Bishop of Tricarico

Diocese of Tricarico

Dioecesis Tricaricensis
Tricarico Cathedral
Ecclesiastical provincePotenza-Muro Lucano-Marsico Nuovo
Area1,237 km2 (478 sq mi)
- Total
- Catholics
(as of 2020)
34,000 (est.)
DenominationCatholic Church
RiteRoman Rite
Established11th century
CathedralCattedrale di S. Maria Assunta
Secular priests32 (diocesan)
1 (religious order)
Current leadership
BishopGiovanni Intini
Diocesi di Tricarico (in Italian)

The Diocese of Tricarico (Latin: Dioecesis Tricaricensis) is a Latin diocese of the Catholic Church in Basilicata. It is a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Potenza-Muro Lucano-Marsico Nuovo.[1][2]


Bishop Liutprand of Cremona, who had participated in the siege of the Byzantines at Bari in 968, was sent by his patron the Emperor Otto I to Constantinople to seek a negotiated peace with the Emperor Nikephoros II Phokas.[3] His mission was unsuccessful, and on his return Liutprand wrote a highly colored narration of his embassy, the "Relatio de legatione Constantinopolitana ad Nicephorum Phocam".[4] The document mentions an aggressive act on the part of Polyeuctos, Patriarch of Constantinople, raising the bishopric of Otranto (Hydruntum) to the rank of a metropolitanate, and granting that prelate the right to consecrate bishops for Acerenza, Turcico (Tursi), Gravina, Macera, and Tricarico. Liutprand remarks that he thought that those consecrations were the right of the pope.[5] This is the earliest mention of a bishop of Tricarico.

Nicephoros Phocas according to Liutprand, ordered that all the dioceses in Byzantine territory in south Italy should use only the Greek Rite in the liturgy.[6] The names of the Greek-rite bishops of Tricarico whose allegiance was to Constantinople are not known.

In 1068, the diocese of Tricarico was assigned by Pope Alexander II to the metropolitanate of Acerenza.[7]

Of the Latin bishops after the Norman conquest the first was Arnoldo (1068).[8]

On 7 October 1123, Pope Calixtus II, who was residing in Benevento at the time, at the request of Bishop Peter of Tricarico, took the diocese under papal protection, and, in the bull Aequitatis et justitiae, confirmed the bishops' privileges and possessions, which are extensively listed.[9]

On 3 June 1237, at the request of Bishop Rogerius of Tricarico, Pope Gregory IX took the diocese under the protection of the papacy, and confirmed the bishops of the diocese in their privileges and possessions.[10] The bull, In eminenti, lists all of the towns, villages and churches belonging to the diocese.[11]

On 29 July 1322, Pope John XXII reserved to the pope the right to nominate as well as confirm the appointment of all bishops in Italy, including the bishops of Tricarico. This act removed the power of electing a bishop from the cathedral Chapter.[12] When Bishop Richardus died early in 1324, the Canons of the cathedral Chapter proceeded, in accordance with custom, to elect a new bishop, Rogerius de Sanseverino, even though he was under the minimum age. Pope John XXII immediately invalidated his election, as attempted contrary to papal reservation, and on 4 May 1324 appointed Bonaccursus, the archpriest of the church of Ferrara instead.[13]

Bishop Fortunado Pinto (1792–1805) held a diocesan synod in Tricarico on 5 June 1800.[14]

The Napoleonic disruption and restoration

From 1805 to 1819 the see of Tricarico remained vacant. From 1806–1808, Naples was occupied by the French, and Joseph Bonaparte was made king,[15] after Napoleon had deposed King Ferdinand IV. Joseph Bonaparte was succeeded by Joachim Murat from 1808 until the fall of Napoleon in 1815. Pope Pius VII was a prisoner of Napoleon in France from 1809 to 1815, and was both unable and unwilling to make new episcopal appointments. The French expelled all monks, nuns, and Jesuits from the kingdom, and closed the monasteries and convents; colleges of canons were also closed.[16]

