Boxing at the Youth Olympics

Boxing at the Summer Youth Olympics
Governing bodyAIBA
Events13 (men: 9; womens: 4)

Boxing has featured as a sport at the Youth Olympic Summer Games since its first edition in 2010. The Youth Olympic Games are multi-sport event and the games are held every four years just like the Olympic Games.


Games Year Events Best Nation
1 2010 11 (11M+0W)  Cuba
2 2014 13 (10M+3W)  Cuba
3 2018 13 (9M+4W)  Russia
4 2026 10 (5M+5W)


The boxing competition is organized as a set of tournaments, one for each weight class. The number of weight classes has changed over the years and the definition of each class has changed as shown in the following tables.

Men's weight classes
2010 2014 2018
Super Heavyweight
+91 kg
81–91 kg
Light Heavyweight
75–81 kg
69–75 kg
64–69 kg
Light Welterweight
60–64 kg
57–60 kg
56–60 kg
54–57 kg
52–56 kg
51–54 kg
48–51 kg
Light Flyweight
-48 kg
Light Flyweight
46–49 kg
11 10 9
Women's weight classes
2014 2018
69–75 kg
57–60 kg
54–57 kg
48–51 kg
3 4

Medal table

As of the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics.
1 Cuba5106
2 Russia3216
3 France3126
4 Great Britain3036
5 Kazakhstan2316
6 Uzbekistan2248
7 Italy2215
9 Japan2114
 United States2114
11 Brazil2013
12 Germany2002
13 Azerbaijan1214
14 Ukraine1203
15 Ireland1124
16 Australia1113
17 Bulgaria1102
19 Argentina1034
20 Poland1012
 Puerto Rico1012
22 Algeria0202
23 Turkey0134
24 Croatia0112
27 Chinese Taipei0101
 Dominican Republic0101
 New Zealand0101
35 Egypt0022
37 Armenia0011
Totals (40 entries)393739115

Participating nations

Nation 10 14 18 Years
 Afghanistan (AFG) 1 1 2
 Albania (ALB) 2 1
 Algeria (ALG) 1 4 2
 American Samoa (ASA) 1 1
 Argentina (ARG) 1 1 3 3
 Armenia (ARM) 1 2 2
 Australia (AUS) 2 2 2 3
 Azerbaijan (AZE) 3 3 2 3
 Belarus (BLR) 1 2 2
 Brazil (BRA) 1 3 2
 Bulgaria (BUL) 1 3 1 3
 Canada (CAN) 2 1
 Chile (CHI) 1 1
 China (CHN) 2 1
 Chinese Taipei (TPE) 2 1
 Colombia (COL) 1 1
 Croatia (CRO) 3 1
 Cuba (CUB) 3 3 2
 Czech Republic (CZE) 1 1 2
 Dominican Republic (DOM) 1 1
 Ecuador (ECU) 1 1
 Egypt (EGY) 1 3 2
 Finland (FIN) 1 1
 France (FRA) 1 1 1 3
 Georgia (GEO) 1 1
 Germany (GER) 3 1 2
 Great Britain (GBR) 1 3 4 3
 Greece (GRE) 1 1
 Grenada (GRN) 1 1
 Hungary (HUN) 2 3 1 3
 India (IND) 2 2 1 3
 Iran (IRI) 1 1 2
 Ireland (IRL) 2 3 3 3
 Italy (ITA) 1 4 2 3
 Japan (JPN) 3 1
 Kazakhstan (KAZ) 1 4 5 3
 Kosovo (KOS) 1 1
 Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) 1 1
 Lithuania (LTU) 2 1
 Mexico (MEX) 1 1 1 3
 Moldova (MDA) 1 1
 Mongolia (MGL) 1 1
 Morocco (MAR) 4 1
 Nauru (NRU) 1 1 2
 New Zealand (NZL) 1 2 2
 Nigeria (NGR) 1 2 2
 Norway (NOR) 1 1
 Poland (POL) 1 1 1 3
 Puerto Rico (PUR) 1 2 2
 Romania (ROU) 1 1
 Russia (RUS) 3 3 4 3
 Rwanda (RWA) 1 1
 Samoa (SAM) 3 1
 Saint Lucia (LCA) 1 1
 Seychelles (SEY) 1 1
 Singapore (SIN) 1 1
 Slovakia (SVK) 1 1 2
 South Korea (KOR) 1 1 2
 Sweden (SWE) 1 1
 Tajikistan (TJK) 1 1
 Thailand (THA) 5 1
 Tunisia (TUN) 1 1 2
 Turkey (TUR) 2 5 2
 Turkmenistan (TKM) 1 1
 Ukraine (UKR) 2 4 2 3
 United States (USA) 1 4 3 3
 Uzbekistan (UZB) 3 3 4 3
 Venezuela (VEN) 2 1 2
 Zambia (ZAM) 1 1
No. of boys boxers 66 60 54
No. of girls boxers 0 18 28
No. of boxers 66 78 82
No. of nations 48 36 38
No. of new nations 48 13 8

See also