Ash Wednesday bushfires

Ash Wednesday bushfires
Aftermath of the 1983 Ash Wednesday bushfires at Mount Macedon
Date(s)16 February 1983
Victoria and South Australia
Burned area2,080 km2 (513,979 acres) in South Australia and 9,954 square kilometres (2.46 million acres) in Victoria on one day; 5,200 square kilometres (1.28 million acres) burnt throughout the 1982/83 season[1][2]
Land useUrban/rural fringe areas, farmland and forest reserve
(47 – Victoria)
(28 – South Australia)
Non-fatal injuries2,676[1]
CauseFaulty powerlines, arson, and negligence after years of extreme drought 3,700 homes and buildings lost

The Ash Wednesday bushfires, known in South Australia as Ash Wednesday II,[3] were a series of bushfires that occurred in south-eastern Australia in 1983 on 16 February, the Christian holy day Ash Wednesday. Within twelve hours, more than 180 fires fanned by hot winds of up to 110 km/h (68 mph) caused widespread destruction across the states of Victoria and South Australia.[4] Years of severe drought and extreme weather combined to create one of Australia's worst fire days in a century.[5] The fires were the deadliest bushfire in Australian history until the Black Saturday bushfires in 2009.

75 people died as a result of the fires; 47 in Victoria, and 28 in South Australia. This included 14 Country Fire Authority (CFA) and three Country Fire Service (CFS) volunteer firefighters.[6][7] Many fatalities were as a result of firestorm conditions caused by a sudden and violent wind change in the evening which rapidly changed the direction and size of the fire front.[8][9] The speed and ferocity of the flames, aided by abundant fuels and a landscape immersed in smoke, made fire suppression and containment impossible.[10] In many cases, residents fended for themselves as fires broke communications, cut off escape routes and severed electricity and water supplies.[11] Up to 8,000 people were evacuated in Victoria at the height of the crisis and a state of disaster was declared for the first time in South Australia's history.[6][8]

A 2001 report found Ash Wednesday to be one of Australia's worst fires.[12] More than 3,700 buildings were destroyed or damaged and 2,545 individuals and families lost their homes. Livestock losses were very high, with more than 340,000 sheep, 18,000 cattle and numerous native animals either dead or later destroyed.[13] A total of 4,540 insurance claims were paid totalling A$176 million with a total estimated cost of well over A$400 million (1983 values) for both states, equivalent to A$1.3 billion in 2007.[1][14] The emergency saw the largest number of volunteers called to duty from across Australia at the same time—an estimated 130,000 firefighters, defence force personnel, relief workers and support crews.[15]


1980 South Australian bushfires

On Ash Wednesday in 1980 (20 February) during a virtually rainless summer after a very wet spring in 1979, bushfires swept through the Adelaide Hills in South Australia, destroying 51 houses.[16] These fires were referred to as "Ash Wednesday" until the 1983 fires, which became notorious nationwide.

El Niño

As 1982 came to a close, large areas of eastern Australia lay devastated by a prolonged drought thought to be caused by the El Niño climatic cycle. In many places, rainfall over winter and spring had been as little as half the previous record low[17] in a record dating back to the 1870s[18] and severe water restrictions were imposed in Melbourne in November. On 24 November, the earliest Total Fire Ban in forty years was proclaimed in Victoria. By February 1983, summer rainfall for Victoria was up to 75% less than in previous years. The first week of February was punctuated by intense heat, with record-high temperatures experienced on 1 and 8 February. This combination further destabilised an already volatile fire situation in the forested upland areas surrounding the Victorian and South Australian capitals of Melbourne and Adelaide.

