'genetic revolution'". Houston Business Journal. Pristupljeno 19. 6. 2013.
  28. ^ Larmuseau, Maarten (In press). "Towards a consensus Y-chromosomal phylogeny and Y-SNP set in forensics in the next-generation sequencing era". Forensic Science International: Genetics. 15: 39–42. doi:10.1016/j.fsigen.2014.11.012. Provjerite vrijednost datuma u parametru: |date= (pomoć)

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