John Marshall (president del Tribunal Suprem dels Estats Units)
John Marshall (1755 - 1835) va ser el quart president del Tribunal Suprem dels Estats Units (1801–1835). Les seves opinions ajudaren a servir com a base de la Llei Constitucional dels Estats Units (United States constitutional law) i van fer del Tribunal Suprem dels Estats Units (Supreme Court of the United States) una branca del govern junt amb els poders legislatius i executius. Marshall havia estat el dirigent del Federalist Party a Virgínia i va estar a la cambra de representants (United States House of Representatives) des de 1799 a 1800. Ell va ser Secretari d'Estat sota el President John Adams des de 1800 fins a 1801.
- Brockenbrough, John W., ed. Reports of Cases Decided by the Honourable John Marshall, late Chief Justice of the United States in the Circuit Court of the United States District of Virginia and North Carolina From 1802 to 1833 Inclusive in Two Volumes, (Philadelphia, 1837) Volume 1 and Volume 2 These are Marshall's decisions in the District Court, not the Supreme Court decisions. For United States Supreme Court decisions see below under Cotton and Dillon.
- Cotton, Joseph Peter, Jr., ed., The Constitutional Decisions of John Marshall in two volumes(1905) Vol. 1, Vol. 2 (New York and London).
- Dillon, John M., ed., John Marshall: The Complete Constitutional Decisions (1903, Chicago)
- Hobson, Charles F.; Perdue, Susan Holbrook; and Lovelace, Joan S., eds. The Papers of John Marshall published by University of North Carolina Press for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture; the standard scholarly edition; most recent volume: online guide Arxivat 2010-06-16 a Wayback Machine. Vol XII: Correspondence, Papers, and Selected Judicial Opinions, January 1831-July 1835, with Addendum, June 1783-January 1829. (2006) ISBN 978-0-8078-3019-2.
- Hobson, Charles F., John Marshall: Writings, Library of America, New York, 2010 (This volume collects 196 documents written between 1779 and 1835, including Marshall's most important judicial opinions, his influential rulings during the Aaron Burr treason trial, speeches, newspaper essays, and revealing letters to friends, fellow judges, and his beloved wife, Polly.) ISBN 978-1-59853-064-3 Table of Contents
- Oster, John Edward, ed., The Political and Economic Doctrines of John Marshall (1914, New York)
- Story, Joseph, Memoir of the Hon. John Marshall, LL. D., Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States In Joseph Story's Miscellaneous Writings, pp 183–200. An expanded version Life, Character, and Services of Chief Justice John Marshall A Discourse Pronounced October 15, 1835 At the Request of the Suffolk Bar in the second edition of Story's Miscellaneous Writings pp 639–697.
- Story, Joseph, ed., (1891—reprint of the 1837 edition) Writings of John Marshall, late Chief Justice of the United States, upon the Federal Constitution, at Internet Archive)
- ↑ «Marshall Genealogy». [Consulta: 29 març 2014].
- Lossing, Benson John; William Barrit. Our countrymen, or, Brief memoirs of eminent Americans. Illustrated by one hundred and three portraits. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Scholarly Publishing Office, University of Michigan Library, 21 desembre 2005. ISBN 1-4255-4394-4.
- Smith, Jean Edward. John Marshall: Definer Of A Nation. Reprint. New York, NY: Owl Books, 15 març 1998. ISBN 0-8050-5510-X.
- Flanders, Henry. The Lives and Times of the Chief Justices of the United States Supreme Court. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1874 at Internet Archive.
Enllaços externs
- The John Marshall Foundation, Richmond, Virginia
- John Marshall Papers, 1755-1835 at The College of William & Mary
- National Park Service, "The Great Chief Justice" at Home, Teaching with Historic Places (TwHP) lesson plan.
- Research Collections: Marshall, John at the Federal Judicial Center