Adam Mahrburg

Adam Mahrburg

Adam Mahrburg (6 August 1855 – 13 November 1913) was a Polish philosopher—the outstanding philosophical mind of Poland's Positivist period.[1]


Adam Mahrburg was a philosopher and theoretician of knowledge. He taught in Warsaw's secret university and published in learned and popular journals.[2]

He reduced philosophy to the theory of knowledge. He regarded science as a tool for ordering and anticipating phenomena and for effective action. He was an exponent of determinism.[2]


  • Teoria celowości ze stanowiska naukowego (The Theory of Purpose from a Scientific Standpoint, 1888),
  • Co to jest nauka (What Is Science? 1897)

See also


  1. ^ Jan Zygmunt Jakubowski, ed., Literatura polska od średniowiecza do pozytywizmu (Polish Literature from the Middle Ages to Positivism), p. 572.
  2. ^ a b "Mahrburg, Adam," Encyklopedia Powszechna PWN (PWN Universal Encyclopedia), vol. 2, p. 818.


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