Nad Tatrou sa blýska
Nad Tatrou sa blýska er Slovakiets nationalsang.
Slovakisk tekst
- Nad Tatrou sa blýska
- hromy divo bijú.
- Zastavme ich bratia,
- ved' sa ony stratia,
- Slováci ožijú.
- To Slovensko naše
- posiaľ tvrdo spalo.
- Ale blesky hromu
- vzbudzujú ho k tomu,
- aby sa prebralo.
- Už Slovensko vstáva
- putá si strháva
- Hej rodina milá
- hodina odbila,
- žije matka Sláva
- Ešte jedle rastú
- na krivánskej strane
- Kto jak Slovák cíti,
- nech sa šable chytí,
- a medzi nás vstane
Engelsk oversættelse
- There is lightning over the Tatra,
- thunderclaps are striking ferociously.
- Let us stop them, brothers,
- (you will see that) they will disappear,
- the Slovaks will revive.
- This, our Slovakia
- has long been fast asleep.
- But the lightning of the thunder
- is rousing it
- to wake up.
- Already Slovakia is waking up,
- throwing off its bonds
- Hey dear family
- the hour has ticked away
- Mother Slavia is alive
- Firs yet grow
- on the slopes of Kriváň
- Whoever is feeling like a Slovak,
- let him take a sword
- and let him rise among us.