2022 Winter Olympics national flag bearers

During the Parade of Nations within the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics opening ceremony on February 4, athletes and officials from each participating country marched in the Beijing National Stadium preceded by their flag and placard bearer bearing the respective country's name. Each flag bearer was chosen either by the nation's National Olympic Committee or by the team of athletes themselves.

Parade order

Athletes entered the stadium in an order dictated by the Olympic tradition. As the originator of the Olympics, the Greek team entered first.[1]

Countries marched in order of the Chinese language.[2] The collation method used was based on the names as written in Simplified Chinese characters and is similar to that used in Chinese dictionaries. The names were sorted by the number of strokes in the first character of the name, then by the stroke order of the character (in the order 橫竖撇捺折, c.f. Wubi method), then the number of strokes and stroke order of the second character, then next character and so on.[3] For example, this placed San Marino (圣马力诺) in 28th position, just ahead of Kyrgyzstan (吉尔吉斯斯坦) because the initial character for "San Marino" () is written in 5 strokes, while that for "Kyrgyzstan" () is written in 6 strokes.

The country that will host the next Winter Olympics, Italy, marched before the host nation China entered, instead of entering between New Zealand and Serbia, according to the Chinese collation order.[4]

As part of its doping penalty, Russia competes under the acronym "ROC" and the flag of the Russian Olympic Committee, and the name of the committee in full cannot be used to refer to the delegation.

Announcers in the stadium read off the names of the marching nations in Mandarin Chinese (the official language of the host country), English and French (the official languages of the Olympics) with music accompanying the athletes as they marched into the stadium.

According to the current version of the Olympic Charter, each nation had the option of having two flag bearers (a man and a woman) in an effort to promote gender equality.


The following is a list of each country's flag bearer. The list is sorted by the sequence that each nation appeared in the Parade of Nations.[5] The names are given in their official designations by the IOC, and the Chinese names follow their official designations by the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

