1929 in fine arts of the Soviet Union

The year 1929 was marked by many events that left an imprint on the history of Soviet and Russian Fine Arts.


  • April 29 — The Third Exhibition of works by society «Circle of artists» (Russian: «Круг художников») was opened in Russian museum in Leningrad. Exhibited 183 works of 36 authors. The participants were Alexei Pakhomov, Vecheslav Pakulin, Vladimir Malagis, Akexander Vedernikov, and other important Leningrad artists.[1]
  • The VIII Exhibition of works by artists of the «Society of Arkhip Kuindzhi» was opened in Leningrad in the Academy of Arts. Exhibited 476 works of painting and sculpture of 73 authors. The participants were Mikhail Avilov, Isaak Brodsky, Alexander Lubimov, Arcady Rylov, Ivan Stepashkin, and other important Russian realist artists.[2]

See also


  1. ^ III Выставка картин и скульптуры. Общество «Круг художников. Л., Русский музей, 1929.
  2. ^ Каталог выставки картин Общества имени А. И. Куинджи в залах Вхутеин. Л., 1929.


  • III Выставка картин и скульптуры. Общество «Круг художников. Л., Русский музей, 1929.
  • Каталог выставки картин Общества имени А. И. Куинджи в залах Вхутеин. Л., 1929.
  • Выставка картин и скульптуры 06щества «Круг художников». Л., Изд. клуба завода «Красный Треугольник», 1929.
  • Каталог 8-й выставки картин Общества художников-индивидуалистов. Л., 1929.
  • Каталог выставки картин московских и ленинградских художников, организованной к 25-летию художественной и педагогической деятельности проф. Д. Н. Кордовокого. М., 1929.
  • Artists of Peoples of the USSR. Biography Dictionary. Vol. 1. Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1970.
  • Artists of Peoples of the USSR. Biography Dictionary. Vol. 2. Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1972.
  • Directory of Members of Union of Artists of USSR. Volume 1,2. Moscow, Soviet Artist Edition, 1979.
  • Directory of Members of the Leningrad branch of the Union of Artists of Russian Federation. Leningrad, Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1980.
  • Artists of Peoples of the USSR. Biography Dictionary. Vol. 4 Book 1. Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1983.
  • Directory of Members of the Leningrad branch of the Union of Artists of Russian Federation. - Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1987.
  • Персональные и групповые выставки советских художников. 1917-1947 гг. М., Советский художник, 1989.
  • Artists of peoples of the USSR. Biography Dictionary. Vol. 4 Book 2. - Saint Petersburg: Academic project humanitarian agency, 1995.
  • Link of Times: 1932 - 1997. Artists - Members of Saint Petersburg Union of Artists of Russia. Exhibition catalogue. - Saint Petersburg: Manezh Central Exhibition Hall, 1997.
  • Matthew C. Bown. Dictionary of 20th Century Russian and Soviet Painters 1900-1980s. - London: Izomar, 1998.
  • Vern G. Swanson. Soviet Impressionism. - Woodbridge, England: Antique Collectors' Club, 2001.
  • Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. - Saint-Petersburg: NP-Print Edition, 2007. - ISBN 5-901724-21-6, ISBN 978-5-901724-21-7.
  • Anniversary Directory graduates of Saint Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture named after Ilya Repin, Russian Academy of Arts. 1915 - 2005. - Saint Petersburg: Pervotsvet Publishing House, 2007.