Following the extinction of the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy, the Congress of Vienna authorized the restoration of the Papal States and the Kingdom of Naples. Since the French occupation had seen the abolition of many Church institutions in the Kingdom, as well as the confiscation of most Church property and resources, it was imperative that Pope Pius VII and King Ferdinand IV reach agreement on restoration and restitution. Ferdinand, however, was not prepared to accept the pre-Napoleonic situation, in which Naples was a feudal subject of the papacy. Neither was he prepared to accept the large number of small dioceses in his kingdom; following French intentions, he demanded the suppression of fifty dioceses.[17] Lengthy, detailed, and acrimonious negotiations ensued.[18] On 17 July 1816, King Ferdinand issued a decree, in which he forbade the reception of any papal document without prior reception of the royal exequatur. This meant that prelates could not receive bulls of appointment, consecration, or installation without the king's permission.[19]

A concordat was finally signed on 16 February 1818, and ratified by Pius VII on 25 February 1818. Ferdinand issued the concordat as a law on 21 March 1818.[20] The re-erection of the dioceses of the kingdom and the ecclesiastical provinces took more than three years. The right of the king to nominate the candidate for a vacant bishopric was recognized, as in the Concordat of 1741, subject to papal confirmation (preconisation).[21] On 27 June 1818, Pius VII issued the bull De Ulteriore, in which the metropolitanate of Acerenza was restored, with Anglona e Tursi, Potenza, Tricarico, and Venosa as suffragans; the diocese of Matera was permanently suppressed and united to the Church of Acerenza.[22]

The diocese of Tricarico was a suffragan of the newly constituted archdiocese of Acerenza and Matera from 1821 until 1954. On 2 July 1954, Pope Pius XII issued the bull Acheronta et Matera, in which he revived the diocese of Matera as a metropolitan archbishopric with its own ecclesiastical province including the dioceses of Anglona-Turso and Tricarico as its suffragans.[23] Following the Second Vatican Council, and in accordance with the norms laid out in the council's decree, Christus Dominus chapter 40,[24] Pope Paul VI ordered a reorganization of the ecclesiastical provinces in southern Italy by the bull Quo aptius of 21 August 1976. The ecclesiastical provinces of Acerenza and of Matera were abolished, and a new province, that of Potenza, was created. The diocese of Tricarico became a suffragan of the metropolitanate of Potenza.[25]

Chapter and cathedral

The current cathedral of Tricarico dates back to the 16–18th century; it was built on the pre-existing foundations of an earlier church, already dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in the 12th century.[26] In order to keep the old medieval cathedral in repair, Cardinal Tommaso Brancaccio obtained from Pope Martin V an indulgence for persons visiting the cathedral and contributing to the fund for the maintenance of the fabric.[27] The cathedral was administered by a Chapter composed of one, and then two dignities (the Archdeacon and the Cantor), and twelve canons. One of the canons was designated by the bishop as the pastor of the cathedral parish. There were also 30 hebdomidary priests appointed to say the daily Mass.[28] In 1741, there were three dignities and eighteen canons.[29] When Bishop Angelo succeeded to the diocese in 1411, he found the finances of the Chapter in such dire straits that he permanently diverted part of his own income from one of the gabelles to aid the prelates to live in some dignity.[30]

Bishops of Tricarico

to 1350

[*Arnaldus (c. 1069)]
  • Librandus (attested 1098)[31]
  • Petrus (attested 1123)
  • Herbertus (attested 1127)[32]
  • Robertus (attested 1176–1194)[33]
  • Joannes (attested 1210–1215)[34]
  • Rogerius (attested 1237)[35]
  • [Rogerius (1253–1254) Bishop-elect][36]
  • Palmerius de Gallucio (1253–1283)[37]
  • Leonardus, O.Min. (attested 1284)[38]
  • Richardus[39]
  • Bonaccursus (1324–1325/1326)[40]
  • Goffredus (1326– ? )[41]
  • Matthaeus
  • Rogerius