Early fire season

Victorian Government firefighting agencies employed extra staff and organised for extra equipment and aircraft to be ready for firefighting over the summer. The first big bushfire occurred on 25 November 1982 and was followed by large fires on 3 and 13 December 1982. Even before 16 February, fires were already causing destruction in Victoria. An ongoing fire near Cann River in the state's east had been burning uncontrolled for almost a month. Prior to that, a major bushfire on 8 January had taken hold north of Bacchus Marsh in the Wombat State Forest where two Forest Commission workers lost their lives defending Greendale. On 1 February 1983, a fire burnt the north face of Mount Macedon and areas of state forest.[19] Fifty houses were destroyed. These fires were already creating a strain on firefighting resources. In the 1982/83 season, 3500 fires were reported to the CFA in Victoria alone.[9]

Dust storm

On 8 February, Melbourne was enveloped by a giant dust storm. The dust cloud was over 300 metres high and 500 kilometres long and was composed of an estimated 50,000 tonnes of topsoil from the drought-ravaged Wimmera and Mallee areas of north-west Victoria. Leading a dry cool change and preceded by record temperatures, the dust storm cut visibility in Melbourne to 100 metres, creating near darkness for almost an hour.[20]

There was also a dust storm in Adelaide on the day of the bushfires.[21]

Events of 16 February

Map of fire affected areas in South Australia
Map of fire affected areas in South Australia

Wednesday 16 February dawned as another unrelentingly hot, dry day. The weather early on Ash Wednesday was complex and did not signify how the day would develop. A front separated hot, dry air coming in from the interior to the north, from cooler air moving eastwards from the Southern Ocean. Ahead of the front were hot, turbulent, gale-force northerly winds. Temperatures around Melbourne and Adelaide quickly rose above 43 °C, with winds gusting up to 100 km/h and relative humidity plunging to as low as 6 per cent. From mid-morning, McArthur's fire danger index was in excess of 100 in several places in Victoria and South Australia.[22] It would be one of the worst fire weather days in south-east Australia since the disastrous Black Friday bushfires in 1939.[23]

The first fire was reported at 11:30 am at McLaren Flat, south of Adelaide. Within hours, multiple reports of breaking fires quickly began to deluge Victoria's and South Australia's emergency services. In Victoria alone, 180 fires were reported, eight of which became major fires. At one stage, the entire Melbourne metropolitan area was encircled by an arc of fire. Property loss began early in the afternoon, particularly in the Adelaide Hills, east of Adelaide and the Dandenong Ranges, east of Melbourne.[24]

Murray Nicoll, a journalist from radio station 5DN and resident of the Adelaide Hills, reported live from his local area where five people died:

At the moment, I'm watching my house burn down. I'm sitting out on the road in front of my own house where I've lived for 13 or 14 years and it's going down in front of me. And the flames are in the roof and—Oh, God damn it. It's just beyond belief—my own house. And everything around it is black. There are fires burning all around me. All around me. And the front section of my house is blazing. The roof has fallen in. My water tanks are useless. There is absolutely nothing I can do about it.[25]

Mount Lofty Summit Road is lined by a number of historic mansions, like Eurilla, Carminow and Mount Lofty House. The flames roared up the tower of Carminow like a chimney, destroying everything, including the gardens. Next door at Eurilla, Kym and Julie Bonython lost all of their worldly possessions, including antiques, paintings and Kym Bonython's extensive jazz record collection. He saved only his favourite motorbike. At this time, this part of the Adelaide Hills was still not connected to the mains water supply, so all of the houses had only petrol-powered pumps and rainwater tanks. "The petrol in the emergency pump just vaporised with the heat" said Kym Bonython. "We could do nothing except watch the place burn". Across the road at Pine Lodge (formerly the Mt Lofty Tea Rooms), the resident rolled out the property's fire hose, connected it to the working diesel pump, only to find that embers were already burning numerous holes in the hose, rendering it useless. Down the road at Mount Lofty House, Mr and Mrs James Morgan lost $150,000 worth of furniture and artwork, which they had moved into the huge house only a fortnight before the fires, when they purchased the property.[citation needed]

At 3:15 pm on Wednesday, Mr and Mrs Morgan went to pick up their children from the local school and kindergarten. "Three quarters of an hour later the roof was burning", said Mr Morgan. Flames across the road and road blocks prevented the family from returning to the house, until it was burnt to the ground. "It's worth nothing now", said Mr Morgan.[when?] All of these houses have since been restored and are privately owned. Mount Lofty House has since been turned into a boutique hotel. St Michael's House, a mansion converted to an Anglican theological college and priory in the 1940s, was also burnt in the fires, but not restored and the whole site has since been cleared, leaving only the ruins of the gate house.[citation needed]

