Chilean Army order of battle

This is an order of battle of the Chilean Army.

Office of the Army Commander in Chief in Santiago, the Army's headquarters city where it is situated

  • Military Scenarios and Investigations Center
  • Office of the Army Secretary General
  • Office of the Army Auditor General

Army General Staff Office (Estado Mayor General del Ejército)

  • Finance Directorate
  • Logistics
  • Intelligence Directorate
  • Projects Department

Ground Operations Command

Army Ground Operations Command, headquartered in Concepcion, the base garrison of the Chacabuco 6th Infantry Regiment

I Division

Structure of the I Division 2019

Responsible for the defense of the Antofagasta and Atacama regions.

  • I Division, in Antofagasta
    • 1st Motorized Brigade "Calama" (Brigada Motorizada Nº 1 "Calama") in Calama
      • 15th Motorized Infantry Battalion "Calama", (Batallón de Infantería Motorizado Nº 15 "Calama")
      • 10th Artillery Group "Borgoño", (Grupo de Artillería Nº 10 "Borgoño")
      • 1st Engineer Battalion "Atacama", (Batallón de Ingenieros Nº 1 "Atacama")
      • Armored Squadron, (Escuadrón Blindado)
      • Garrison Unit, (Unidad de Cuartel)
    • 3rd Armored Brigade "La Concepción", (Brigada Acorazada Nº 3 "La Concepción") in Antofagasta
      • 7th Armored Infantry Battalion "Esmeralda" (Batallón de Infantería Blindada Nº 7 "Esmeralda")
      • 8th Armored Group "Exploradores" (Grupo Blindado Nº 8 "Exploradores")
      • 5th Self-propelled Artillery Group "Antofagasta" (Grupo de Artillería Autopropulsada Nº 5 "Antofagasta")
      • 10th Mechanized Engineer Company "Pontoneros", (Compañía de Ingenieros Mecanizada Nº 10 "Pontoneros")
      • 7th Signal Company "San Pedro de Atacama", (Compañía de Telecomunicaciones Nº 7 "San Pedro de Atacama")
      • Armored Reconnaissance Platoon (Pelotón de Exploración Blindado)
    • 23rd Infantry Regiment "Copiapo" (Regimiento Nº 23 "Copiapó") in Copiapó
      • Motorized Infantry Battalion
      • Anti-tank Company
    • 1st Divisional Logistic Regiment "Tocopilla", (Regimiento Logístico Divisionario Nº 1 "Tocopilla") in Antofagasta
    • 1st Signals Battalion "El Loa", (Batallón de Telecomunicaciones Nº 1 "El Loa")
    • 1st Aviation Platoon "Antofagasta" (Pelotón de Aviación Nº 1 "Antofagasta")in Antofagasta

II Motorized Division

Structure of the II Motorized Division 2019

Responsible for the defense of the Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Santiago, O'Higgins, Maule, and Ñuble regions.

  • II Motorized Division, in Santiago
    • 2nd Motorized Brigade "Maipo" (Brigada Motorizada Nº 2 "Maipo") in Valparaíso
      • 1st Infantry Regiment "Buin", (Regimiento de Infanteria Nº 1 "Buin") in Recoleta
        • Mechanized Infantry Battalion
        • Anti-tank Company
      • 2nd Infantry Regiment "Maipo" ( Regimiento Nº 2 "Maipo") in Valparaiso
        • Motorized Infantry Battalion
        • Anti-tank Company
      • 19th Infantry Regiment "Colchagua" (Regimiento Nº 19 "Colchagua") in San Fernando
        • Motorized Infantry Battalion
        • Anti-tank Company
      • 1st Artillery (Training) Regiment "Tacna" (Regimiento de Artillería Nº 1 "Tacna") in San Bernardo
        • 1st Artillery Group "Tacna", (Grupo de Artillería Nº 1 "Tacna")
    • 6th Motorized Brigade "Maule" (Brigada Motorizada Nº 6 "Maule") in Concepción
      • 6th Infantry Regiment "Chacabuco" (Regimiento Nº 6 "Chacabuco") in Concepción
        • Motorized Infantry Battalion
        • 3rd Artillery Group "Silva Renard" (Grupo de Artillería Nº 3 "Silva Renard")
        • 3rd Motorized Signal Company "Curicó" (Compañía de Telecomunicaciones Motorizada Nº 3 "Curicó")
        • Historical Company
      • 9th Infantry Regiment "Chillán" (Regimiento Nº 9 "Chillán") in Chillán
        • Motorized Infantry Battalion
        • Anti-tank Company
      • 16th Infantry Regiment "Talca" (Regimiento Nº 16 "Talca") in Talca
        • Motorized Infantry Battalion
        • Anti-tank Company
    • 21st Infantry Regiment "Coquimbo", (Regimiento Nº 21 "Coquimbo") in La Serena
      • Motorized Infantry Battalion
      • Anti-tank Company

