Al-Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula

al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
القاعدة في جزيرة العرب
LeadersNasir al-Wuhayshi  (2011–15)[1]
Qasim al-Raymi  (2015–20)[2]
Khalid Batarfi# (2020–2024)[3]
Sa'ad bin Atef al-Awlaki (2024-present)[4]
Dates of operationJanuary 2009 – present[5]
Merger ofal-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia and Islamic Jihad of Yemen
Allegiance al-Qaeda
Group(s) Ansar al-Sharia

Aden-Abyan Islamic Army

Al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia
HeadquartersMukalla, Hadhramaut Governorate[6](2015–2016)
Wadi Belharith and Azzan in Shabwah Governorate[6]
Wadi Obaidah in Ma'rib Governorate[6]
Rada'a District in Al Bayda Governorate[6]
Mudiyah and Lawdar in Abyan Governorate[6]
Active regionsYemen and Saudi Arabia but predominantly in Yemen
Islamic extremism[7]
Salafi jihadism[7][8]
Part of al-Qaeda
AlliesNon-state allies:
OpponentsNon-State opponents
Islamic State Islamic State – Yemen Province
State opponents
Battles and warsYemeni Insurgency

Yemeni Civil War (2014–present)

Designated as a terrorist group by Bahrain[27]
 United Nations
 European Union
 United Kingdom
 Saudi Arabia
 United States
 United Arab Emirates
 New Zealand[29]

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (Arabic: تنظيم القاعدة في جزيرة العرب, romanizedTanẓīm al-Qā‘idah fī Jazīrat al-‘Arab, lit.'Organization of the Base in the Arabian Peninsula' or تنظيم قاعدة الجهاد في جزيرة العرب, Tanẓīm Qā‘idat al-Jihād fī Jazīrat al-‘Arab, "Organization of Jihad's Base in the Arabian Peninsula"), abbreviated as AQAP,[7] also known as Ansar al-Sharia in Yemen (Arabic: جماعة أنصار الشريعة, Jamā‘at Anṣār ash-Sharī‘ah, "Group of the Helpers of the Sharia"),[30] is a Sunni Islamist insurgent extremist group, which is part of the al-Qaeda network and primarily active in Yemen and Saudi Arabia.[7][31] It is considered the most active[32] of al-Qaeda's branches that emerged after the weakening of central leadership.[33]

The group established an emirate during the 2011 Yemeni Revolution, which waned in power after foreign interventions in the subsequent Yemeni Civil War. The group has been designated a terrorist organization by the United Nations, United States, Saudi Arabia, UAE and several countries.

Ideology and formation

Current (November 2021) political and military control in ongoing Yemeni Civil War (2014–present)
  Controlled by Houthis
  Controlled by Saudi-backed Hadi loyalists
  Controlled by Al-Qaeda (AQAP)-affiliated Ansar al-Sharia
  Controlled by the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council

Like al-Qaeda Central, AQAP opposes the monarchy of the House of Saud.[34] AQAP was formed in January 2009 from a merger of al-Qaeda's Yemeni and Saudi branches.[5] The Saudi group had been effectively suppressed by the Saudi government, forcing its members to seek sanctuary in Yemen.[35][36]

The groups objectives include the overthrowal of Saudi and Yemeni governments and the establishment of an Islamic state in the Arabian Peninsula.[37] In 2010, it was believed to have several hundred members.[5] The group also seeks for the destruction of the Israeli state and the liberation of the Palestinian territories.[14]

Transformation into an active al-Qaeda branch

AQAP fighters in Yemen, 2014.

The number of terrorist plots in the West that originated from Pakistan declined considerably from most of them (at the outset), to 75% in 2007, and to 50% in 2010, as al-Qaeda shifted to Somalia and Yemen.[38]

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton formally designated al-Qaeda in Yemen a terrorist organization on 14 December 2009.[39] On 24 August 2010, The Washington Post journalist Greg Miller wrote that the CIA believed Yemen's branch of al-Qaeda had surpassed its parent organization, Osama bin Laden's core group, as al-Qaeda's most dangerous threat to the U.S. homeland.[40]

On 26 August 2010, Yemen claimed that U.S. officials had exaggerated the size and danger of al-Qaeda in Yemen, insisting also that fighting the jihadist network's local branch remained Sanaa's job.[41] A former bodyguard of Osama bin Laden warned of an escalation in fighting between al-Qaeda and Yemeni authorities and predicted the government would need outside intervention to stay in power.

