Henry Walter Bates

Henry Walter Bates, FRS, FLS, FGS
Narození8. února 1825
Úmrtí16. února 1892 (ve věku 67 let)
Příčina úmrtíonemocnění dýchacího systému
Místo pohřbeníEast Finchley Cemetery
Povoláníobjevitel, lepidopterolog, zoolog, ekolog, entomolog, přírodovědec, botanik, sběratel rostlin a zoologický sběratel
Oceněníspolečník Královské společnosti
Fellow of the Geological Society of London
Fellow of the Linnean Society of London
PříbuzníFrederick Bates (sourozenec)
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Henry Walter Bates (8. února 1825 Leicester16. února 1892 Londýn) byl anglický přírodovědec a objevitel, který se jako první zabýval mimikry u zvířat. Nejvíce se proslavil výpravou do Amazonie s Alfredem Russelem Wallacem v roce 1848. Wallace se vrátil v roce 1852, ale přišel o svou sbírku při ztroskotání lodi. Když se Bates vrátil v roce 1859 po dvanácti letech domů, přivezl přes 14 000 druhů (převážně hmyzu), z nichž 8 000 bylo pro vědu nových.[1]


  1. Clodd, in Bates H.W. 1892. The naturalist on the river Amazons, with a memoir of the author by Edward Clodd. Murray, London. pxvii


  • Bates H.W. 1843. Notes on Coleopterous insects frequenting damp places. The Zoologist 1, 114-5.
  • Bates H.W. 1863. The naturalist on the river Amazons. 2 vols, Murray, London.
  • Bates H.W. 1864. The naturalist on the river Amazons. 2nd ed as one vol, Murray, London. [this is an abridged edition with much of the natural history cut out; and it is this truncated edition which is usually reprinted. Advice: use the 1863 or 1892 editions for professional purposes] (reissued by Cambridge University Press, 2009; ISBN 978-1-108-00163-2)
  • Bates H.W. 1892. The naturalist on the river Amazons, with a memoir of the author by Edward Clodd. [this edition, published after Bates' death, is valuable for two reasons: it is the only time since 1863 that Murray published the full text, and it includes a good short biography by Clodd]
  • Bates H.W. 1862. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley. Lepidoptera: Heliconidae. Transactions of the Entomological Society 23, 3, 495-566.
  • Bates H.W. 1878. Central America, the West Indies and South America, with ethnological notes by A.H. Keane. Stanford, London; second and revised edition 1882. [based on Von Hellwald's Die Erde und ihre Volker; the natural history and geographical relations of fauna and flora are wholly written by Bates; the other aspects he extensively revised and updated]
  • Bates H.W. 1881-4. Biologia Centrali-Americana Insecta. Coleoptera. Volume I, Part 1.
  • Bates H.W. 1886-90. Insecta. Coleoptera. Pectinicornia and Lamellicornia. Volume II, Part 2.
  • Bates H.W. and D. Sharp. 1879-86. Insecta. Coleoptera. Phytophaga (part). Volume V.
  • Bedall B.G. (ed) 1969. Wallace and Bates in the tropics: an introduction to the theory of natural selection. Macmillan, London. [includes excerpts from Bates' River Amazons]
  • Clodd, Edward 1892. Memoir [of Henry Walter Bates] 70 pages plus coloured plate 'illustrations of mimicry between butterflies', xvii-lxxxvii in Bates 1892.
  • Dickenson, John. 1992. The naturalist on the River Amazons and a wider world: reflections on the centenary of Henry Walter Bates. The Geographical Journal, 158(2): 207-214. [Fine tribute to Bates on the centenary of his death]
  • Edwards W.H. 1847. Voyage up the river Amazons, including a residence at Pará. London. [the book that sparked Wallace and Bates to travel to the Amazon; scanned copy of US edition at Cornell University Library website]
  • Moon H.P. 1976. Henry Walter Bates FRS 1825-1892: explorer, scientist and darwinian. Leicestershire Museums, Leicester. [this booklet of about 100 pages by an emeritus professor of zoology can be strongly recommended]
  • Woodcock G 1969. Henry Walter Bates, naturalist of the Amazons. Faber & Faber, London. [this, the only book-length biography, is by an author who was not a biologist. It gives a weak account of Bates' work on mimicry, says nothing about Müller, and remarks about Wallace are undistinguished. It is good on Bates' early life and his marriage, and on the travel aspects of the Amazon. The author dismisses Bates' later life too abruptly]


  • Blaisdell, M. (1982). "Natural theology and nature's disguises". Journal of the History of Biology. 15: 163–189.
  • Crawforth, Anthony. (2009) The Butterfly Hunter: The life of Henry Walter Bates, University of Buckingham Press, ISBN 978-0-9560716-1-3.

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