
Amatsumara(天津麻羅) (“one eye of heaven”) or (ironworker of heaven) also known as “Amenomahitotsu” (Heaven's Eye One Kami) is the Shinto kami of ironworking and blacksmiths, was discussed in the kojiki [1] and is associated with the giant yokai Daidara-bocchi [2] He is also the patron kami for black smiths.[3]

He acts as a blacksmith for the gods up in Takamagahara. In many versions, he made a mirror with the help of Ishikori-dome, which was used to lure Amaterasu from her hiding place in the rock cave of heaven.[4]


The name Amatsumara means ma-ura ("eye divination"), which some believe means "one-eyed," in reference to the hazard of blacksmiths.[4]