However, Ahmed al-Bahri told the Associated Press that attacks by al-Qaeda in southern Yemen was an indication of its increasing strength.[42] CNN analyst Paul Cruickshank aserted that several U.S. officials viewed AQAP as the branch of al-Qaeda which posed the most serious threat to American interests in the region.[43]

Operations and activities as al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al-Qaeda was responsible for the USS Cole bombing in October 2000 in Aden, killing 17 U.S. sailors.[34] In 2002, an al-Qaeda bomb damaged the French supertanker Limburg in the Gulf of Aden.[34]

The Global Terrorism Database attributes the 2004 Khobar massacre to the group.[44]

In addition to a number of attacks in Saudi Arabia, and the kidnap and murder of Paul Marshall Johnson Jr. in Riyadh in 2004, the group is suspected in connection with a bombing in Doha, Qatar, in March 2005.[45] For a chronology of recent Islamist militant attacks in Saudi Arabia, see terrorism in Saudi Arabia.

Operations and activities during Yemeni conflict


In the 2009 Little Rock recruiting office shooting, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, formerly known as Carlos Leon Bledsoe, a Muslim convert who had spent time in Yemen, on 1 June 2009, opened fire with an SKS Rifle in a drive-by shooting on soldiers in front of a United States military recruiting office in Little Rock, Arkansas, in a jihad attack. He killed Private William Long, and wounded Private Quinton Ezeagwula. He said that he was affiliated with and had been sent by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.[46][47][48]

AQAP said it was responsible for Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab's attempted Christmas Day bombing of Northwest Airlines Flight 253 as it approached Detroit on 25 December 2009.[49] In that incident, Abdulmutallab reportedly tried to set off plastic explosives sewn to his underwear, but failed to detonate them properly.[34]


On 8 February 2010, deputy leader Said Ali al-Shihri called for a regional holy war and blockade of the Red Sea to prevent shipments to Israel. In an audiotape he called upon Somalia's al-Shabaab militant group for assistance in the blockade.[50]

The 2010 cargo planes bomb plot was discovered on 29 October 2010, when two packages containing bombs found on cargo aircraft, based on intelligence received from government intelligence agencies, in the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates. The packages originated from Yemen, and were addressed to outdated addresses of two Jewish institutions in Chicago, Illinois, one of which was the Congregation Or Chadash, an LGBT synagogue.[51] Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula took responsibility for the plot.[52] It posted its acceptance of responsibility on a number of radical Islamist websites monitored by the SITE Intelligence Group and the Nine Eleven Finding Answers Foundation, and wrote:

We will continue to strike blows against American interests and the interest of America's allies.

It also claimed responsibility for the crash of a UPS Boeing 747-400 cargo plane in Dubai on 3 September. The statement continued:

...since both operations were successful, we intend to spread the idea to our mujahedeen brothers in the world and enlarge the circle of its application to include civilian aircraft in the West as well as cargo aircraft.[52][53][54][55]

American authorities had said they believed that al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula was behind the plot.[51] Officials in the United Kingdom and the United States believe that it is most likely that the bombs were designed to destroy the planes carrying them.[56]

In November 2010, the group announced a strategy, called "Operation Hemorrhage", which it said was designed to capitalize on the "security phobia that is sweeping America." The program would call for a large number of inexpensive, small-scale attacks against United States interests, with the intent of weakening the U.S. economy.[57]


AQAP guards standing out of one of their buildings.

On 21 May 2012, a soldier wearing a belt of explosives carried out a suicide attack on military personnel preparing for a parade rehearsal for Yemen's Unity Day. With over 120 people dead and 200 more injured, the attack was the deadliest in Yemeni history.[58] AQAP claimed responsibility for the attack.[59]

During the June 2012 al Qaeda retreat from its key southern Yemen stronghold, the organization planted land mines, which killed 73 civilians.[60] According to the governor's office in Abyan province, 3,000 mines were removed from around Zinjibar and Jaar.[60]


On 5 December 2013, an attack on the Yemeni Defense Ministry in Sana'a involving a series of bomb and gun attacks killed at least 56 people.[61] After footage of the attack was aired on Yemeni television, showing an attack on a hospital within the ministry compound and the killing of medical personnel and patients, the head of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula released a video message apologizing. Qasim al-Raymi claimed that the team of attackers were directed not to assault the hospital in the attack, but that one had gone ahead and done so.[62]


On 9 May 2014, several soldiers from Yemen were killed after a skirmish sparked when a vehicle attacked a palace gate.[63]

The group also publishes the online magazines Voice of Jihad and Inspire.[64][65]

In December 2014, the group released a video depicting Luke Somers, a journalist whom they were holding hostage.[66] On 26 November, U.S. Navy SEALs and Yemeni special forces attempted a hostage rescue where eight hostages, none American, were freed, but Luke Somers and four others had been moved to another location by AQAP prior to the raid. The nationalities of the eight hostages rescued were six Yemenis, one Saudi, and one Ethiopian. On 6 December, 40 SEALs used V-22 Ospreys to land a distance from the compound where Somers and Korkie were kept at about 1 a.m. local time, according to a senior defense official. An AQAP fighter apparently spotted them while relieving himself outside, a counter-terrorism official with knowledge of the operation told ABC News, beginning a firefight that lasted about 10 minutes. According to CBS News, dog barking could have alerted the hostage-takers of the operation. When the American soldiers finally entered the building where Somers and Korkie were kept, they found both men alive, but gravely wounded. Korkie and Somers died some minutes later despite attempts to save them.[citation needed]


