Abu Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Musa al-Nawbakhti

Naubachtī, al-Hasan ibn Mūsā
Bornc. 9th century
Diedc. 10th century
Other namesNawbakhtī, Abu Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Mūsā; (نوبختي, الحسن بن موسى ابو محمد ال)
Occupation(s)philosopher, theologian, author on Shia Islam
Academic work
Notable worksFiraq aš-šī'a

Abū Muḥammad al-Ḥasan b Mūsā an-Nawbakhtī (الحسن بن موسى النوبختي; born late 9th century and died between 912 and 922) was a Persian and leading Shī'ī theologian and philosopher in the first half of the 10th century.[1][2][3] The Nawbakhtī family boasted a number of scholars famous at the Abbāsid court of Hārūn al-Rashīd. Al-Ḥasan ibn Mūsa is best known for his book about the Shi'a sects titled Firaq al-Shi'a.


Abū Muḥammad al-Ḥasan ibn Mūsa al-Nawbakhti was the nephew of the theologian philosopher Abū Sahl ibn Nawbakht. Among his fellow translators of books of philosophy were Abū 'Uthmān al-Dimashqi, Isḥāq ibn Ḥunayn, and Thābit ibn Qurra. It was claimed al-Ḥasan ibn Mūsa was both Muʿtazila and Shī’a for the Nawbakht family were known followers of ‘Alī.[4] He transcribed a large number of books and wrote books on theology, philosophy and other topics. His book Firaq aš-šī'a (The sects of Shi'a)[5] is the earliest surviving complete work on the Shiite sects, and the oldest text from an imamitic perspective on the differences between the various Islamic sects and their origins within Shiism.


  • Ritter, Hellmut, ed. (1931). "Firaq aš-šī'a". Bibliotheca Islamica (in Arabic) (Digitalisat ed.). Istanbul: Maṭba'at ad-daula (4).
  • ar-Radd 'alā' l-ġulāt

Titles listed in al-Fihrist

  • Kitāb al-arā' wa-'d-diyānāt (كتاب الاراء و الديانات ولم يتمّه); Doctrines and Religions (unfinished)
  • Kitāb ar-radd alā' aṣḥāb at-tanāsukh (كتاب الردّ الى اصحاب التناسخ); Refutation of Upholders of Transmigration (At-tanāsukh)
  • Kitāb at-tawḥīd wa ḥadīth al-Ilal (كتاب التوحيد وحدث العلل); Oneness and the Principal Cause
  • Kitāb naqḍ (كتاب نقض) Refutation Book
  • Kitāb Abū ‘Īsā fī ‘l-gharīb al-mashraqī (كتاب ابى عيسى في الغريب المشرقى); Refutation of the Book of Abū ‘Īsā about the Unusual Eastern [n 1]
  • Kitāb Ikhtiṣārī Ikhtiṣār al-kūn wa’l-fasād li-Arisṭālīs (كتاب اختصارِ اختصار الكون والفساد لارسطاليس); Abridgement of Aristotle’s “De Generatione et Corruptione
  • Kitāb al-Ihtijāj li ‘Umar ibn ‘Abbād wa nuṣrat madhabuhu (كتاب الاحتجاج لعمر بن عباد ونصرة مذهبه); Proof by Umar ibn ‘Abbād and a Defense of his Doctrines[n 2]
  • Kitāb al-Āmāmat (كتاب الامامة); ‘The Imamate’ (unfinished)


  1. ^ Al-Gharīb al-Mashraqī fī al-Nawḥ bu Abū ‘Īsā al-Warrāq
  2. ^ By “proof” al-Nadīm may refer to the title or to proving something to Umar ibn ‘Abbād.[6]


  1. ^ Ṭūsī (al-) 1885, p. 98, sect. 208.
  2. ^ Mas‘ūdī (al-) 1869, p. 156, I.
  3. ^ Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 1071.
  4. ^ Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 441.
  5. ^ See edition Bibliotheca Islamica 4; English translation by ʻAbbās K. Kāẓim: Shī'a Sects (Kitāb Firaq Al-Shī'a). London: ICAS Press, 2007. (For the Russian translation of Stanislav Michajlovič Prozorov, see web links.)
  6. ^ Nadīm (al-) 1970, p. 441, n.37.


  • Abbas Kadhim (transl.): Shī'a Sects (Kitāb Firaq Al-Shī'a) . London: ICAS Press 2007
  • Norman Calder and Jawid Ahmad Mojaddedi: "Classical Islam: A Sourcebook of Religious Literature." Routledge Chapman & Hall. 2003 (Online Excerpt)
  • Nadīm (al-), Abū al-Faraj Muḥammad ibn Isḥāq (1970). Dodge, Bayard (ed.). The Fihrist of al-Nadim; a Tenth-Century Survey of Muslim Culture. Translated by Bayard Dodge. New York & London: Columbia University Press.
  • Ṭūsī (al-), Abū Ja’far Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan (1885). Sprenger, Aloys (ed.). "Fihrist al-Ṭūsī (Tusy's list of Shy'ah Books and 'Alam al-Hoda's Notes on Shy'ah Biography)". Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal, Baptist Mission Press (71, 91, 107).
  • Mas‘ūdī (al-), Abū al-Ḥasan ‘Alī ibn al-Ḥusayn (1869) [1861]. Kitāb Murūj al-Dhahab wa-Ma'ādin al-Jawhar (Les Prairies d'or ) (in Arabic and French). Translated by Meynard (de), C. Barbier; Courteille (de), Pavet. Paris: Imprimerie impériale.

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