Cass Elliot

Cass Elliot
PseudonymMama Cass, Mama Cass Elliot, Cass Elliot Rediger på Wikidata
FødtEllen Naomi Cohen Rediger på Wikidata
19. september 1941 Rediger på Wikidata
Baltimore, Maryland, USA Rediger på Wikidata
Død29. juli 1974 (32 år) Rediger på Wikidata
Mayfair, Storbritannien Rediger på Wikidata
DødsmådeNaturlige årsager Rediger på Wikidata
DødsårsagHjerteanfald Rediger på Wikidata
GravstedMount Sinai Memorial Park Cemetery Rediger på Wikidata
StatsborgerUSA Rediger på Wikidata
SøskendeLeah Kunkel Rediger på Wikidata
ÆgtefælleDonald von Wiedenman (1971-1971) Rediger på Wikidata
BørnOwen Vanessa Elliot Rediger på Wikidata
SprogEngelsk Rediger på Wikidata
GenreRock, sunshine pop, folk med flere Rediger på Wikidata
BeskæftigelseTv-skuespiller, filmskuespiller, sanger, musikproducer, teaterskuespiller, skuespiller, komponist, pladeartist Rediger på Wikidata
Medlem afThe Mamas & the Papas, The Mugwumps Rediger på Wikidata
PladeselskabRCA Records,
Revolver Music Rediger på Wikidata
Vokal Rediger på Wikidata
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Cass Elliots hjemmeside Rediger på Wikidata
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Cass Elliot (født Ellen Naomi Cohen den 19. september 1941, død 29. juli 1974) var en amerikansk sangerinde, der er mest kendt for at være sanger i folk-rock bandet The Mamas And The Papas. Som solist fik hun tillige succes med "Make Your Own Kind Of Music", og "Dream A Little Dream Of Me".


Cass Elliot døde af et hjerteanfald i 1974. Myten er at hun døde af at blive kvalt i en skinkesandwich, men det er ikke sandt.[1]



The Big 3

  • 1963: The Big 3
  • 1964: Live at the Recording Studio

The Mugwumps

  • 1965: The Mugwumps

The Mamas and the Papas

  • 1966: If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears
  • 1966: The Mamas & the Papas
  • 1967: The Mamas and the Papas Deliver
  • 1968: The Papas & The Mamas
  • 1970: Monterey Pop Festival (Live)[2] (recorded in 1967)
  • 1971: People Like Us


År Album Hitlisteplacering Noter
1968 Dream a Little Dream #87
1969 Bubblegum, Lemonade, and... Something for Mama #91
1969 Make Your Own Kind of Music #169 This was a reissue of Bubblegum, Lemonade - with the hit title song added.
1970 Mama's Big Ones #194
1971 Dave Mason & Cass Elliot #49 with Dave Mason
1972 Cass Elliot -
1972 The Road Is No Place for a Lady -
1973 Don't Call Me Mama Anymore - Recorded Live

"-" indicates the album did not chart or was not released in that territory.


  • 1970: Pufnstuf (soundtrack med Mama Cass)
  • 1971: "The Costume Ball" from Doctor's Wives
  • 1996: Beautiful Thing (soundtrack med Mama Cass og the Mamas and the Papas)


År Single Hitlisteplacering Album
UK IRE AUS US Cash Box Top 100
1968 "Dream a Little Dream of Me"
b/w "Midnight Voyage"
Listed as "Mama Cass with The Mamas & the Papas"
12 2 7 - 11 13 1 10 A & B: The Papas & The Mamas
A: Dream a Little Dream (Cass Elliot album)
"California Earthquake"
b/w "Talkin' to Your Toothbrush"
67 - 51 - - - 94 74 Dream a Little Dream
1969 "It's Getting Better"
b/w "Who's to Blame"
30 13 31 7 8 3 53 35 Bubblegum, Lemonade, and... Something for Mama
"Move in a Little Closer, Baby"
b/w "All for Me" (non-album track)
58 32 55 19 - - 34 59
"Make Your Own Kind of Music"
b/w "Lady Love"
36 6 20 7 - - 72 25 Make Your Own Kind of Music
1970 "New World Coming"
b/w "Blow Me a Kiss" (from Make Your Own Kind of Music)
42 4 22 4 - - - 30 Mama's Big Ones
"A Song That Never Comes"
b/w "I Can Dream, Can't I" (from Make Your Own Kind Of Music)
99 25 - - - - 71
"The Good Times Are Coming"
b/w "Welcome to the World" (from Make Your Own Kind Of Music)
104 19 - 8 - - -
"Don't Let the Good Life Pass You By"
b/w "A Song That Never Comes"
110 34 - - - - -
1971 "Something to Make You Happy"
b/w "Next to You"
Both sides with Dave Mason
- - - - - - - Dave Mason & Cass Elliot
"Too Much Truth, Too Much Love"
b/w "Walk to the Point"
Both sides with Dave Mason
- - - - - - -
1972 "Baby I'm Yours"
b/w "Cherries Jubilee"
- - - 18 - - - Cass Elliot
"That Song"
b/w "When It Doesn't Work Out"
- - - - - - -
"(If You're Gonna) Break Another Heart"
b/w "Disney Girls" (from Cass Elliot)
- - - - 54 - - The Road Is No Place for a Lady
"Does Anybody Love You"
b/w "The Road Is No Place for a Lady"
- - - - - - -
1973 "I Think a Lot About You"
b/w "Listen to the World" (non-album track)
- - - - - - - Don't Call Me Mama Anymore


  1. ^ Myte: Sandwich i den gale hals - PressReader
  2. ^ Cass Elliot interviewet på Pop Chronicles (en) (1969)

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