Kara Koyunlu

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Kara Koyunlu-rigets største udstrækning (1407–1468)

Kara Koyunlu eller Qara Qoyunlu (Sorte Får) var et shiitisk klan-baseret dynasti som havde herredømmet over det nuværende Østtyrkiet, Aserbajdsjan, Vestiran og Irak i mellem 1375 og 1468.Nogle historikere er af den opfattelse, at de er moderne aserbajdsjanere[1][2]Qara Qoyunlu-herskeren Jihanshah er en velkendt repræsentant for aserbajdsjansk litteratur.[3]


Den herskende familie kom fra Yıwa-stammen af ​​Oghuz-tyrkerne, især Baharlus,[4] som i det fjortende århundrede ejede jorder nord for Van-søen og i Mosul i Øvre Mesopotamien.  Udover Baharlu var stammerne, der dannede Kara Koyunlu, azerisk-talende tyrkiske besætninger.[5]  De var Saadlu, Karamanlu, Alpaut, Dukharlu, Jagirlu, Hajilu, Agaceri.  [side påkrævet] Ifølge Faruk Sümer var Kara Koyunlu-stammen uden tvivl en understamme (oba).  Oghuz og Minorsky hævder, at denne understamme tilhørte Yiwa, er sandsynligvis korrekt.[6]


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Forhåndsvisning af referencer

  1. ^ Gerhard Doerfer: Turks in Iran, p. 248: “It is very strange that the word ‘Turkmen’ still leads to confusion. I saw in Leningrad that Iraqi Oghuz literature included the name Oghuz ‘Turkmen’; the word ‘Turkmen’ actually means ‘nomadic Oghuz’. In any case, the ‘Turkmen’ of Aq qoyunlu and Qaraqoyunlu are Azerbaijanis.”
  2. ^ Г.Д Мuклухо-Маклаū, Шuuзм u еso соцо Иране на рубеже ХV-XVI ьь.: “As a result, these tribes, called Qizilbash, were related to the Azerbaijani tribes, who by their languages and origins established the Qaraqoyunlu and Aqqoyunlu states, and ruled Azerbaijan and much of Iran in the 15th century.”
  3. ^ V. Minorsky. Jihān-Shāh Qara-Qoyunlu and His Poetry (Turkmenica, 9). Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. — Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of School of Oriental and African Studies, 1954. — V.16, p . 272, 283: «It is somewhat astonishing that a sturdy Turkman like Jihan-shah should have been so restricted in his ways of expression. Altogether the language of the poems belongs to the group of the southern Turkman dialects which go by the name of Azarbayjan
  4. ^ Peter B. Golden (1992). An Introduction to the History of the Turkic Peoples. pp. 367–368.
  5. ^ Miklukho-Maklay, N. D. Shiism and its social face in Iran at the turn of the XV-XVI centuries "These tribes, which later became known as the Qizilbash tribes... created the states of Kara Koyunlu and Ak Koyunlu, which in the 15th century successively ruled Azerbaijan and most of Iran."
  6. ^ Sümer, F. (30 May 2021). "Ḳarā-Ḳoyunlu". In P. Bearman; Th. Bianquis; C.E. Bosworth; E. van Donzel; W.P. Heinrichs (eds.). Encyclopaedia of Islam (2nd ed.).