Aino Pervik

Aino Pervik (born 22 April 1932 in Rakvere) is an Estonian children's writer, and translator.[1]

She is "considered the bravest children's writer" in contemporary Estonia, as "she takes on difficult themes of immigration, cultural conflict, corruption, and the loss of cultural identity".[2]

Life and career

Pervik began her schooling at Järvakandi Factories in 1939, continued in 1946–1950 in Tallinn, and graduated from Tartu State University in 1955 with a degree in Finno-Ugric philology. Pervik has lived in Tallinn since 1955. She worked at the Estonian State Publishing House as an editor of children’s and young-adult literature, and at the Eesti Televisioon (ETV) studio as an editor of programs for the same age group. Since 1967, she has been a freelance writer and translator from Hungarian.[3]


Aino Pervik was married to writer Eno Raud who died in 1996; their children are scholar and author Rein Raud, musician and writer Mihkel Raud and children's writer and illustrator Piret Raud.


  • NummiPealt ja mujalt (From BonnyHead and Beyond), Tänapäev 2018
  • Sinivant joonistab (Bluephant Draws), Tammerraamat 2017
  • Tähenärija raamatukogu (Starchewer’s Library), Petrone Print 2017
  • Hädaoru kuningas (The King of the Walley of Woes), Tänapäev 2016
  • Sinivant kuulab unejuttu (Bluephant Hears a Bedtime Story), Tammerraamat 2016
  • Jääpurikas, murelik piim ja teised tüübid (The Icicle, the Worried Milk, and Other Things), Tänapäev 2015
  • Tähenärija ja Kriksadull (Starchewer and Cricksadull), Tänapäev 2015
  • Härra Tee ja proua Kohv, Tänapäev 2014
  • Roosaliisa prillid (Roosaliisa’s New Glasses), Päike ja Pilv 2014
  • Sinivant läheb lasteaeda (Bluephant Goes to Preschool), Tammerraamat 2014
  • Jänes keedab suppi (Rabbit Makes Soup), Päike ja Pilv 2013
  • Väike valge pilvelammas, kes läks läbi vikerkaare (The Little White Cloud-Sheep Who Passed Through a Rainbow), Päike ja Pilv 2013
  • Kirjatähtede keerukas elu (The Complex World of Letters), Tänapäev 2012
  • Klabautermanni mure (Klabautermann’s Problem), Tänapäev 2012
  • Rändav kassiemme (The Wandering Cat), Tammerraamat 2012

Series Tirilinn

  • Aiapidu roosiaias (Garden Party in the Rose Garden), Tammerraamat 2009
  • Krokodill (Crocodile), Tammerraamat 2009
  • Kui sa näed korstnapühkijat (When You See a Chimney Sweep), Tammerraamat 2009
  • Tirilinnas algab kool (School Starts in Tirilinn), Tammerraamat 2009
  • Piknik Ristineemel (A Picnic at Ristineeme), Tammerraamat 2010
  • Jüri soolaleivapidu (Jüri’s Housewarming Party), Tammerraamat 2011
  • Isegi Max ei usu enam (Even Max No Longer Believes), Tammerraamat 2012
  • Ühes väikses veidras linnas (In an Odd Little Town), Tänapäev 2009
  • Presidendilood (Stories of a President), Tänapäev 2008, rev. ed. 2013
  • Suleline, Puhuja ja must munk (Feathered, Blower, and the Black Monk), Tänapäev 2007
  • Dixi ja Xixi (Dixi and Xixi), Ilo 2005
  • Draakonid võõrsil (The Dragons in a Foreign Land), Tiritamm 2002
  • Mammutilaps ajab tuult taga (The Little Mammoth Catches the Wind), Avita 2002