On 7 January 2015, Saïd Kouachi and Chérif Kouachi attacked French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, resulting in 11 French citizens killed and another 11 injured. The French-born brothers of Algerian descent stated they were members of Al-Qaeda in Yemen, to an eyewitness.[67] On 9 January, AQAP confirmed responsibility for the Charlie Hebdo shooting in a speech from top Shariah cleric Harith bin Ghazi al-Nadhari. The reason given was to gain "revenge for the honor" of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.[68]

Capture of Mukalla

On 2 April 2015, AQAP fighters stormed the coastal city of Mukalla, capturing it on 16 April after the two-week Battle of Mukalla. They seized government buildings and used trucks to cart off more than $120 million from the central bank, according to the bank's director. AQAP forces soon passed control to a civilian council, giving it a budget of more than $4 million to provide services to residents of the city. AQAP maintained a police station in the city to mediate Sharia disputes but avoided imposing its rule across the city. AQAP refrained from using its name, instead of using the name the 'Sons of Hadhramaut' to emphasize its ties to the surrounding province.[69]

Fall of Zinjibar and Jaar

On 2 December 2015, the provincial capital of Abyan Governorate, Zinjibar, and the town of Jaʿār were captured by AQAP fighters. Like Al Mukala, AQAP forces soon passed control to a civilian council, police patrols and other public services.[70]


Southern Abyan Offensive

On 20 February 2016, AQAP seized the southern Abyan governorate, linking them with their headquarters in Mukalla.[71]

Liberation of Mukalla

On 24 April 2016, the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces entered Mukalla and commenced operations against AQAP, liberating Mukalla in 36 hours. The operation was hailed by US Defence Secretary James Mattis as a model of fighting terrorism.[72][73]

Mukalla was then used as a base of operations by the UAE Armed Forces and Joint Special Operations Command, allowing the CIA to target AQAP strongest cells in Yemen.[74]


In August 2018, Al Jazeera reported that the Saudi Arabian-led coalition "battling Houthi rebels secured secret deals with al-Qaeda in Yemen and recruited hundreds of the group's fighters. ... Key figures in the deal-making said the United States was aware of the arrangements and held off on drone attacks against the armed group, which was created by Osama bin Laden in 1988."[75][76][77]

According to the Associated Press, the Saudi-led coalition "cut secret deals with al-Qaida fighters, paying some to leave key cities and towns and letting others retreat with weapons, equipment and wads of looted cash... hundreds more were recruited to join the coalition itself."[78]


On 7 April 2019, UAE and Security Belt forces launched a large anti-terror military campaign to clear a number of mountains and valleys located in the Mahfad town, then a key hideout of AQAP militants. UAE-backed Yemeni security forces succeeded in seizing arms and ammunition, including hand grenades, improvised explosive devices and communication equipment and AQAP militants fled to other areas.[79]

On 30 August 2019, UAE airstrikes on AQAP in southern Yemen targeted a number of moving vehicles carrying AQAP members.[80]

In September 2019, AQAP took advantage and deployed across Abyan and Shabwa in southern Yemen following the UAE draw down from Yemen and increased infighting between Houthis and Hadi forces. According to a local Yemeni official, the absence of the Shabwani elite security units, that had been trained and equipped by the UAE, enabled AQAP to gain a foothold in the turbulent Shabwa province again.[81]


On 31 January 2020, The New York Times reported three U.S. officials "expressed confidence" that Qasim al-Raymi, the emir of AQAP, was killed in Yemen. For years al-Raymi eluded U.S. forces as he led what experts sometimes refer to as al-Qaida's "most dangerous franchise." The former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Mick Mulroy said, if confirmed, his death would be "very significant". This was not the first time the United States has tried to get al-Raymi. He was the target of a 29 January 2017, special operations raid in which Navy SEAL William Owens (Navy SEAL) was killed. "The United States never forgets", Mulroy said.[82][83] The Wall Street Journal also reported his death and that al-Raymi directed multiple operations to attack the U.S. including the attempt to blow up a U.S.-bound airliner on Christmas Day 2009.[84] His death was later confirmed by the White House on 6 February.[85]


Since AQAP was expelled from the al-Qayfa district in the northwestern region of al-Bayda in 2020, its activities in 2021 were largely confined to the al-Sawmaa, Dhi Naim and Mukayras districts in the southeast, near the borders of Abyan and Shabwah. Despite continued activity in al-Bayda, AQAP militants appear to have mostly retreated to neighboring Abyan and Shabwah governorates after the Houthi takeover al-Bayda.[86]