III Mountain Division

Structure of the III Mountain Division 2019

Responsible for the defense of the Biobío, Los Lagos, Araucanía, and Los Ríos regions, especially in the mountains in the country's eastern borders.

  • III Mountain Division, in Valdivia
    • 3rd Mountain Detachment "Yungay", (Destacamento de Montaña Nº 3 "Yungay") in Los Andes
      • 18th Andean Infantry Battalion "Guardia Vieja", (Batallón de Infantería Andino Nº 18 "Guardia Vieja")
      • 2nd Mountain Artillery Battery "Arica", (Batería de Artillería de Montaña Nº 2 "Arica")
      • 2nd Mountain Engineer Company "Puente Alto", (Compañía de Ingenieros de Montaña Nº 2 "Puente Alto")
      • Mounted Mountain Reconnaissance Platoon, (Pelotón de Exploración Montado de Montaña)
      • Signal Section "Los Andes", (Sección de Telecomunicaciones "Los Andes")
    • 8th Mountain Detachment "Tucapel", (Destacamento de Montaña Nº 8 "Tucapel") in Temuco
      • 8th Mountain Infantry Battalion "Frontera" (Batallón de Infantería de Montaña Nº 8 "Frontera")
      • 17th Mountain Artillery Battery "Urízar", (Batería de Artillería de Montaña N°17 "Urizar")
      • Mountain Engineer Company, (Compañía de Ingenieros de Montaña)
      • Signal Section, (Sección de Telecomunicaciones)
    • 9th Mountain Detachment "Arauco", (Destacamento de Montaña Nº 9 "Arauco") in Osorno
      • 13th Mountain Infantry Battalion "Andalién", (Batallón de Infantería de Montaña Nº 13 "Andalién")
      • 4th Motorized Engineer Battalion "Arauco" (Batallón de Ingenieros Motorizados Nº 4 "Arauco")
      • Mountain Artillery Battery, (Batería de Artillería de Montaña)
      • Signal Section, (Sección de Telecomunicaciones)
      • Garrison Unit, (Unidad de Cuartel)
    • 17th Mountain Detachment "Los Ángeles", (Destacamento de Montaña Nº 17 "Los Ángeles") in Los Ángeles
      • 17th Mountain Infantry Battalion "Tarpellanca" (Batallón de Infantería de Montaña Nº 17 "Tarpellanca")
      • 16th Mountain Artillery Battery "Carvallo", (Batería de Artillería de Montaña Nº 16 "Carvallo")
      • 3rd Mountain Engineer Company "Los Ángeles", (Compañía de Ingenieros de Montaña Nº 3 "Los Ángeles")
      • Signal Section, (Sección de Telecomunicaciones)
      • Garrison Unit (Unidad de Cuartel)
    • 3rd Cavalry Regiment (Mountain) "Hussars" (Regimiento de Caballería Nº 3 "Húsares") in Angol
      • Mounted Group "Húsares", (Grupo Montado "Húsares")
    • 3rd Divisional Logistic Regiment "Victoria", (Regimiento Logístico Divisionario Nº 3 "Victoria") in Victoria
    • 4th Signal Battalion "Membrillar", (Batallón de Telecomunicaciones Nº 4 "Membrillar") in Valdivia
    • 13th Commando Company "Escorpión", (Compañía de Comandos Nº 13 "Escorpión") in Valdivia
    • 3rd Intelligence Company, (Compañía de Inteligencia Nº 3) in Valdivia
    • 3rd Aviation Platoon "Valdivia", (Pelotón de Aviación Nº 3 "Valdivia") in Valdivia