Series Paula’s Life

  • Paula lõpetab lasteaia (Paula Finishes Kindergarten), Tiritamm 2001, 2007
  • Paula läheb linna elama (Paula Moves to the city), Tiritamm 2001, 2007
  • Paula esimene koolipäev (Paula’s First Day of School), Tiritamm 2001, 2007
  • Paula ja Joosep (Paula and Joseph), Tiritamm 2001
  • Paula jõulud (Paula’s Christmas), Tiritamm 2001, 2007
  • Paula ja õuelapsed (Paula and the Neighborhood Kids), Tiritamm 2002
  • Paula õpib emakeelt (Paula Learns Her Mother Tongue), Tiritamm 2003
  • Paula ja Patrik (Paula and Patrick), Tiritamm 2002
  • Paula käib poes (Paula Goes to the Store), Tiritamm 2003
  • Paula läheb piknikule (Paula Goes on a Picnic), Tiritamm 2003
  • Paula viiakse haiglasse (Paula is Taken to the hospital), Tiritamm 2003
  • Paula päästab Kassiopeiat (Paula Saves Cassiopeia), Tiritamm 2003
  • Paula läheb külla (Paula Goes on a Visit), Tiritamm 2005
  • Paula raamatukogus (Paula at the Library), Tiritamm 2005
  • Paula lumememm (Paula’s Snowman), Tiritamm 2005
  • Paula aabits (Paula’s Book of ABCs), Tiritamm 2007
  • Paula sõidab kevadet vaatama (Paula Goes to See Spring), Tiritamm 2008
  • Maailm Sulelise ja Karvasega (The World with Feathered and Furry), Varrak 2000
  • Keeruline lugu, Tiritamm 1994
  • Kallis härra Q (Dear Mr. Q), Kupar 1992, illustrated by Edgar Valter; Avita 2004, Tänapäev, 2016
  • Sookoll ja sisalik (Bog Bogey and Lizard), Eesti Raamat 1986, Tiritamm 2004
  • Arabella, mereröövli tütar (Arabella, the Pirate’s Daughter), Eesti Raamat 1982, Tiritamm 2000, Tänapäev 2008, 2013, 2015
  • Kunksmoor ja kapten Trumm (Old Mother Kunks and Captain Trumm), Eesti Raamat 1975, Tammerraamat 2011
  • Kunksmoor (Old Mother Kunks), Eesti Raamat 1973, Tammerraamat 2011
  • Kaarist on kasu (Kaari is a Helper), Eesti Raamat 1971, 1972, TEA Kirjastus 2010
  • Õhupall (The Balloon), Eesti Raamat 1969


  • 2006–2012, 2018 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award candidate
  • 2018 Good Children’s Book (From BonnyHead and Beyond)
  • 2017 National Lifetime Achievement Award for Culture
  • 2016 Annual Children’s Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia (The King of the Walley of Woes)
  • 2015 Jānis Baltvilks Prize (Jāņa Baltvilka balva), Latvia (Stories of a President)
  • 2014 Hans Christian Andersen Award nominee
  • 2014 Good Children’s Book (Bluephant Goes to Preschool)
  • 2014 “Järje Hoidja” Award of the Tallinn Central Library (Härra Tee ja Proua Kohvi)
  • 2012 Annual Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia (The Complex World of Letters, Klabautermann’s Problem, The Wandering Cat)
  • 2012 Good Children’s Book (Klabautermann’s Problem)
  • 2010 Estonian Children’s Literature Centre Raisin of the Year Award(In an Odd Little Town)
  • 2008 “Järje Hoidja” Award of the Tallinn Central Library (Paula Goes to See Spring)
  • 2006 J. Oro Prize for Children’s Literature
  • 2004 Nukits Competition, 3rd place (The “Paula” series: Paula Finishes Kindergarten, Paula Moves to the city, Paula’s First Day of School, Paula and Joseph, Paula’s Christmas)
  • 2004 IBBY Honour List (Paula Learns Her Mother Tongue)
  • 2001 Republic of Estonia Order of the White Star, Fifth Class
  • 2001 Annual Children’s Literature Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia (the “Paula” series)
  • 2000 Winning book of “Hundred of the Century” poll (Old Mother Kunks, Old Mother Kunks and Captain Trumm)
  • 1993 Annual Estonian Writer’s Union Prize (Dear Mr. Q and play Bog Bogey and Lizard)
  • 1988 USSR Children’s Book Competition, 2nd place (Old Mother Kunks, Old Mother Kunks and Captain Trumm)
  • 1976 Juhan Smuul Annual Prize of Literature (Old Mother Kunks and Captain Trumm)


