Walter Scott
Walter Scott | |
Ffugenw | Jedediah Cleishbotham, Laurence Templeton, Somnambulus, Malachi Malagrowther, Clutterbuck, Lawrence Templeton |
Ganwyd | 15 Awst 1771 Caeredin |
Bu farw | 21 Medi 1832 Abbotsford House |
Man preswyl | Abbotsford House |
Dinasyddiaeth | Teyrnas Prydain Fawr, y Deyrnas Unedig |
Alma mater |
Galwedigaeth | bardd, dramodydd, ieithydd, cyfieithydd, nofelydd, cerddolegydd, cofiannydd, llenor, barnwr, bardd-gyfreithiwr, cyfreithiwr, hanesydd, beirniad llenyddol, awdur storiau byrion |
Swydd | barnwr |
Adnabyddus am | Waverley, Rob Roy, Ivanhoe, Old Mortality, The Lady of the Lake |
Arddull | nofel hanesyddol, barddoniaeth, theatr, Rhamantiaeth |
Prif ddylanwad | y Cyfieithiad Awdurdodedig |
Mudiad | Rhamantiaeth |
Tad | Walter Scott |
Mam | Anne Rutherford |
Priod | Charlotte Genevieve Charpentier |
Plant | Charlotte Sophia Lockhart, Anne Scott, Charles Scott, Walter Scott |
Gwobr/au | Cymrawd Cymdeithas Frenhinol Caeredin, barwnig |
llofnod | |
Nofelydd o'r Alban oedd Syr Walter Scott (15 Awst, 1771 – 21 Medi, 1832).
- Rokeby (1813)
- Waverley (1814)
- Guy Mannering (1815)
- The Antiquary (1816)
- Tales of my Landlord, 1st series, The Black Dwarf ac Old Mortality (1816)
- Rob Roy (1818)
- Tales of my Landlord, 2nd series, The Heart of Midlothian (1818)
- Tales of my Landlord, 3rd series, The Bride of Lammermoor a A Legend of Montrose (1819)
- Ivanhoe (1819)
- Tales from Benedictine Sources, yn cynnwys The Abbot a The Monastery (1820)
- Kenilworth (1821)
- The Fortunes of Nigel (1822)
- Peveril of the Peak (1822)
- The Pirate (1822)
- Quentin Durward (1823)
- Redgauntlet (1824)
- St. Ronan's Well (1824)
- Tales of the Crusaders, yn cynnwys The Betrothed a The Talisman (1825)
- Woodstock (1826)
- Chronicles of the Canongate, 1st series, The Highland Widow, The Two Drovers a The Surgeon's Daughter (1827)
- Chronicles of the Canongate, 2nd series, The Fair Maid of Perth (1828)
- Tales of a Grandfather, 1st series (1828)
- Anne of Geierstein (1829)
- The Lay of the Last Minstrel (1805)
- Ballads and Lyrical Pieces (1806)
- Marmion (1808)
- The Lady of the Lake (1810)
- The Vision of Don Roderick (1811)
- The Bridal of Triermain (1813)
- Young Lochinvar
- Provincial Antiquities of Scotland (1819-1826)
- Lives of the Novelists (1821-1824)
- The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte (1827)
- Religious Discourses (1828)
- History of Scotland (1829-1830)