This table is sortable by country name in English, country name in simplified Chinese, country name in pinyin, flag bearer name, and flag bearer sport.
Order Nation Chinese name Pinyin Flag bearer Sport/Function Ref.
1  Greece (GRE) 希腊 Xīlà Apostolos Angelis Cross-country skiing [6]
Maria Ntanou
2  Turkey (TUR) 土耳其 Tǔěrqí Furkan Akar Short track speed skating [6]
Aysenur Duman Cross-country skiing
3  Malta (MLT) 马耳他 Mǎěrtā Jenise Spiteri Snowboarding [7]
4  Madagascar (MAD) 马达加斯加 Mǎdájiāsījiā Mialitiana Clerc Alpine skiing [6]
Mathieu Neumuller
5  Malaysia (MAS) 马来西亚 Mǎláixīyà Aruwin Salehhuddin Alpine skiing [8]
Jeffrey Webb
6  Ecuador (ECU) 厄瓜多尔 Èguāduōěr Sarah Escobar Alpine skiing [9]
7  Eritrea (ERI) 厄立特里亚 Èlìtélǐyà Shannon-Ogbnai Abeda Alpine skiing [10]
8  Jamaica (JAM) 牙买加 Yámǎijiā Benjamin Alexander Alpine skiing [6]
Jazmine Fenlator-Victorian Bobsleigh
9  Belgium (BEL) 比利时 Bǐlìshí Loena Hendrickx Figure skating [11]
Armand Marchant Alpine skiing
10  Japan (JPN) 日本 Rìběn Arisa Go Speed skating [12][13]
Akito Watabe Nordic combined
11  Chinese Taipei (TPE) 中华台北 Zhōnghuá Táiběi Huang Yu-ting Speed skating [14]
Ho Ping-jui Alpine skiing
12  Hong Kong, China (HKG) 中国香港 Zhōngguó Xiānggǎng Sidney Chu Short track speed skating [15]
13  Denmark (DEN) 丹麦 Dānmài Madeleine Dupont Curling [16]
Frans Nielsen Ice hockey
14  Ukraine (UKR) 乌克兰 Wūkèlán Oleksandr Abramenko Freestyle skiing [6]
Oleksandra Nazarova Figure skating
15  Uzbekistan (UZB) 乌兹别克斯坦 Wūzībiékèsītǎn Komiljon Tukhtaev Alpine skiing [6]
16  Brazil (BRA) 巴西 Bāxī Edson Bindilatti Bobsleigh [17]
Jaqueline Mourão Cross-country skiing
17  Pakistan (PAK) 巴基斯坦 Bājīsītǎn Muhammad Karim Alpine skiing [6]
18  Israel (ISR) 以色列 Yǐsèliè Evgeni Krasnopolski Figure skating [6]
Noa Szollos Alpine skiing
19  Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (TLS) 东帝汶 Dōngdìwèn Yohan Goutt Gonçalves Alpine skiing [6]
20  North Macedonia (MKD) 北马其顿 Běimǎqídùn Dardan Dehari Alpine skiing [18][19]
21  Luxembourg (LUX) 卢森堡 Lúsēnbǎo Matthieu Osch Alpine skiing [6]
Gwyneth ten Raa
22  Belarus (BLR) 白俄罗斯 Báiéluósī Ignat Golovatsiuk Speed skating [6]
Hanna Nifantava
23  India (IND) 印度 Yìndù Arif Khan Alpine skiing [17]
24  Lithuania (LTU) 立陶宛 Lìtáowǎn Deividas Kizala Figure skating [6]
Paulina Ramanauskaitė
25  Nigeria (NGR) 尼日利亚 Nírìlìyà Seun Adigun[a] Team official [20]
26  Ghana (GHA) 加纳 Jiānà Carlos Mäder Alpine skiing [21]
27  Canada (CAN) 加拿大 Jiānádà Charles Hamelin Short track speed skating [22]
Marie-Philip Poulin Ice hockey
28  San Marino (SMR) 圣马力诺 Shèng Mǎlìnuò Matteo Gatti Alpine skiing [6]
Anna Torsani
29  Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) 吉尔吉斯斯坦 Jíěrjísīsītǎn Maksim Gordeev Alpine skiing [6]
30  Armenia (ARM) 亚美尼亚 Yàměiníyà Tina Garabedian Figure skating [6]
Mikayel Mikayelyan Cross-country skiing
31  Spain (ESP) 西班牙 Xībānyá Queralt Castellet Snowboarding [23]
Ander Mirambell Skeleton
32  Liechtenstein (LIE) 列支敦士登 Lièzhīdūnshìdēng Stefan Marxer Team official [24]