Arabella, the Pirate’s Daughter

  • Russian: Арабелла – дочь пирата, Vene Entsüklopeedia 2001, Tänapäev 2011
  • Vietnamese: A-ra-ben-la: con gai tên cuop bîen, Kim Dông, 1999
  • Latvian: Arabella, jūras laupītāja meita, Sprīdītis 1994
  • Czech: Aranella, dcera piráta, Lidove Nakldatelsstvi 1988
  • Finnish: Arabella, merirosvon tytär, WSOY 1987
  • English: Arabella, the Pirate’s Daughter, Perioodika 1985, new translation Tänapäev 2011
  • German: Arabella die Piratentochter, Perioodika 1985; German: Leiv 2012

Bog Bogey and Lizard

  • English : Bog Bogey and Lizard, Perioodika 1988

Kaari is a Helper

  • Russian: Каари помогает маме, Eesti Raamat 1975

Klabautermann’s Problem

  • Russian: Морские приключения и заботы корабельного гнома Клабаутермана, Издательство КПД 2014

Old Mother Kunks

  • Azerbaijani: Гянджлик 1982
  • Russian: Баба-Мора, Eesti Raamat 1977, 1982
  • Finnish: Konkkamuori, WSOY 1975

Old Mother Kunks and Captain Trumm

  • Russian: Баба-Мора и капитан Трумм, Eesti Raamat 1983
  • Finnish: Konkkamuori ja kapteeni Trummi, WSOY 1978

Old Mother Kunks + Old Mother Kunks and Captain Trumm

  • Russian: Баба-Мора, Tammerraamat 2014
  • German: Die Kunksmuhme, LeiV 2012
  • Japanese: 1991
  • Russian: Чаромора, Детская литература 1988
  • English: Old Mother Kunks, Perioodika 1986
  • German: Die Kunksmuhme, Perioodika 1979, 1981, 1984

Paula and Patrik

  • Lithuanian: Paula ir Patrikas, Nieko rimto 2008

Paula and Patrik + Paula and the Neighborhood Kids + Paula Goes to the Store + Paula Goes on a Picnic + Paula is Taken to the Hospital

  • Russian: Паула: продолжение, Aleksandra 2013

Paula Finishes Kindergarten

  • Lithuanian: Paula baigia vaikų darželį, Nieko rimto 2008
  • Russian : Паула: выпускной в детскoм садy, Aleksandra 2007

Paula Moves to the City + Paula and Joosep + Paula’s First Day of School + Paula’s Christmas

  • Russian: Паула, Aleksandra 2011

Stories of a President

  • Latvian: Prezidents, Liels un mazs 2015
  • Russian: Как работать президентом, КПД 2013
  • Bulgarian: Приключенията на президента, Gaiana 2009

The Balloon

  • Latvian: Gaisa baloninš, Liesma 1972
  • Lithuanian: Balionėlis, Vagos 1972

The Wandering Cat

  • Italian: La gatta vagabonda, Sinnos 2014

The World with Feathered and Furry

  • Russian: Мир с Пернатой и Мохнатым, Vene Entsüklopeedia 2004


  1. ^ "Aino Pervik". Estonian Children's Literature Centre. Retrieved August 29, 2019.
  2. ^ "Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature". Project Muse. Retrieved August 29, 2019.
  3. ^ "Pervik, Aino". baltic sea library. Retrieved August 29, 2019.