Cerastium holosteoides
Species of flowering plant
Cerastium holosteoides
Scientific classification
Clade :
Clade :
Clade :
C. holosteoides
Binomial name
Cerastium holosteoides
Synonyms [ 1]
Cerastium alpestre Schur
Cerastium alpigenum Schur
Cerastium andinum Phil.
Cerastium caespitosum var. montevidense (Rohrb.) Malme
Cerastium caespitosum var. pseudoalpestre Bech.
Cerastium connatum L.C.Beck
Cerastium fontanum var. eglandulosum Gartner
Cerastium fontanum var. glandulosum Gartner
Cerastium fontanum var. glandulosum (Boenn.) P.D.Sell
Cerastium fontanum f. glutinosum (Möschl) M.B.Wyse Jacks.
Cerastium fontanum f. gracile (Hayek) M.B.Wyse Jacks.
Cerastium fontanum f. holosteoides (Fr.) M.B.Wyse Jacks.
Cerastium fontanum subsp. holosteoides (Fr.) Salman, Ommering & de Voo
Cerastium fontanum var. lucens (Druce) P.D.Sell
Cerastium fontanum subsp. scandicum Gartner
Cerastium fontanum var. tibeticum (Edgew. & Hook.f.) C.Y.Wu & L.H.Zhou
Cerastium fontanum var. vulgare (Hartm.) M.B.Wyse Jacks.
Cerastium fontanum subsp. vulgare (Hartm.) Greuter & Burdet
Cerastium glandulosum (Boenn.) Schur
Cerastium holosteoides var. glabrescens (G.Mey.) Hyl.
Cerastium holosteoides subsp. glandulosum (Boenn.) I.V.Sokolova
Cerastium holosteoides subsp. serpentini (Novák) Dostál
Cerastium holosteoides var. vulgare (Hartm.) Hyl.
Cerastium holosteoides subsp. vulgare (Hartm.) Buttler
Cerastium macrocarpum Steven ex Ledeb.
Cerastium malachiforme Schur
Cerastium minus Schur
Cerastium pseudosylvaticum Schur
Cerastium scandicum (Gartner) Kuzen.
Cerastium sylvaticum Opiz
Cerastium uliginosum Hegetschw.
Cerastium viscidum Christm.
Cerastium viscosum L.
Cerastium viscosum var. elongatum Hook.
Cerastium viscosum var. glabrescens G.Mey.
Cerastium viscosum var. glandulosum Boenn.
Cerastium vulgare Hartm.
Cerastium vulgare var. holosteoides (Fr.) Fr.
Cerastium vulgatum var. americanum Ser.
Cerastium vulgatum var. andinum A.Gray
Cerastium vulgatum f. lucens Druce
Cerastium vulgatum var. montevidense Rohrb.
Cerastium vulgatum var. peruvianum A.Gray
Stellaria viscosa Link
Cerastium holosteoides , the common mouse-ear chickweed , is a species of flowering plant belonging to the family Caryophyllaceae .[ 1]
Its native range is temperate and subarctic areas of the Old World; scattered countries in Africa, nearly all of Eurasia to New Guinea. One of the world's most widespread weeds, it has been introduced to most of North America, the western countries of South America, New Zealand, South Africa, and many islands around the world.[ 1]
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