More than 60 per cent of the houses lost in South Australia were in the Mount Lofty Ranges. Of the 26 people who died in South Australia, 12 were in metropolitan areas, including four in the Adelaide suburb of Greenhill.[26]

Wind change

The most disastrous factor in the Ash Wednesday fires occurred just before nightfall when a fierce and dry wind change swept across South Australia and Victoria. This abruptly changed the direction and dramatically increased the intensity of the fires. The long corridors of flame that had been driven all day by the strong northerly were suddenly hit by gale-force south-westerly winds and became enormous fire fronts, many kilometres wide, with wind reportedly moving faster than 110 km/h.[27]

The near-cyclonic strength of the wind change created an unstoppable firestorm[28] that produced tornado-like fire whirls and fireballs of eucalyptus gas measuring over three metres across. Survivors reported that the roar of the fire front was similar to that of a jet engine, though multiplied fifty, a hundred times. The change in temperature and air pressure was so savage that houses were seen exploding before fire could touch them.[29] A resident of Aireys Inlet, on Victoria's western coast, was quoted:

It was just this bloody great force. It wasn't fire by itself. It wasn't just the wind. It was something different to that . . . a monster.[29]

Map of fire affected areas in Victoria
Map of fire affected areas in Victoria

Unusual phenomena arising from the extreme conditions were reported. One survivor was startled to see a burning mattress hurtling through the air.[5] Others noted road surfaces that bubbled and caught fire.[29] CSIROTooltip Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation experts later reported that, from evidence of melted metal, the heat of the fires after the change rose to 2,000 °C, exceeding that recorded during the Allied bombing of Dresden in World War II. In fact, the Ash Wednesday fires were measured at around 60,000 kilowatts of heat energy per metre, leading to similarities with the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.[29][30]

Whole townships were obliterated in minutes. In the Dandenong Ranges, the villages of Cockatoo and Upper Beaconsfield were devastated, with twelve volunteer firefighters losing their lives after being trapped by a wall of flame when the wind change struck, while parts of Belgrave Heights (where this fire started) and Belgrave South suffered large areas of property loss.

Most of Macedon and much of historic Mount Macedon to the north-west of Melbourne was razed, including many heritage-listed 19th-century mansions and famed gardens.

A fire that started in Deans Marsh raced into the Otway Forest. When the wind change happen the fire formed a huge front and headed for the coast. Burning all night, the morning after Ash Wednesday, first light revealed the devastation of the popular coastal towns along the Great Ocean Road such as Aireys Inlet, Anglesea and Lorne resembled barren moonscapes. The fire on the coast had been so intense that firefighters were forced to abandon all control efforts and let it burn until it reached the ocean, destroying everything in its path.[31] Residents were forced down to the water edge of beaches in the areas to escape the flames.

In Victoria, over 16,000 firefighters combatted the blaze, including staff and works crews from the Forests Commission Victoria (FCV), National Park Service, and volunteers from the Country Fire Authority and State Emergency Service (SES). Also involved were over 1,000 Victoria Police, 500 Australian Defence Force personnel and hundreds of local residents. A variety of equipment was used, including 400 vehicles (fire-trucks, water tankers and dozers), 11 helicopters and 14 fixed wing aircraft.[32]

The total land area burnt was approximately 2,100 km2 (520,000 acres; 210,000 hectares) in Victoria and 2,080 km2 (510,000 acres; 208,000 hectares) in South Australia. The summer bushfires of 1982/1983 razed approximately 5,200 km2 (1.3 million acres; 520,000 hectares).[13]


Many of the Victorian fires were thought to have been caused by sparks between short-circuiting power lines, and tree branches connecting with power lines. A systematic review of fire safety was undertaken; areas under high-tension pylons were cleared and local domestic lines considered to be at risk were replaced with insulated three-phase supply lines.