1350 to 1500

  • Angelus (1350–1365)
  • Petrus de Serlupis (1365–1373)[42]
  • Andreas Calderini (1373–1378)[43]
  • Martinus (1378–1380)[44]
  • Joannes de Gallinario (1382–c. 1385) Avignon Obedience[45]
  • Vitus (1385– ? ) Avignon Obedience[46]
  • Thomas (attested 1385) Roman Obedience[47]
  • Tommaso Brancaccio (1405–1411)[48]
  • Angelo (1411–1419)[49]
  • Tommaso Brancaccio (1419–1427) Perpetual Administrator[50]
  • Stephanus de Carraria (1427–1432)[51]
  • Angelo (1433–1438 Died)
  • Nicolò da Venezia, O.P. (1438–1446)[52]
  • Sabbas Carboni (1446-1447)[53]
  • Laurentius, O.Min. (1447–1448)[54]
  • Onofrio de Santa Croce (1448–1471 Died)
  • Orso Orsini (1471–1474)[55]
  • Scipione Cicinelli (1474–1494)
  • Augustinus Guarino (1497-1510)[56]

1500 to 1700

1700 to 1900

  • Luca Trapani (1718–1719)[69]
  • Simeone Veglini (1720–1720 Died)[70]
  • Nicolò Antonio Carafa, O.S.B. (1720–1741 Resigned)[71]
  • Antonio Zavarroni (1741–1759 Died)[72]
  • Antonio Francesco de Plato (1760–1783 Died)[73]
  • Fortunado Pinto (1792–1805)[74]
Sede vacante (1805–1819)[75]

