Attila Végh (poet)

Attila Végh (born Budapest 13 February 1962) is a Hungarian poet, philosopher and essayist.[1][2] He won an Attila József Prize for poetry in 2012.

Végh is known for magazine editorials and social criticism,[3] is host of the poetry forum of the Café Budapest Contemporary Arts Festival (formerly known as the Budapest Autumn Festival).[4]


  1. ^ Mozgó világ 1996 - Issues 1-6 - Page 132 "VÉGH ATTILA 1962-ben született Budapesten. 1988-ban végzett Gö- döllön. Irással és olvasással foglal- kozik. ZEMLÉNYI ATTILA 1967-ben született Szerencsen. A Miskolci Egye- A boritót Valí Dezsö tervezte Szlnes melléklet: Muzsnay Ákos ...
  2. ^ MTI ki kicsoda 2009- Page 1169 VÉGH Attila költö, esszéista. Bp., 1962. febr. 13. T.: GATE, 1982-88, ELTE ВТК, kult antropología, 1989-90, Debreceni Egy., fflozófia, 2000-2005. É.: Bertha Bulcsu-emlékdíj (2007). F. т.: Az ügyész sétája (vérsele, 1999), Fényérték (filmkritikák), ...
  3. ^ Eurotopics - Attila Végh on the superficiality of information Archived 2013-09-26 at the Wayback Machine 16 June 2020
  4. ^ "Café Budapest" Contemporary Arts Festival 2012 Program "The guests of these occasions, organized under the aegis of Café Budapest, are Judit Ágnes Kiss, also recognized as a singer and dancer, and Attila Végh, who has also earned a name as a critic and essayist. Featuring: Attila Végh and his guests"