In South Australia, an inquest into the fires found that the communication systems used by the CFS were inadequate and, as a result, the government radio network was installed, although this did not happen until almost 20 years later.[33] Improvements in weather forecasting, with particular reference to wind changes and fronts, was undertaken by the Bureau of Meteorology. An emergency disaster plan, known as Displan, was also legislated. Many of the lessons learned in building better homes for fire survival, bush management and emergency response efficiency in analysis of the fires conducted by the CSIRO were to prove vital in later crises, including the 1994 Eastern seaboard and 2003 Canberra fire outbreaks.[34]

A study was conducted into the 32 fatalities (excluding firefighters) that occurred in Victoria. It revealed that 25 were outside their homes, several of whom died in vehicles while attempting to escape the conflagration. It was found that delaying evacuation until the last minute was a common failing.[35]


Until the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires, Ash Wednesday had the highest-recorded death toll for a bushfire disaster, with 75 deaths.[2] For the next quarter century, Ash Wednesday was used as the measure for all bushfire emergencies in Australia; though since 2009, that has supplemented by the lessons learned from Black Saturday. It remains well known as one of the worst natural disasters in Australia's history.

Many psychological studies were undertaken in the months and years after the fire and found that the events left many in the affected communities with the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), even 20 years after the disaster in 2003.[36]

The lasting impact of Ash Wednesday was highlighted in 2008, when its 25th anniversary received much public and media attention.[37] Commemoration sites have been set up in areas that were hit worst by the fires, with museums hosting exhibits inviting survivors to tell their stories.[38]

Areas affected in Victoria

Area/town Area (km2) Fatalities Buildings destroyed
Cudgee & Ballangeich 500 9 872
Otway Ranges 410 3 782
Warburton 400 0 57
East Trentham & Mount Macedon 295 7 628
Belgrave Heights & Upper Beaconsfield 92 21 238
Monivae 31.81 0 3
Cockatoo 18 6 307
Branxholme 2 1 10
Source: Victorian Government Department of Sustainability and Environment