Since 2022, AQAP gradually shifts its activities towards the southern part of Yemen, more than 70% of the group's activities will take place in Abyan and Shabwah. After June 2022, there have been no recorded violent interactions between Houthi forces and AQAP. This may be the realization of a possible strategic shift within the bloc since 2020, whereby AQAP's main targets are now Western countries and their regional and Yemeni allies, rather than Houthi forces. The change in strategy may be the result of AQAP's growing influence under Saif al-Adel, an Egyptian citizen based in Iran with ties to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.[86]

In August 2022, the once-vaunted Al Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula is shown to be greatly weakened when none of the group's leaders were deemed potential successors to Ayman al-Zawahiri as leader of Al Qaeda following al-Zawahiri's death.[87] According to a UN report published in February 2023, Al-Adel is also said to have succeeded Ayman al-Zawahiri at the al-Qaeda center.[86]

Ansar al-Sharia

AQAP fighters in Yemen.

In the wake of the 2011 Yemeni Revolution and the Battle of Zinjibar, an Islamist insurgent organization called Ansar al-Sharia (Yemen) (Supporters of Islamic Law), emerged in Yemen and seized control of areas in the Abyan Governorate and surrounding governorates in southern Yemen and declared them an Islamist Al-Qaeda Emirate in Yemen. There was heavy fighting with the Yemeni security forces over the control of these territories, with Ansar al-Sharia driven out of most of their territory over 2012.[88]

In April 2011, Shaykh Abu Zubayr Adil bin Abdullah al-Abab, AQAP's chief religious figure, explained the name change as a re-branding exercise: "the name Ansar al-Sharia is what we use to introduce ourselves in areas where we work to tell people about our work and goals."[89]

On 4 October 2012, the United Nations 1267–1989 Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee and the United States Department of State designated Ansar al-Sharia an alias for AQAP,[30] with the State Department describing it as an attempt to attract followers in areas of Yemen where AQAP had been able to establish territorial control and implement its interpretation of Sharia.[30]

U.S. drone strikes

US Air Force Predator drone.

A CIA targeted killing drone strike killed Kamal Derwish, an American citizen, and a group of al-Qaida operatives (including Qaed Salim Sinan al-Harethi) in Yemen in November 2002. Drones became shorthand in Yemen for a weak government allowing foreign forces to have their way.[90]

On 30 September 2011, a US drone attack in Yemen resulted in the death of Anwar al-Awlaki, one of the group's leaders, and Samir Khan, the editor of Inspire, its English-language magazine.[91] Both were US citizens.[92]

The pace of US drone attacks quickened significantly in 2012, with over 20 strikes in the first five months of the year, compared to 10 strikes during the course of 2011.[93]

Over the period 19–21 April 2014, a series of drone attacks on AQAP killed dozens of militants, and at least 3 civilians.[94][95][96][97][98] A spokesperson for the Yemeni Supreme Security Committee described the attacks, which included elements of the Yemeni army as well as US drones, as "massive and unprecedented".[99] The attacks were alleged to have targeted AQAP leadership, with a major AQAP base in Wadi al-Khayala reported to have been destroyed.[100]

From 1 through 8 March 2017, the US conducted 45 airstrikes against AQAP, a record amount of airstrikes conducted against the group by the US in recent history. The airstrikes were reported to have killed hundreds of AQAP militants.[101][102] The US continued its airstrikes afterward. Around 1–2 April 2017, the US carried out another 20 airstrikes, increasing the total number of airstrikes against AQAP in 2017 to 75, nearly double previously yearly record of 41 airstrikes in 2009.[103]

On 31 August 2019, at least 40 al Qaeda operatives were killed in airstrike carried out by the United States on a training camp in presence of the leaders of Hurras al-Deen, Ansar al-Tawhid and other allied groups in Syria.[104]