since 1900


  1. ^ "Diocese of Tricarico" David M. Cheney. Retrieved March 9, 2016
  2. ^ a b c d e f g "Diocese of Tricarico" Gabriel Chow. Retrieved March 29, 2016
  3. ^ Russo (2015), p. 6.
  4. ^ Paolo Chiesa, "Liutprando di Cremona", (in Italian), in: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Volume 65 (2005): "Giunto a Costantinopoli il 4 giugno, L. vi si trattenne fino al 2 ottobre, senza ottenere i risultati sperati, a suo dire per l'ostilità dimostratagli dalle autorità bizantine; a nulla valse l'azione di un'ambasceria parallela inviata dal papa in suo appoggio, giunta a Costantinopoli in agosto. Il viaggio di ritorno, per via terrestre fino allo Ionio, fu lento e complesso e si concluse soltanto all'inizio dell'anno successivo; L. si diresse probabilmente nell'Italia meridionale, dove si trovava in quel momento Ottone, per riferirgli di persona. Al seguito dell'imperatore si trovava ancora il 26 maggio 969 a Roma."
  5. ^ Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptorum, Vol. III, p. 361. Cappelletti XX (1866), p. 418. Paul Fridolin Kehr, Italia pontificia Vol. IX (Berlin: Weidmann 1962), p. 472 and 408.
  6. ^ Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptorum, Vol. III, p. 361: "nec permittat in omni Apulia seu Calabria latine amplius, sed graece divina mysteris celebrare."
  7. ^ Russo (2016), p. 11. H. Houben (1999), "Il privilegio di Alessandro II per l’arcivescovo Arnaldo di Acerenza (JL. 4647)," (in Italian) in: Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia 53 (1999), pp. 109-118.
  8. ^ Russo, pp. 9-10: "Tali fonti, che segnerebbero anche il passaggio della diocesi di Tricarico dal rito greco a quello latino, tuttavia, sono unanimemente ritenute false."
  9. ^ Kehr, p. 474, no.4. Robert, Ulysse (1891). Bullaire du Pape Calixte II (in Latin). Vol. Tome second. Paris: Imprimerie nationale. pp. 217–219.
  10. ^ Cappelletti, XX, pp. 483-484.
  11. ^ The bull is quoted in full by Ferdinando Ughelli, Italia sacra Vol. VII, pp. 148-150. It is subscribed by twelve cardinals.
  12. ^ G. Mollat, Jean XXII: Lettres communes Tome quatrième (Paris: Fontemoing 1904), p. 165, no. 16165. Caesar Baronius, Annales Ecclesiastici (in Latin) (ed. Augustinus Theiner) Vol. 24 (Bar-le-Duc: L. Guerin 1870)), p. 169, § 4.
  13. ^ G. Mollat, Jean XXII: Lettres communes Tome cinquième (Paris: Fontemoing 1904), p. 124, no. 19508: "...contra apost. reservat. a capit. attemptata."
  14. ^ Synodus dioecesana Tricaricensis, habita die quinta mensis Junii, feria quinta post Pentecosten, anno reparatae salutis 1800 sub praesulatu ... D. Fortunati Pinto (Neapoli: ex Officina Vincentii Manfredii, 1801).
  15. ^ F. Artaud de Montor, Histoire du Pape Pie VII (in French) Vol. II, second edition (Paris: Adrien Leclerc 1837), pp. 132-140.
  16. ^ R.M. Johnston (1909), The Napoleonic Kingdom in Southern Italy and the Rise of the Secret Societies, Volume I (London: Macmillan), pp. 149. 161-162;
  17. ^ Francesco Scaduto (1887). Stato e chiesa nelle due Sicilie dai Normanni ai giorni nostri (in Italian). Palermo: A. Amenta. pp. 42–58, 74–78.
  18. ^ F. Artaud de Montor, Histoire du Pape Pie VII (in French) Vol. II, second edition (Paris: Adrien Leclerc 1837), pp. 507-509.
  19. ^ Vito Giliberti (1845), Polizia ecclesiastica del regno delle due Sicilie (in Italian), (Napoli: F. Azzolini), pp. 399-400.
  20. ^ F. Torelli (1848), La chiave del concordato dell'anno 1818 I, second edition (Naples: Fibreno 1848), pp. 1-19.
  21. ^ Torelli I, p. 9.
  22. ^ Torelli I, pp. 117-118.
  23. ^ Acta Apostolicae Sedis 46 (1954), pp. 522-524.
