The Bends
The Bends er Radioheads andet studiealbum , og det album som vakte interesse for bandet samt understregede at gruppen var mere end bare et døgnflueband. Hidtil havde bandet nemlig kun haft en enkelt hitsingle i nummeret Creep fra deres debutalbum Pablo Honey .
Planet Telex
The Bends
High and Dry
Fake Plastic Trees
Nice Dream
My Iron Lung
Bullet Proof... I Wish I Was
Black Star
Street Spirit (Fade Out)
Studiealbum Andre album
I Might Be Wrong: Live Recordings
Radiohead Box Set
Radiohead: The Best Of
TKOL RMX 1234567
OKNOTOK 1997 2017
MiniDiscs [Hacked]
My Iron Lung
Airbag / How Am I Driving?
Com Lag (2plus2isfive)
"Anyone Can Play Guitar"
"Pop Is Dead"
"Stop Whispering"
"My Iron Lung"
"Planet Telex" / "High and Dry"
"Fake Plastic Trees"
"Street Spirit (Fade Out)"
"The Bends"
"Paranoid Android"
"Karma Police"
"No Surprises"
"Pyramid Song"
"Knives Out"
"There There"
"Go to Sleep"
"2 + 2 = 5"
"Jigsaw Falling into Place"
"House of Cards" / "Bodysnatchers"
"All I Need"
"Harry Patch (In Memory Of)"
"These Are My Twisted Words"
"Supercollider" / "The Butcher"
"The Daily Mail" / "Staircase"
"Burn the Witch"
"I Promise"
"Man of War"
Andre sange
"Let Down"
"Everything in Its Right Place"
"The National Anthem"
"True Love Waits"
"Lotus Flower"
Live at the Astoria
7 Television Commercials
Meeting People Is Easy
The Most Gigantic Lying Mouth of All Time
In Rainbows – From the Basement
Radiohead for Haiti
The King of Limbs: Live from the Basement
Relaterede album
True Love Waits
Hold Me to This
Exit Music: Songs with Radio Heads
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