Senior leaders

Name Position Situation
Nasir al-Wuhayshi  Former Emir and founder of AQAP
  • Founder and former Emir of AQAP.[5]
  • Deputy Emir and general manager of al-Qaeda.[105][106]
  • Killed in a drone strike in June 2015.[1][2]
Qasim al-Raymi  Former Emir and former military commander
  • Senior military commander in AQAP.[107][108]
  • In 2007, he and AQAP leader Nasir al-Wuhayshi announced the emergence of al-Qaida in Yemen, AQAP's predecessor group.[109]
  • He played an important role in recruiting the current generation of militants making up the Yemen-based AQAP.[109]
  • Succeeded Nasir al-Wuhayshi as leader of AQAP.[2]
  • Killed in a drone strike in late January 2020.[110]
Khalid Batarfi# Former Emir and former senior commander
Sa'ad bin Atef al-Awlaki Emir and former senior commander
  • Succeeded Khalid Batarfi as leader of AQAP.[114]
Said Ali al-Shihri  Former Deputy Emir
  • Deputy Emir and highest ranking Saudi official in AQAP.[115]
  • Was a former detainee at Guantanamo Bay until released to Saudi Arabia in November 2007.[116]
  • Killed in a drone strike in 2013.[117]
Mohamed Atiq Awayd Al Harbi  Surrendered Field commander
  • Was a former detainee at Guantanamo Bay until released to Saudi Arabia in November 2007.[118]
  • Surrendered to Saudi authorities in Yemen in February 2009.[119]
Jalal Bala'idi   Operational commander
  • Senior military commander in AQAP.
  • He played an important role during the AQAP battles in the Abyan province.
  • Killed in a drone strike in February 2016.
  • Succeeded by his brother Tawfiq Bala'idi.
Muhammad Sa'id Ali Hasan  Operational commander
  • Senior military commander in AQAP.
  • Killed in a drone strike in April 2012.[120]
Ibrahim Sulayman Muhammad al-Rubaysh  Mufti
  • He was reported to be AQAP's mufti.[121]
  • Also served as a senior advisor for AQAP operational planning, and was involved in the planning of attacks.[122]
  • Detaineed at Guantanamo Bay until December 2006 when he was handed over to Saudi Arabian authorities, he subsequently escaped to Yemen.[123]
  • Killed in a drone strike in April 2015.[124]
Nasser bin Ali al-Ansi  Senior sharia official
  • Al-Ansi was a senior ranking Shari'a official within AQAP.
  • He claimed responsibility for the Charlie Hebdo shooting on behalf of AQAP.[125]
  • Killed in a drone strike in April 2015.[126]
Anwar al-Awlaki  Chief of External Operations
  • Senior recruiter and involved in organizing external operations to be conducted for AQAP.[127][128][129]
  • Killed in a drone strike in September 2011.[130]
Harith bin Ghazi al-Nadhari  Senior sharia official
  • Senior ranking Shari'a official within AQAP.
  • He rebuked the Islamic State announcement of expanding their caliphate into Yemen and renewed loyalties to al-Qaeda and its leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri.[131]
  • Killed in a drone strike in January 2015.[132]
Ibrahim al-Banna Chief of Security
  • Has served as AQAP's chief of security.[133]
  • He is a founding member of AQAP and provides military and security guidance to the AQAP leadership.[133]
Fahd al-Quso  Operational commander
  • Wanted by the United States for his involvement in the USS Cole bombing in Aden, Yemen on 12 October 2002.
  • Killed in a drone strike in May 2012.
Shawki al-Badani  Operational commander
  • Played a key role in a plan for a major attack in summer 2013 that led the United States to close 19 diplomatic posts across the Middle East and Africa.
  • Killed in a drone strike in November 2014.
Othman Ahmad Othman al-Ghamdi  Operational commander
  • Al-Ghamdi was involved in raising funds for the organization's operations and activities in Yemen.[134]
  • He first appeared in a video released in May 2010, where he was identified publicly as AQAP's operational commander.[134]
  • He was a former detainee at Guantanamo Bay detention camp from April 2006 to June 2006 until he was handed over to Saudi Arabian authorities and subsequently released.[129]
  • Killed in a drone strike in Yemen in February 2015.[135]
  • AQAP confirmed al-Ghamdi's death in September 2018.[136]
Samir Khan  Editor and publisher of Inspire magazine
  • Khan was the editor and publisher of Inspire magazine, an English-language online magazine published by AQAP.
  • Killed in a drone strike in September 2011.
Ibrahim al-Asiri  Explosives expert
Ibrahim al Qosi Senior sharia official
  • Al-Qosi was a former detainee at Guantanamo Bay from January 2002 to July 2012 until he was handed over to Sudan after serving a short sentence as part of a plea bargain.


The group has taken advantage of Yemen's "slow collapse into near-anarchy. Widespread corruption, growing poverty and internal fragmentation have helped make Yemen a breeding ground for terror."[142] More than two years later, on 25 April 2012, a suspected US drone strike killed Mohammed Said al-Umdah, a senior AQAP member cited as the number four in the organization and one of the 2006 escapees. He had been convicted of the 2002 tanker bombing and for providing logistical and material support.[143]

Yemeni analyst, Barak Barfi, discounted claims that marriage between the militant group and Yemeni tribes is a widespread practice, though he states that the bulk of AQAP members hail from the tribes.[144]

AQAP is a popular choice for radicalized Americans seeking to join Islamist terror organizations overseas. In 2013 alone, at least three American citizens or permanent residents — Marcos Alonso Zea, Justin Kaliebe, and Shelton Thomas Bell — have attempted to join AQAP.[145] They count among over 50 Americans who have attempted to join terrorist groups overseas, including AQAP, since 2007.[145]

Reportedly, as many as 20 Islamist British nationals traveled to Yemen in 2009 to be trained by AQAP.[146] In February 2012, up to 500 Internationalistas from Somalia's Al Shabaab, after getting cornered by a Kenyan offensive and conflict with Al Shabaab national legions, fled to Yemen.[147] It is likely that a number of this group merged with AQAP. The following is a list of people who have been purported to be AQAP members. Most, but not all, are or were Saudi nationals. Roughly half have appeared on Saudi "most wanted" lists. In the left column is the rank of each member in the original 2003 list of the 26 most wanted.