  24. ^ Christus Dominus 40. Therefore, in order to accomplish these aims this sacred synod decrees as follows: 1) The boundaries of ecclesiastical provinces are to be submitted to an early review and the rights and privileges of metropolitans are to be defined by new and suitable norms. 2) As a general rule all dioceses and other territorial divisions that are by law equivalent to dioceses should be attached to an ecclesiastical province. Therefore, dioceses which are now directly subject to the Apostolic See and which are not united to any other are either to be brought together to form a new ecclesiastical province, if that be possible, or else attached to that province which is nearer or more convenient. They are to be made subject to the metropolitan jurisdiction of the bishop, in keeping with the norms of the common law. 3) Wherever advantageous, ecclesiastical provinces should be grouped into ecclesiastical regions for the structure of which juridical provision is to be made.
  25. ^ The bull Quo aptius (in Latin), in: Acta Apostolicae Sedis 68 (1976), pp. 593-594.
  26. ^ A. Tataranno (1999), "La cattedrale di Tricarico," Basilicata Regione Notizie Vol. 24 (1999), 89. G Leucci, N Masini, R Persico and F Soldovieri (2011), "GPR and sonic tomography for structural restoration: the case of the cathedral of Tricarico," in: Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 8 (2011), pp. S76–S92, at p. S78.
  27. ^ The date is 26 January 1420. Brancaccio is called administrator perpetuus. Russo (2016), pp. 55-57.
  28. ^ Ughelli VII, p. 146.
  29. ^ Ritzler and Sefrin VI, p. 415, note 1.
  30. ^ Russo (2016), pp. 51-53. This was toward the end of the Western Schism, which had been particularly hard on south Italy, where Pope Urban VI had been trying to establish a family fief for his nephew.
  31. ^ Russo, pp. 11-12.
  32. ^ Cappelletti XX, pp. 482-483.
  33. ^ Kamp, p. 800.
  34. ^ Bishop Joannes took part in the Lateran Council of 1215. Eubel I, p. 496. Kamp, p. 800.
  35. ^ Eubel I, p. 496. Kamp, p. 801.
  36. ^ Rogerius, a canon of the cathedral of Tricarico, was elected bishop by the Chapter. Tricarico, however, was under an interdict, and no proceedings could legally be held. Rogerius was therefore ignored by Pope Innocent IV. Kamp, p. 801. Eubel I, p. 496.
  37. ^ Bishop Palmerius was murdered, before 15 October 1283. Kamp, pp. 802-803 (the murder: p. 802, note 26. Eubel I, p. 496.
  38. ^ Leonardo was a Franciscan friar of the province of Genoa, and was an apostolic penitentiary: Eubel I, p. 496; II, p. xxxxii.
  39. ^ Riccardo: Eubel I, p. 496.
  40. ^ The Cathedral Chapter had requested Roger Sanseverino, an under-age cleric, which did not meet with papal approval. Francesco Bonaccursio had been archpriest of Ferrara, and was directly appointed bishop by Pope John XXII: Eubel I, p. 496.
  41. ^ Goffredo del Tufo: Eubel I, p. 496.
  42. ^ Pietro had been a chaplain of Pope Urban V who appointed him bishop on 12 September 1365. Eubel I, p. 496. Cappelletti XX, p. 485, gives the date as 12 April 1365.
  43. ^ A native of Bologna, Andreas had been Bishop of Volterra. He was transferred to Tricarico by Pope Gregory XI on 19 December 1373. He was transferred to the diocese of Ceneda on 11 January 1378. Eubel I, pp. 180, 497. He is called Andrea de San Gerolamo by Cappelletti XX, p. 485.
  44. ^ Martinus had previously been Bishop of Carinola (early 1360s), and then Bishop of Sora (1364–1378), before being appointed Bishop of Tricarico by Pope Gregory XI on 29 January 1378. In the schism of 1378, he followed the Avignon Obedience, and was appointed Archbishop of Taranto by Pope Clement VII on 20 November 1381. He died in 1384. Eubel I, pp. 157, 458, 473, 497. He is not the same person as Mar(t)ino del Giudice, the Archbishop of Taranto of the Roman Obedience.
  45. ^ Joannes: Eubel I, p. 497.