33  Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) 伊朗 Yīlǎng Atefeh Ahmadi Alpine skiing [25]
Hossein Saveh-Shemshaki
34  Hungary (HUN) 匈牙利 Xiōngyálì Zita Tóth Alpine skiing [26]
Márton Kékesi
35  Iceland (ISL) 冰岛 Bīngdǎo Kristrún Guðnadóttir Cross-country skiing [6]
Sturla Snær Snorrason Alpine skiing
36  Andorra (AND) 安道尔 Āndàoěr Maeva Estevez Snowboarding [27]
37  Finland (FIN) 芬兰 Fēnlán Valtteri Filppula Ice hockey [28]
38  Croatia (CRO) 克罗地亚 Kèluódìyà Zrinka Ljutić Alpine skiing [6]
Marko Skender Cross-country skiing
39  Saudi Arabia (KSA) 沙特 Shātè Fayik Abdi Alpine skiing [6]
40  Albania (ALB) 阿尔巴尼亚 Āěrbāníyà Denni Xhepa Alpine skiing [29]
41  Argentina (ARG) 阿根廷 Āgēntíng Francesca Baruzzi Alpine skiing [30]
Franco Dal Farra Cross-country skiing
42  Azerbaijan (AZE) 阿塞拜疆 Āsāibàijiāng Vladimir Litvintsev Figure skating [31]
43  Latvia (LAT) 拉脱维亚 Lātuōwéiyà Elīza Tīruma Luge [32]
Lauris Dārziņš Ice hockey
44  Great Britain (GBR) 英国 Yīngguó Eve Muirhead Curling [33]
Dave Ryding Alpine skiing
45  Romania (ROU) 罗马尼亚 Luōmǎníyà Raluca Strămăturaru Luge [34]
Paul Pepene Cross-country skiing
46 ROC (ROC)[b] ROC[c] Olga Fatkulina Speed skating [6]
Vadim Shipachyov Ice hockey
47  France (FRA) 法国 Fǎguó Tessa Worley Alpine skiing [36]
Kevin Rolland Freestyle skiing
48  Poland (POL) 波兰 Bōlán Aleksandra Król Snowboarding [37]
Zbigniew Bródka Speed skating
49  Puerto Rico (PUR) 波多黎各 Bōduō Lígè Kellie Delka Skeleton [38]
William Flaherty Alpine skiing
50  Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) 波黑 Bōhēi Elvedina Muzaferija Alpine skiing [6]
Mirza Nikolajev Luge
51  Bolivia (BOL) 玻利维亚 Bōlìwéiyà Simon Breitfuss Kammerlander Alpine skiing [6]
52  Norway (NOR) 挪威 Nuówēi Kjetil Jansrud Alpine skiing [6]
Kristin Skaslien Curling
53  Kazakhstan (KAZ) 哈萨克斯坦 Hāsàkèsītǎn Yekaterina Aidova Speed skating [39][40]
Abzal Azhgaliyev Short track speed skating
54  Kosovo (KOS) 科索沃 Kēsuǒwò Albin Tahiri Alpine skiing [41]
55  Bulgaria (BUL) 保加利亚 Bǎojiālìyà Maria Zdravkova Biathlon [42]
Radoslav Yankov Snowboarding
56  United States of America (USA) 美国 Měiguó Brittany Bowe[d] Speed skating [44]
John Shuster Curling
57  American Samoa (ASA) 美属萨摩亚 Měishǔ Sàmóyà Nathan Crumpton Skeleton [6]
58  Virgin Islands, US (ISV) 美属维尔京群岛 Měishǔ Wéiěrjīng Qúndǎo Volunteer Volunteer [6]
59  Thailand (THA) 泰国 Tàiguó Karen Chanloung Cross-country skiing [6]
Nicola Zanon Alpine skiing
60  Netherlands (NED) 荷兰 Hélán Lindsay van Zundert Figure skating [45]
Kjeld Nuis Speed skating
61  Georgia (GEO) 格鲁吉亚 Gélǔjíyà Nino Tsiklauri Alpine skiing [46]
Morisi Kvitelashvili Figure skating
62  Colombia (COL) 哥伦比亚 Gēlúnbǐyà Laura Gómez Speed skating [6]
Carlos Andres Quintana Cross-country skiing
63  Trinidad and Tobago (TTO) 特立尼达和多巴哥 Tèlìnídá hé Duōbāgē Andre Marcano Bobsleigh [47]
64  Peru (PER) 秘鲁 Bìlǔ Ornella Oettl Reyes Alpine skiing [6]
65  Ireland (IRL) 爱尔兰 Aìěrlán Elsa Desmond Luge [48]