English Arabic Notes
Yousif Saleh Fahd al-'Uyayri (or Ayyiri, etc.) يوسف صالح فهد العييري leader, writer, and webmaster, killed June 2003 in Saudi Arabia[148]
3 Khalid Ali bin Ali Hajj خالد علي بن علي حاج leader, killed in Riyadh March or April 2004[149]
1 Abdulaziz Issa Abdul-Muhsin al-Muqrin عبد العزيز عيسى عبد المحسن المقرن leader, killed in Riyadh 18 June 2004[150][151][152]
5 Saleh Muhammad 'Audhuallah al-'Alawi al-Oufi صالح محمد عوض الله العلوي العوفي leader, killed 17 or 18 August 2005 in Medina[153]
2 Rakan Muhsin Mohammed al-Saikhan راكان محسن محمد الصيخان killed 12 April 2004 in Riyadh
7 Saud Hamoud 'Abid al-Qatini al-'Otaibi سعود حمود عبيد القطيني العتيبي senior member, one of 15 killed in a 3-day battle in Ar Rass April 2005[154][155]
4 Abdul Kareem Al-Majati عبد الكريم المجاطي Moroccan, killed with Saud al-Otaibi at Ar Rass,[154] was wanted in the USA under the name Karim El Mejjati
6 Ibrahim Muhammad Abdullah al-Rais إبراهيم محمد عبدا لله الريس killed 8 December 2003 in Riyadh
8 Ahmad Abdul-Rahman Saqr al-Fadhli أحمد عبدالرحمن صقر الفضلي killed 22 April 2004 in Jeddah
9 Sultan Jubran Sultan al-Qahtani alias Zubayr Al-Rimi سلطان جبران سلطان القحطاني q.v., killed 23 September 2003 in Jizan
10 Abdullah Saud Al-Siba'i عبد الله سعود السباعي killed 29 December 2004[156]
11 Faisal Abdul-Rahman Abdullah al-Dakhil فيصل عبدالرحمن عبدالله الدخيل killed with al-Muqrin[151]
12 Faris al-Zahrani فارس آل شويل الزهراني ideologue, captured 5 August 2004 in Abha[157]
13 Khalid Mobarak Habeeb-Allah al-Qurashi خالد مبارك حبيب الله القرشي killed 22 April 2004 in Jeddah
14 Mansoor Muhammad Ahmad Faqeeh منصور محمد أحمد فقيه surrendered 30 December 2003 in Najran
15 'Issa Saad Muhammad bin 'Ushan عيسى سعد محمد بن عوشن ideologue, killed 20 July 2004 in Riyadh
16 Talib Saud Abdullah Al Talib طالب سعود عبدالله آل طالب at large; (last of the original 26)
17 Mustafa Ibrahim Muhammad Mubaraki مصطفى إبراهيم محمد مباركي killed 22 April 2004 in Jeddah
18 Abdul-Majiid Mohammed al-Mani' عبد المجيد محمد المنيع ideologue, killed 12 October 2004 in Riyadh[158]
19 Nasir Rashid Nasir Al-Rashid ناصر راشد ناصر الراشد killed 12 April 2004 in Riyadh
Sultan bin Bajad Al-Otaibi سلطان بن بجاد العتيبي spokesman[159] and writer for al-Qaeda, killed 28 or 29 December 2004[160]
20 Bandar Abdul-Rahman Abdullah al-Dakhil بندر عبدالرحمن عبدالله الدخيل killed December 2004[160]
21 Othman Hadi Al Maqboul Almardy al-'Amari عثمان هادي آل مقبول العمري recanted, under an amnesty deal, 28 June 2004 in Namas[161][162]
22 Talal A'nbar Ahmad 'Anbari طلال عنبر أحمد عنبري killed 22 April 2004 in Jeddah
23 'Amir Muhsin Moreef Al Zaidan Al-Shihri عامر محسن مريف آل زيدان الشهري killed 6 November 2003 in Riyadh[163]
24 Abdullah Muhammad Rashid al-Rashoud عبد الله محمد راشد الرشود q.v., ideologue, killed May or June 2005 in Iraq
25 Abdulrahman Mohammad Mohammad Yazji عبدالرحمن محمد محمد يازجي killed 6 April 2005[156]
26 Hosain Mohammad Alhasaki حسين محمد الحسكي Moroccan, held in Belgium[156]
Turki N. M. al-Dandani تركي ناصر مشعل الدندني cell leader, a former # 1 most wanted,[164] died by suicide July 2003 in al-Jawf[165]
Ibrahim bin Abdul-Aziz bin Muhammad al-Muzaini إبراهيم بن عبد العزيز بن محمد المزين killed with Khalid Ali Hajj[149]