  46. ^ Vitus, once Archdeacon of Anglona, had been Bishop of Strongoli (1375–1385). He was appointed Bishop of Tricarico by Pope Clement VII on 28 April 1385. After the death of Urban VI (Roman Obedience) he joined the Roman Obedience of Boniface IX. Eubel I, pp. 465; 497 with note 6.
  47. ^ According to Ughelli VII, p. 152 and Cappelletti XX, p. 485, Thomas served as papal nuncio in Germany and Poland. His name occurs in the Liber obligationum of Urban VI.
  48. ^ Brancaccio had been bishop-elect of diocese of Pozzuoli (1405). He was appointed Bishop of Tricarico by Pope Innocent VII (Roman Obedience) on 30 July 1405. Pope John XXIII named him a cardinal on 6 June 1411. He participated in the election of Pope Martin V at Constance on 11 November 1417. He died on 8 September 1427. Eubel I, pp. 410; 497; II, p. 4, no. 14. Russo (2016), p. 26. Dieter Girgensohn (1971), "Brancaccio, Tommaso," (in Italian), in: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Volume 13 (1971).
  49. ^ In a document published by Russo in 2016 (pp. 51-53), Angelo is already functioning as bishop of Tricarico on 1 May 1411: "Dat(e) in ep(iscop)ali palatio nostro Tricaricensi, anno Domini millesimo quatricentesimo [unde]cimo, die primo mensis madii, quarte indictionis." He was appointed Bishop of Potenza by Pope Martin V on 11 September 1419, and then transferred to the diocese of Rossano in February 1429. He was transferred back to Tricarico by Pope Eugenius IV on 9 February 1433. Eubel I, pp. 407, 424, 497; II, pp. 224, 255.
  50. ^ Brancaccio is styled by Pope Martin V in an indulgence of 26 January 1420 (Russo, p. 57) as: dilectus filius noster Thomas tituli Sanctorum Iohannis et Pauli presbiter cardinalis, ipsius ecclesie administrator perpetuus per sedem apostolicam deputatus." Russo (2016), pp. 55-57; 60-61.
  51. ^ Stefano da Carrara had been Bishop of Teramo (1412–1427); he was transferred to the diocese of Tricarico by Pope Martin V on 29 October 1427. On 9 February 1433, Stefano was appointed Bishop of Rossano in an exchange with Bishop Angelo, who returned to Tricarico. Eubel I, pp. 95, 497; II, 224, 255. Russo (2016), pp. 39, 42. Antonio Rigon, "Note su Stefano da Carara vescovo di Teramo (1411-1427)," (in Italian), in: Monastica et humanistica , pp. 691-698. Antonio Rigon (2006), "Un'inchiesta su Stefano da Carrara vescovo di Teramo (1411-1427) e di Tricarico (1427-1432)," in M.G. Del Fuoco (ed), «Ubi neque aerugo neque tinea demolitur». Studi in onore di Luigi Pellegrini per i suoi settanta anni, (Naples 2006), pp. 515-524.
  52. ^ Fra Nicolò was appointed on 20 October 1438 by Pope Eugenius IV. He attended the Council of Florence. He died in 1446, his successor Saba Carboni being appointed on 22 August 1446. Cappelletti XX, p. 486. Eubel II, p. 255. Russo, pp. 46-47.
  53. ^ A native of Rome, Saba had been Bishop of the Marsi (1430–1446). He was transferred to Tricarico by Pope Eugenius IV, and made his arrangements with the papal treasury on 22 August 1446. He died in 1447. Ughelli VII, pp. 153-154. Cappelletti XX, p. 486. Eubel I, p. 328; II, p. 255.
  54. ^ Fra Lorenzo had been Bishop of Pozzuoli. He was transferred to Tricarico by Pope Eugenius IV, and made his arrangements with the papal treasury on 29 March 1447. He was bishop for about eight months. Ughelli VII, pp. 153-154. Cappelletti XX, p. 486 (20 July 1447). Eubel II, pp. 255.
  55. ^ Orso Orsini was the son of Lorenzo Orsini of Monterotondo and Clarice Orsini, the daughter of Carlo Orsini of Bracciano. He held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure. On 10 April 1473 he was appointed Rector of the University of Rome. Orsini was transferred to the diocese of Teano on 22 March 1474 by Pope Sixtus IV. In 1480, he was named papal legate in Germany, Bogemia and Hungary. His brother Giovanni Battista Orsini was named a cardinal in 1483. His uncle, Latino Orsini, was already a cardinal and Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church. Orso died in 1495. Eubel II, pp. 249, 255. Filippo Maria Renazzi (1803), Storia dell'Università di Roma, (in Italian), Volume I (Roma: Pagliarini 1803), pp. 204-205.
