2005 Governor General's Awards

The 2005 Governor General's Awards for Literary Merit: Finalists in 14 categories (69 books) were announced October 17, winners announced November 16. The four children's literature awards were presented November 22, others presented November 23.[1] The prize for writers and illustrators was $15,000 and "a specially crafted copy of the winning book bound by Montreal bookbinder Lise Dubois".[1]

The winners were announced at the Bibliothèque nationale du Québec in Montreal, rather than at Library and Archives Canada in Ottawa, "[i]n honour of the designation of Montreal as UNESCO World Book Capital for 2005–2006".[1]

As introduced in 2003, the four children's literature awards were announced and presented separately from the others. The event at Rideau Hall, the Governor General's residence in Ottawa, was scheduled to begin at 10:00 on a Tuesday morning. "Children from across the National Capital Region will be invited to attend the event, which will also include readings and workshops by the award winners."[1]


Category Winner Nominated
Fiction Blue ribbon David Gilmour, A Perfect Night to Go to China
Non-fiction Blue ribbon John Vaillant, The Golden Spruce: A True Story of Myth, Madness and Greed
  • Ted Bishop, Riding with Rilke: Reflections on Motorcycles and Books
  • Michael Mitchell, The Molly Fire
  • Edward Shorter, Written in the Flesh: A History of Desire
  • Jessica Warner, The Incendiary: The Misadventures of John the Painter, First Modern Terrorist
Poetry Blue ribbon Anne Compton, Processional
Drama Blue ribbon John Mighton, Half Life
Children's literature Blue ribbon Pamela Porter, The Crazy Man
Children's illustration Blue ribbon Rob Gonsalves, Imagine a Day (Sarah L. Thomson)
French to English translation Blue ribbon Fred A. Reed, Truth or Death: The Quest for Immortality in the Western Narrative Tradition (Thierry Hentsch, Raconter et mourir : aux sources narratives de l'imaginaire occidental)


Category Winner Nominated
Fiction Blue ribbon Aki Shimazaki, Hotaru
Non-fiction Blue ribbon Michel Bock, Quand la nation débordait les frontières: les minorités françaises dans la pensée de Lionel Groulx
  • Paul Bleteau and Mario Poirier, Le vagabond stoïque: Louis Hémon
  • Gilles Dostaler, Keynes et ses combats
  • Éric Méchoulan, Le livre avalé: de la littérature entre mémoire et culture (XVIe – XVIIIe siècle)
  • Sébastien Vincent, Laissés dans l'ombre: les Québécois engagés volontaires de 39-45 (ou quatorze Québécois racontent leur participation volontaire à la Seconde Guerre mondiale)
Poetry Blue ribbon Jean-Marc Desgent, Vingtièmes siècles
Drama Blue ribbon Geneviève Billette, Le Pays des genoux
Children's literature Blue ribbon Camille Bouchard, Le Ricanement des hyènes
  • Alain M. Bergeron, Les Tempêtes ou Les mémoires d'un Beatle raté
  • Jean-Pierre Davidts, Le Baiser de la sangsue
  • Danielle Marcotte, Les sabots rouges
  • Sylvain Meunier, L'homme à la bicyclette
Children's illustration Blue ribbon Isabelle Arsenault, Le cœur de monsieur Gauguin (Marie-Danielle Croteau)
  • Pascale Constantin, La vie comptée de Raoul Lecompte (Gilles Tibo)
  • Luc Melanson, Les compositeurs (Claudio Ricignuolo)
  • Stéphane Poulin, Un chant de Noël (Lucie Papineau)
  • Pierre Pratt, Le jour où Zoé zozota (Pierre Pratt)
English to French translation Blue ribbon Rachel Martinez, Glenn Gould: une vie (Kevin Bazzana, Wondrous Strange: The Life and Art of Glenn Gould)


  1. ^ a b c d "The Canada Council for the Arts announces finalists for the 2005 Governor General's Literary Awards". News Releases – 2005. Canada Council (canadacouncil.ca). October 17, 2005. Archived 2013-05-29. Retrieved 2015-08-20.

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