Mark Twain

Mark Twain
FfugenwMark Twain, Sieur Louis de Conte, Thomas Jefferson Snodgrass Edit this on Wikidata
GanwydSamuel Langhorne Clemens Edit this on Wikidata
30 Tachwedd 1835 Edit this on Wikidata
Florida Edit this on Wikidata
Bu farw21 Ebrill 1910 Edit this on Wikidata
Redding, Connecticut Edit this on Wikidata
Man preswylMark Twain House Edit this on Wikidata
DinasyddiaethUnol Daleithiau America Edit this on Wikidata
Alma mater
  • Cascadilla School Edit this on Wikidata
Galwedigaethnewyddiadurwr, nofelydd, hunangofiannydd, athro, digrifwr, awdur plant, awdur teithlyfrau, gwirebwr, awdur ffuglen wyddonol, ysgrifennwr, rhyddieithwr, gohebydd gyda'i farn annibynnol Edit this on Wikidata
Adnabyddus amAdventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Edit this on Wikidata
Arddullffuglen hanesyddol Edit this on Wikidata
TadJohn Marshall Clemens Edit this on Wikidata
MamJane Lampton Edit this on Wikidata
PriodOlivia Langdon Clemens Edit this on Wikidata
PlantSusy Clemens, Clara Clemens, Jean Clemens Edit this on Wikidata
Gwobr/auhonorary doctor of the Yale University, member of the Nevada Newspaper Hall of Fame, member of the Nevada Writers Hall of Fame Edit this on Wikidata
Mark Twain (1909)

Llysenw llenyddol Samuel Langhorne Clemens, awdur toreithiog o Unol Daleithiau America (30 Tachwedd, 183521 Ebrill, 1910) yw Mark Twain. Yn sgîl Rhyfel Cartref America dechreuodd ar yrfa fel newyddiadurwr. Roedd Innocents Abroad (1869), canlyniad daith i Ewrop, yn drobwynt iddo a rhoddodd heibio newyddiaduriaeth i ganolbwyntio ar sgwennu nofelau poblogaidd.



  • (1867) The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
  • (1871) Autobiography and First Romance
  • (1873) The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today
  • (1876) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  • (1882) The Prince and the Pauper
  • (1884) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
  • (1889) A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
  • (1892) The American Claimant
  • (1894) Tom Sawyer Abroad
  • (1894) Pudd'n'head Wilson
  • (1896) Tom Sawyer Detective
  • (1896) Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc
  • (1900) The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg
  • (1902) A Double Barrelled Detective Story'
  • (1904) A Dog's Tale
  • (1905) The War Prayer
  • (1907) A Horse's Tale
  • (1909) Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven


  • (1875) Sketches New and Old
  • (1877) A True Story and the Recent Carnival of Crime
  • (1878) Punch, Brothers, Punch! and other Sketches
  • (1892) Merry Tales
  • (1893) The#1,000,000 Bank Note and Other New Stories
  • (1906) The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories

Llyfrau eraill

  • (1869) Innocents Abroad
  • (1872) Roughing It
  • (1876) Old Times on the Mississippi
  • (1880) A Tramp Abroad
  • (1883) Life on the Mississippi
  • (1897) How to Tell a Story and other Essays
  • (1897) Following the Equator
  • (1901) Edmund Burke on Croker and Tammany
  • (1905) King Leopold's Soliloquy
  • (1906) What Is Man?
  • (1907) Christian Science
  • (1907) Is Shakespeare Dead?
  • (1924) Mark Twain's Autobiography

Mark Twain yn y Gymraeg

Cyhoeddwyd cyfieithiad gan Norah Isaac o'r straeon Tom Sawyer ym 1983 (ISBN 9781850120025 (1850120021), Gwasg Mynydd Mawr, Abertawe).

Dolenni allanol