  56. ^ Agostino Guarino was appointed on 9 January 1497 by Pope Alexander VI. Eubel II, p. 255; III, p. 318 note 2.
  57. ^ Cardinal Carafa, Bishop of Ostia, was appointed Apostolic Administrator on 24 April 1510 by Pope Julius II. He died in Rome on 20 January 1511. Eubel III, pp. 3 no. 3; 318.
  58. ^ Francesco Orsini was the son of Giangiordano Orsini, 9th count of Tagliacozzo and Felice della Rovere, daughter of Pope Julius II. He was made Abbot Commendatory of the Abbey of Farfa in 1530, a position he held until 1546. He was named Bishop of Tricarico on 19 March 1539 by Pope Paul III (Farnese). On 7 March 1543, he was condemned to death, deposed, and excommunicated, but was amnestied in 1555. In 1560 he married Faustina, daughter of Giandomenico de Bilinzoni, and had a son, Giampaolo (d. 1588). D'Avino, p. 690 column 2.
  59. ^ He conducted diocesan visitations in 1566 and 1571. Bisceglia (2015), pp. 16-18.
  60. ^ Santorio was the nephew of Cardinal Giovanni Antonio Santorio. Bishop of Alife since 1568, Giovanni Battista was named papal maggiordomo by Pope Sixtus V at his accession (April 1585). He was appointed bishop of Tricarico on 8 January 1586, and was named Apostolic Nuncio in Switzerland (Lucerne) on 1 September 1586, with the mission of implementing the decrees of the Council of Trent. Due to opposition of the cathedral chapter and the officials of the city, he was withdrawn by the pope on 7 October 1587. He took up residence in Tricarico, where he conducted the diocesan visitation of 1588–1589, and presided at a diocesan synod in August 1588. He died on 29 February 1592. G. Moroni, Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica Vol. XLI (Venezia: Emiliana 1846), p. 261. Biscaglia (2015), pp. 18-25. Eubel III, p. 318.
  61. ^ "Bishop Giovanni Battista Santorio" David M. Cheney. Retrieved March 29, 2016
  62. ^ a b c d e f Gauchat, Patritius (Patrice). Hierarchia catholica medii et recentioris aevi. Vol. IV. p. 343.
  63. ^ "Archbishop Ottavio Mirto Frangipani" David M. Cheney. Retrieved March 21, 2016
  64. ^ "Bishop Diomede Carafa" David M. Cheney. Retrieved December 7, 2016
  65. ^ Carafa was named a cardinal on 1 June 1624 by Pope Innocent X, in consequence of which he resigned the diocese. He died in Rome on 15 February 1655, at the age of 74. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, p. 28, no. 6. Biscaglia (2015), pp. 25-29.
  66. ^ Bishop Carafa was the nephew of the homonymous Cardinal Carafa. Biscaglia (2015), pp. 29-34.
  67. ^ Biscaglia (2015), pp. 34-36.
  68. ^ "Bishop Francesco Antonio Leopardi" David M. Cheney. Retrieved August 27, 2016
  69. ^ A native of Naples and a Doctor of theology from that university, Trapani, who had been Bishop of Ischia (1698–1718), was transferred to Tricarico by Pope Clement XI on 24 January 1718. He died in Tricarico on 17 September 1719. Biscaglia (2015), pp. 37-38. Ritzler and Sefrin Hierarchia catholica V, pp. 230 with note 5; 388 with note 8.
  70. ^ Veglini had been Bishop of Trivico (1702–1720). He was appointed to Tricarico on 4 March 1720, and served for only four months. He died in Tricarico on 23 July 1720. Biscaglia (2015), p. 35, with note 125. Ritzler and Sefrin Hierarchia catholica V, pp. 389 with note 9; 381 with note 5.