Abdul-Rahman Mohammed Jubran al-Yazji عبدالكريم محمد جبران اليازجي killed 2 June 2004 in Ta'if[citation needed]
Mohammed Othman Abdullah al-Waleedi al-Shuhri محمد عثمان عبدالله الوليدي الشهري [164]
Mansour Faqeeh منصور فقيه surrendered[166]
Hamid Fahd Abdullah al-Salmi al-Shamri حمد فهد عبدالله الأسلمي الشمري [164]
Ahmad Nasser Abdullah al-Dakhil أحمد ناصر عبدالله الدخيل [164] (dead)
Turki bin Fuheid al-Mutairi a/k/a Fawaz al-Nashimi تركي بن فيهد المطيري killed with al-Muqrin[151]
Jubran Ali Hakmi جبران علي حكمي [167]
Hani Said Ahmed Abdul-Karim al-Ghamdi هاني سعيد أحمد عبد الكريم الغامدي [167]
Ali Abdul-Rahman al-Ghamdi علي عبد الرحمن الغامدي surrendered 26 June 2003[168]
Bandar bin Abdul-Rahman al-Ghamdi بندر عبد الرحمن الغامدي captured September 2003 in Yemen[169] and extradited to KSA
Fawaz Yahya al-Rabi'i فواز يحيى الربيعي q.v., killed 1 October 2006 in Yemen
Abdul-Rahman Mansur Jabarah عبدالرحمن منصور جبارة "Canadian-Kuwaiti of Iraqi origin",[164] dead according to al-Qaeda; brother of Kuwaiti-Canadian Mohamed Mansour Jabarah
Adnan bin Abdullah al-Omari captured somewhere outside KSA, extradited to KSA November 2005[170]
Abdul-Rahman al-Mutib killed in al Qasim December 2005[171]
Muhammad bin Abdul-Rahman al-Suwailmi, alias Abu Mus'ab al-Najdi محمد بن عبد الرحمن السويلمي killed in al Qasim December 2005[171]
According to Saudi authorities,[172] these 12 died or were killed while committing the Riyadh compound bombings on 12 May 2003. Several were previously wanted.
Khaled Mohammad Muslim Al-Juhani خالد محمد مسلم الجهني leader of this group
Abdul-Karim Mohammed Jubran Yazji عبد الكريم محمد جبران اليازجي
Mohammed Othman Abdullah Al-Walidi Al-Shehri ومحمد عثمان عبد الله الوليدي الشهري
Hani Saeed Ahmad Al Abdul-Karim Al-Ghamdi هاني سعيد أحمد عبد الكريم الغامدي
Jubran Ali Ahmad Hakami Khabrani جبران علي أحمد حكمي خبراني
Khaled bin Ibrahim Mahmoud خالد بن إبراهيم محمود called "Baghdadi"
Mehmas bin Mohammed Mehmas Al-Hawashleh Al-Dosari محماس بن محمد محماس الهواشلة الدوسري
Mohammed bin Shadhaf Ali Al-Mahzoum Al-Shehri محمد بن شظاف علي آل محزوم الشهري
Hazem Mohammed Saeed حازم محمد سعيد called "Kashmiri"
Majed Abdullah Sa'ad bin Okail ماجد عبدالله سعد بن عكيل
Bandar bin Abdul-Rahman Menawer Al-Rahimi Al-Mutairi بندر بن عبد الرحمن منور الرحيمي المطيري
Abdullah Farres bin Jufain Al-Rahimi Al-Mutairi عبدالله فارس بن جفين الرحيمي المطيري
Abdullah Hassan Al Aseery عبد الله حسن عسيري Died trying to assassinate a Saudi prince in October 2009.
The following five were reported killed in Dammam in early September 2005.[173]
Zaid Saad Zaid al-Samari a former most wanted, killed by Saudi forces in 2005[174]
Saleh Mansour Mohsen al-Fereidi al-Harbi
Sultan Saleh Hussan al-Haseri
Naif Farhan Jalal al-Jehaishi al-Shammari
Mohammed Abdul-Rahman Mohammed al-Suwailmi
Abu Hareth Muhammad al-Oufi Former Guantanamo captive who appeared in threatening YouTube video in January 2009, and who voluntarily turned himself in to Saudi authorities a month later.[175]
Anders Cameroon Østensvig Dale,[176] also known as Abu Abdurrahman - al Faranghi[177] A convert; he is imprisoned in Yemen (as of Q1 2023);[176] allegedly trained as a bombmaker[176]—hunted by CIA, MI5 and Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste, since 2012.