See also


  1. ^ a b c "Southern Victoria and S.A: Bushfires". E.M.A Disasters Database. Emergency Management Australia, Australian Government. 13 September 2006. Archived from the original on 12 February 2009. Retrieved 25 May 2008.
  2. ^ a b "Ash Wednesday bushfire – 1983". Department of Sustainability and Environment. Archived from the original on 27 March 2012. Retrieved 16 February 2012.
  3. ^ CFS :: Bushfire History Archived 29 August 2010 at the Wayback Machine
  4. ^ "About Ash Wednesday". Country Fire Authority Victoria, Australia. Archived from the original on 23 March 2008. Retrieved 10 May 2008.
  5. ^ a b Bureau of Meteorology. "Climate Education: Ash Wednesday, February 1983". Australian Government. Archived from the original on 8 August 2013. Retrieved 10 May 2008.
  6. ^ a b Collins, Paul (2006). Burn: The Epic Story of Bushfire in Australia. Sydney: Allen and Unwin. ISBN 1-74175-053-9.
  7. ^ "Memorials to Firefighters: Remembering Our Fallen". South Australian CFA Promotions Unit. Country Fire Service. Archived from the original on 11 February 2009. Retrieved 16 May 2008.
  8. ^ a b Murray, Robert; Kate White (1995). State of Fire: A History of Volunteer Firefighting and the Country Fire Authority in Victoria. Melbourne, Australia: Hargreen Publishing Company. ISBN 0-949905-63-1.
  9. ^ a b Webster, Joan (2000). The Complete Bushfire Safety Book. Sydney, Australia: Random House Australia. ISBN 1-74051-034-8.
  10. ^ Miller, S.I (1984). Report of the Bushfire Review Committee: On Bushfire Disaster Preparedness and Response in Victoria, Australia Following The Ash Wednesday Fires 16 February 1983. Melbourne, Australia: State Government of Victoria. pp. 23–24.
  11. ^ Smith, Stewart (2002). "Bushfires. Briefing Paper No. 5/02" (PDF). NSW Parliamentary Research Library Research Service. Archived from the original (PDF) on 28 May 2008. Retrieved 17 May 2008.
  12. ^ "Economic Costs of Natural Disasters in Australia. (Report 103)" (PDF). Bureau of Infrastructure Transport and Regional Economics, Australian Government. 2 January 2001. Archived (PDF) from the original on 28 May 2008.
  13. ^ a b "Hazards, Disasters, and Your Community" (PDF). Emergency Management Australia. Archived from the original (PDF) on 16 October 2007. Retrieved 22 February 2008.
  14. ^ "Insurance Council Catastrophe Information". Insurance Council of Australia. Archived from the original on 10 May 2008. Retrieved 17 May 2008.
  15. ^ "CFS Media Release: Ash Wednesday Memorial". CFS Public Affairs. 15 February 2006. Retrieved 19 May 2008.[dead link]
  16. ^ Ash Wednesday, Security and Emergency Management Office, Government of South Australia; posted 25 August 2006; retrieved 2012-01-20 (via
  17. ^ See Bureau of Meteorology; Monthly Weather Review: Victoria; December 1982, for details
  18. ^ Green, H.J.; "Results of rainfall observations made in Victoria: supplementary volume : including all available annual rainfall totals from 1326 stations for years 1911–1936 inclusive, and monthly and yearly totals from 239 representative stations for the entire periods for which records are available up to the end of 1935, with maps and diagrams". Published 1937 by Australian Bureau of Meteorology
  19. ^ "Ash Wednesday". Gisborne CFA. Archived from the original on 8 October 2007. Retrieved 24 February 2008.
  20. ^ "The Melbourne dust-storm of February 1983". Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Archived from the original on 17 March 2009. Retrieved 25 February 2008.
  21. ^ Natural Hazards Archived 11 February 2009 at the Wayback Machine, Atlas of South Australia 1986
  22. ^ "McArthur's Fire Danger Index". CSIRO. Archived from the original on 6 March 2009. Retrieved 3 March 2009.
  23. ^ "High Risk Weather Patterns – South Australia". Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Retrieved 17 July 2015.
  24. ^ McGarry, Andrew (16 February 2008). "Ash Wednesday can happen again". The Australian. Archived from the original on 13 February 2009. Retrieved 23 February 2008.
  25. ^ "Ash Wednesday". New Dimensions in Time. ABC. Archived from the original on 18 April 2008. Retrieved 23 February 2008.
  26. ^ Ash Wednesday bushfires Professional Historians Association (South Australia)
  27. ^ "16th February, 1983". Narre Warren Fire Brigade. Archived from the original on 20 February 2008. Retrieved 22 February 2008.
  28. ^ "Ash Wednesday: 'A glimpse inside hell'". ABC News. 14 February 2013. Retrieved 2 October 2021.
  29. ^ a b c d Baxter, John (1984). Who Burned Australia?: The Ash Wednesday Fires. Kent: New English Library. ISBN 0-450-05749-6.
  30. ^ Hamilton, John (18 February 1983). "A town counts its dead... and its blessings". The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 14 February 2018.(subscription required)
  31. ^ "Ash Wednesday archive footage, Channel 7 News report 1983". Archived from the original on 30 March 2008. Retrieved 22 February 2008.
  32. ^ McHugh, Peter (2022). The 1982-83 Victorian Bushfire Season. : Including Ash Wednesday – 16 February 1983 A forester's perspective. McHugh. ISBN 978-0-6450631-3-4.
  33. ^ "General Network Information". South Australian Government Radio Network page. Archived from the original on 12 February 2009. Retrieved 22 February 2008.
  34. ^ "Understanding building infrastructure performance in bushfires". CSIRO. Archived from the original on 4 November 2007. Retrieved 9 March 2008.
  35. ^ Schauble, John (13 January 2005). "When making the right choice is a matter of life and death". The Age. Australia. Archived from the original on 5 September 2007. Retrieved 23 February 2008.
  36. ^ Press release (16 February 2003). "Lessons learned from Ash Wednesday". University of Adelaide. Archived from the original on 4 March 2008. Retrieved 23 February 2008.
  37. ^ Burgess, Matthew (16 February 2008). "Ash Wednesday scars remain 25 years on". The Age. Australia. Retrieved 22 February 2008.
  38. ^ Ashley Walsh (16 February 2008). "Ash Wednesday Exhibition at Prospect Hill". ABC Adelaide. Australia: ABC. Archived from the original on 20 February 2008. Retrieved 9 March 2008.

External links