  71. ^ Carafa was appointed on 16 December 1720, consecrated a bishop in Rome on 26 December 1720. He resigned on 16 September 1741, after spending two years in Naples due to a serious illness. died in Rome on 9 September 1763, at the age of 84. Biscaglia (2015), pp. 38-40. Ritzler and Sefrin Hierarchia catholica V, pp. 389 with note 10.
  72. ^ Zavarroni was a native of Montalto in the diocese of Cosenza. He held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure from the Sapienza (1717). He was appointed bishop of Tricarico on 18 September 1741, and consecrated a bishop in Rome on 24 September 1741. He died in Tricarico in July 1759. Biscaglia (2015), pp. 40-41. Ritzler and Sefrin Hierarchia catholica VI, p. 415 with note 2.
  73. ^ De Plato held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure from the Sapienza in Rome (1717). He was previously Bishop of Carniola (1749–1760). He was transferred to the diocese of Tricarico on 3 March 1760. He died in Tricarico on 3 August 1783. Carmela Biscaglia (2015), "Antonio Francesco del Plato, vescovo di Tricarico (3 marzo 1760 - † 3 agosto 1783)," (in Italian), in: "Fermenti", N.S. XXV (2015), n. 131, pp. 30-32. Ritzler and Sefrin Hierarchia catholica VI, pp. 143 with note 4; 415 with note 3.
  74. ^ Born in Salerno in 1740, Pinto had been a canon with prebend in the cathedral Chapter of Salerno. He held the degree of Master of theology from the University of Naples, and was rector of the seminary of Salerno. He was nominated to the diocese of Tricarico by King Ferdinand IV of Naples on 16 December 1791, and confirmed by Pope Pius VI on 27 February 1792. He was consecrated a bishop in Rome on 4 March 1792. On 5 June 1800, Bishop Pinto presided at a diocesan synod. Pinto was confirmed as Archbishop of Salerno on 26 June 1805. He died in Salerno on 20 November 1825. Biscaglia (2015), pp. 45-46. Ritzler and Sefrin Hierarchia catholica VI, p. 415 with note 4.
  75. ^ From 1806–1808, Naples was occupied by the French, and Joseph Bonaparte was made king, after Napoleon had deposed King Ferdinand IV. Joseph Bonaparte was succeeded by Joachim Murat from 1808 until the fall of Napoleon in 1815. Pope Pius VII was a prisoner of Napoleon in France from 1809 to 1815, and was both unable and unwilling to make new episcopal appointments. The diocese of Tricarico was governed by a Vicar Capitular, Potito Antonio della Ratta, elected by the cathedral Chapter. Biscaglia (2015), p. 47. Cappelletti XX, p. 490.
  76. ^ Presicce: Biscaglia (2015), pp. 47-49.
  77. ^ Letizia: Biscaglia (2015), pp. 49-50.
  78. ^ Spilotros: Biscaglia (2015), pp. 50-53.
  79. ^ On 12 May 1879, Siciliano was appointed, Archbishop of Benevento. Biscaglia (2015), pp. 53-56.
  80. ^ Onorati: Biscaglia (2015), pp. 56-58.
  81. ^ On 18 September 1907, Pecci was appointed Archbishop of Acerenza e Matera. Biscaglia (2015), pp. 58-63. G. Greco (1999), "Monsignor Anselmo Filippo Pecci, pastore saggio cantore di Maria," (in Italian) Theologia viatorum, 4 (1999), pp. 116-139.
  82. ^ Born in 1867 at Castrocaro Terme e Terra del Sole, prov. Forlì-Cesena), Fiorentini studied at the Collegio Capranica in Rome (1890–1893), and at the Pontifical Academy of S. Thomas, and obtained a doctorate in theology from the Gregorian University in Rome. He taught dogmatic theology at the seminary of Modigliana. He was appointed bishop of Tricarico on 27 June 1909 by Pope Pius X. On 25 September 1919, Fiorentini was appointed Bishop of Catanzaro, where he died on 20 January 1956. Biscaglia (2015), pp. 63-66.
  83. ^ A. Mazzarone and C. Biscaglia (edd.) (2006), L'episcopato di Raffaello Delle Nocche nella storia sociale e religiosa della Basilicata (in Italian), Venosa, Osanna, 2006. C. Biscaglia (2015), pp. 66-74.


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40°37′00″N 16°09′00″E / 40.6167°N 16.1500°E / 40.6167; 16.1500