Peter Frampton

Peter Frampton (22. april 1950. - ) jeste engleski kantautor i gitarist.
- Wind of Change (1972)
- Frampton's Camel (1973)
- Somethin's Happening (1974)
- Frampton (1975)
- Frampton Comes Alive! (1976)
- I'm in You (1977)
- Where I Should Be (1979)
- Breaking All The Rules (1981)
- Art of Control (1982)
- Premonition (1986)
- When All the Pieces Fit (1989)
- Peter Frampton (1994)
- Now (2003)
- Fingerprints (2006)
- Thank You Mr Churchill (2010)
- Coming Up For Air (producent) (2010)