Melumat Dewlete
Polonya Merkezê idarey
Polonya Gırde , Reichsgau Wartheland, Province of Posen, Poznań Voivodeship, Poznań Voivodeship, Poznań Voivodeship, Grand Duchy of Posen, Poznań Department, Posen Department, Poznań Voivodeship û Poznań County Ware
Polonya Gırde Erd
261,85 km2 Nıfus
546 859 Serdar
Jacek Jaśkowiak Kodê têlefoni
61 Letey saete
UTC+01.00 Kodê postey
60-001 Qıta
3088171 Website
www.poznan.pl Xerita
Wikidata sera bıvurne
Poznan , yew sûka dewleta Polonyaya .
Sûkê bıray
Kharkiv û Kutaisi
Arşivê Embarê Wikimedya de heqa Poznan de vêşêri multimedya esta.
Sûkê Polonya Warşowa *
Kraków * Lodz * Wroklaw *
Poznan * Gdassk *
Szczecin * Bidgosç *
Lublin * Katowice * Bialistok * Gdiniya * Çestoçowa *
Radom * Sosnowiec *
Torun * Kielce * Olsztyn * Bielsko-Biała * Rzeszow *
Opole * Gorzow Wielkopolski * Zielona Gora
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