See also


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  151. ^ a b c CBC report Archived 2015-02-03 at the Wayback Machine on al-Muqrin and three others killed, and AQAP's acknowledgement
  152. ^ ""Bitter School Dropout Who Became a Flamboyant Killer" by Rob L. Wagner, Saudi Gazette, June 20, 2004". 20 June 2004. Archived from the original on 24 April 2019. Retrieved 4 June 2012.
  153. ^ Al-Qaeda Chief in Kingdom Killed Archived 2013-10-10 at the Wayback Machine, Arab News, 19 August 2005
  154. ^ a b Death of Top Terrorists in Al-Rass Gunbattle Confirmed Archived 2012-07-19 at, Arab News, 10 April 2005
  155. ^ "Battle of Al-Ras" by Sabria S. Jawhar and Rob L. Wagner, Saudi Gazette, 12 April 2005 Archived 12 October 2017 at the Wayback Machine. (2003-05-12). Retrieved 2011-12-29.
  156. ^ a b c KSA wanted list Archived 27 September 2007 at the Wayback Machine, Embassy of Saudi Arabia to the USA
  157. ^ Saudis' Most Wanted Is Captured Archived 2013-06-12 at the Wayback Machine, CBS News, 6 August 2004
  158. ^ Report of death of al-Mani' Archived 1 May 2007 at the Wayback Machine, CNN, 13 October 2004
  159. ^ SITE notice Archived 28 September 2007 at the Wayback Machine about Sultan al-Otaibi
  160. ^ a b Australian Broadcasting Corp. on Sultan al-Otaibi and Bandar al-Dakhil, 31 December 2004
  161. ^ Top Saudi militant surrenders Archived 2017-05-01 at the Wayback Machine, The Tribune (of India), 29 June 2004
  162. ^ Islam Today Archived 2006-12-14 at the Wayback Machine report of mediation in the surrender of Othman al-'Amri. The mediator was Safir al-Hawali; see Salman al-Ouda.
  163. ^ Death confirmed of wanted terrorist suspect Alshihri, Embassy of Saudi Arabia to USA, 22 February 2004
  164. ^ a b c d e KSA's 19 most wanted Archived 28 September 2007 at the Wayback Machine and other information, San'a' Al-Watan, 1 May 2004
  165. ^ Royal Crackdown Archived 5 February 2012 at the Wayback Machine, by John Walsh, Harvard International Review, Fall 2003; about Turki al-Dandani. Details are at present available only in Arabic.
  166. ^ New Pictures of Most Wanted 7 Released Archived 2017-02-02 at the Wayback Machine, Arab News, 20 August 2004
  167. ^ a b Riyadh Daily Archived 14 November 2010 at the Wayback Machine, 12 May 2003 (in Arabic)
  168. ^ Key Riyadh bombings suspect gives up Archived 2011-05-22 at the Wayback Machine, CNN, 26–27 June 2003
  169. ^ Summary of several captures Archived 2004-06-25 at the Wayback Machine in the Arabian Peninsula, BBC, 4 March 2004
  170. ^ Report on al-Omari Archived 2017-02-02 at the Wayback Machine, BBC News, 8 November 2005
  171. ^ a b Saudis 'kill militant fugitive' Archived 2017-02-02 at the Wayback Machine, BBC, 28 December 2005
  172. ^ Saudi government identifies 12 dead bombers Archived 2018-07-14 at the Wayback Machine re the Riyadh residential compound attack
  173. ^ Saudi Arabia says 5 militants slain belonged to al-Qaeda Archived 2011-06-22 at the Wayback Machine, Associated Press, 8 September 2005
  174. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 15 January 2015. Retrieved 5 August 2013.{cite web}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  175. ^ Maggie Michael (23 January 2009). "Report: Ex-Gitmo Detainee Joins Al-Qaida in Yemen". ABC News. Archived from the original on 24 October 2009.
  176. ^ a b c UD vil ikke love hjelp til fengslet nordmann i Jemen Archived 29 March 2023 at the Wayback Machine Retrieved 2023-03-29
  177. ^ Vikås, Marianne; Coombs, Casey L.; Johnsrud, Ingar; Akerhaug, Lars; Tom Bakkeli (2 July 2012). "none". Verdens Gang (in Norwegian). p. 12.


  • Johnsen, Gregory (2012). The Last Refuge: Yemen, al-Qaeda, and America's War in Arabia, Scribe, Melbourne. ISBN 9781922070012.

Further reading

External links