Brendan Newby Freestyle skiing
66  Estonia (EST) 爱沙尼亚 Aìshāníyà Kelly Sildaru Freestyle skiing [49]
Martin Himma Cross-country skiing
67  Haiti (HAI) 海地 Hǎidì Richardson Viano Alpine skiing [17]
68  Czech Republic (CZE) 捷克 Jiékè Alena Mills Ice hockey [50]
Michal Březina Figure skating
69  Philippines (PHI) 菲律宾 Fēilǜbīn Asa Miller Alpine skiing [51]
70  Slovenia (SLO) 斯洛文尼亚 Sīluòwénníyà Ilka Štuhec Alpine skiing [52]
Rok Marguč Snowboarding
71  Slovakia (SVK) 斯洛伐克 Sīluòfákè Marek Hrivik Ice hockey [6]
Katarina Simonakova Luge
72  Portugal (POR) 葡萄牙 Pútáoyá Ricardo Brancal Alpine skiing [6]
Vanina Guerillot
73  Republic of Korea (KOR) 韩国 Hánguó Kim A-lang[53][e] Short track speed skating [54]
Kwak Yoon-gy
74  Montenegro (MNE) 黑山 Hēishān Eldar Salihović Alpine skiing [6]
Jelena Vujicic
75  Chile (CHI) 智利 Zhìlì Dominique Ohaco Freestyle skiing [6]
Henrik von Appen Alpine skiing
76  Austria (AUT) 奥地利 Aòdìlì Julia Dujmovits Snowboarding [6]
Benjamin Maier Bobsleigh
77  Switzerland (SUI) 瑞士 Ruìshì Andres Ambühl Ice hockey [55]
Wendy Holdener Alpine skiing
78  Sweden (SWE) 瑞典 Ruìdiǎn Oliwer Magnusson Freestyle skiing [6]
Emma Nordin Ice hockey
79  Mongolia (MGL) 蒙古 Měnggǔ Ariunsanaagiin Enkhtuul Cross-country skiing [6]
Batmönkhiin Achbadrakh
80  New Zealand (NZL) 新西兰 Xīn Xīlán Alice Robinson Alpine skiing [56]
Finn Bilous Freestyle skiing
81  Serbia (SRB) 塞尔维亚 Sàiěrwéiyà Marko Vukićević Alpine skiing [6]
82  Cyprus (CYP) 塞浦路斯 Sàipǔlùsī Yianno Kouyoumdjian Alpine skiing [6]
83  Mexico (MEX) 墨西哥 Mòxīgē Sarah Schleper Alpine skiing [57]
Donovan Carrillo Figure skating
84  Lebanon (LIB) 黎巴嫩 Líbānèn Manon Ouaiss Alpine skiing [6]
Cesar Arnouk
85  Germany (GER) 德国 Déguó Francesco Friedrich Bobsleigh [58]
Claudia Pechstein Speed skating
86  Republic of Moldova (MDA) 摩尔多瓦 Móěrduōwǎ Doina Descalui Luge [59]
87  Monaco (MON) 摩纳哥 Mónàgē Arnaud Alessandria Alpine skiing [60]
88  Morocco (MAR) 摩洛哥 Móluògē Yassine Aouich Alpine skiing [6]
89  Australia (AUS) 澳大利亚 Àodàlìyǎ Brendan Kerry Figure skating [61]
Laura Peel Freestyle skiing
90  Italy (ITA) 意大利 Yìdàlì Michela Moioli Snowboarding [62]
91  People's Republic of China (CHN) 中国 Zhōngguó Zhao Dan Skeleton [63]
Gao Tingyu Speed skating


  1. ^ Adigun represented Nigeria at the 2018 Winter Olympics in bobsleigh, and was the official team doctor for these games.
  2. ^ The delegation competed under the flag of the Russian Olympic Committee.
  3. ^ ROC is sorted under a Chinese transcription of its English abbreviation, 罗克 (Luōkè). No Chinese name was displayed on the placard. During the Parade of Nations, the ROC was announced in French, English, and Chinese as "Comité olympique russe," "Russian Olympic Committee," and "俄罗斯奥林匹克委员会" (Èluósī àolínpǐkè wěiyuánhuì) respectively.[35]
  4. ^ Bowe replaced Elana Meyers Taylor, who withdrew from the ceremony after testing positive for COVID-19.[43]
  5. ^ Kim A-lang replaced Kim Min-sun.


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