Calvin Veltman

Calvin Veltman (born 1941) is an American sociologist, demographer and sociolinguist[1] at the Université du Québec à Montréal.[2] He previously worked at the State University of New York at Plattsburgh.[3] In the United States, his work on English use and acquisition among Hispanics is well known.


The United States

  • "Anglicization in the United States: the Importance of Parental Nativity and Language Practice", 1981 (International Journal of the Sociology of Language)
  • "Anglicization in the United States: Language Environment and Language Practice of American Adolescents", 1983 (International Journal of the Sociology of Language)
  • Language Shift in the United States, 1983 (Mouton-de Gruyter)
  • L'avenir du français aux États-Unis, 1987 (Conseil de la langue française, Québec)
  • The Future of the Spanish Language in the United States, 1988 (Hispanic Policy Development Project)
  • "Modelling the Language Shift Process of Hispanic Immigrants", 1989 (International Migration Review)
  • "The Status of the Spanish Language in the United States at the Beginning of the 21st Century", 1990 (International Migration Review)
  • "The American Linguistic Mosaic: Understanding Languages Shift in the United States", 2000 (in McKay and Wong, eds)

Quebec (Canada)

  • Les Grecs du quartier Parc Extension, 1984 (Institut national de la recherche scientifique: urbanisation)
  • L'intégration sociolinguistique des Québécois d'origine portugaise, 1985 (Institut national de la recherche scientifique: urbanisation)
  • L'adaptation des immigrants de la décennie 1980, 1993 (Ministère des communautés culturelles et de l'immigration, Québec)
  • "Using Field Methods to Assess the Validity of the Canadian Census", 1985 (in P. Nelde, ed.)
  • "The English Language in Quebec, 1940-1990", 1995 (in Fishman, ed.)
  • "The Interpretation of the Language Questions of the Canadian Census", 1985 (Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology)
  • "Assessing the Impact of Quebec's Language Legislation", 1986 (Canadian Public Policy
  • Concentration ethnique et usages linguistiques en milieu scolaire, 1999 (Immigration et métropoles)
  • Veltman, Calvin, and Andrew Hund. "Confirming Good Theory with Bad Data : l'anglicisation des hispano-

américains." Demographie et Cultures. ( Quebec/aidelf-2008/IMG/pdf/VELTMANT.pdf). [In French] 2008.

Alsace (France)

  • Le déclin du dialecte alsacien, 1989 (Presses universitaires de Strasbourg)
  • "La régression du dialecte", 1982 (Institut Nationale de la Statistique et des Études Économiques)
  • "La transmission de l'alsacien dans le milieu familial", 1983 (Revue des sciences sociales de la France de l'Est)
  • "L'usage de l'alsacien du milieu urbain", 1984 (Actes du IIe colloque internationale des démographes de langue française)
  • "Assimilation linguistique des alsaciens: politiques officielles, évolution, tendances actuelles", 1987 (Éditions de l'ORSTOM)
  • "Usages linguistiques en Alsace : présentation d'une enquête et premiers résultats", 1988 (International Journal of the Sociology of Language)


  1. ^ Ingwerson, Marshall (22 August 1983). "A tale of 2 languages: for Hispanic immigrants, shift to English is slow, but sure". The Christian Science Monitor.
  2. ^ "Studies: Hispanics are learning English--and fast". The Miami Herald. 31 July 1988. p. 15A.
  3. ^ "Latinos are making the switch to English". Los Angeles Times. 24 May 1982.