IV Division

Structure of the IV Division 2019

Responsible for the defense of the Aysén region.

  • IV Division, in Coyhaique
    • 14th Motorized Detachment "Aysén", (Destacamento Motorizado Nº 14 "Aysén") in Coyhaique
      • 26th Motorized Infantry Battalion "Aysén", (Batallón de Infantería Motorizado Nº 26 "Aysén")
      • 8th Artillery Group "San Carlos de Ancud", (Grupo de Artillería N° 8 "San Carlos de Ancud")
      • Anti-tank Company
      • 8th Divisional Signal Company "Coyhaique", (Compañía de Telecomunicaciones Divisionaria Nº 8 "Coyhaique")
    • 8th Engineers Regiment "Chiloé" (Regimiento Nº 8 "Chiloé") in Puerto Aysén
      • Engineer Battalion
    • Mountain Reconnaissance Squadron "Chaitén", (Escuadrón de Exploración Montado "Chaitén") in Chaitén
    • 20th Andean Company "Cochrane", (Compañía Andina Nº 20 "Cochrane")
    • 4th Aviation Platoon "Aysén", (Pelotón de Aviación Nº 4 "Aysén")

V Division

Structure of the V Division 2019

Responsible for the defense of the Magallanes region, which includes the world's southernmost city of Punta Arenas.

  • V Army Division, in Punta Arenas
    • 4th Armored Brigade "Chorrillos", (Brigada Acorazada Nº 4 "Chorrillos) in Punta Arenas
      • 6th Armored Group "Dragoons" (Grupo Blindado Nº 6 "Dragones")
      • 25th Mechanized Infantry Battalion "El Roble" (Batallón de Infantería Mecanizado Nº 25 "El Roble")
      • 7th Artillery Group "Wood", (Grupo de Artillería Nº 7 "Wood")
      • 11th Mechanized Engineer Company "Tehuelches", (Compañía de Ingenieros Mecanizados Nº 11 "Tehuelches")
      • Armored Reconnaissance Platoon (Pelotón de Exploración Blindado)
      • Air Defense Artillery Platoon (Pelotón de Artillería Antiaérea)
    • 5th Armored Detachment "Lancers" (Destacamento Acorazado Nº 5 "Lanceros") in Puerto Natales
      • 5th Armored Squadron "Lancers" (Escuadrón Blindado Nº 5 "Lanceros")
      • Mechanized Infantry Company (Compañía de Infantería Mecanizada)
      • 12th Artillery Group "Magallanes" (Grupo de Artillería Nº 12 "Magallanes")
    • 10th Infantry Regiment "Pudeto" (Regimiento Nº 10 "Pudeto") in Punta Arenas
      • 10th Motorized Infantry Battalion, "Pudeto" (Batallón de Infantería Motorizada Nº 10 "Pudeto")
      • 5th Engineer Battalion "Punta Arenas", (Batallón de Ingenieros Nº 5 "Punta Arenas")
      • 5th Signal Battalion "Patagonia", (Batallón de Telecomunicaciones Nº 5 "Patagonia")
      • Anti-tank Company "Pelantaru", (Compañía Antiblindaje "Pelantaru")
      • 5th Commando Company "Lientur", (Compañía de Comandos Nº 5 "Lientur")
    • 11th Motorized Detachment "Caupolicán", (Destacamento Motorizado Nº 11 "Caupolicán") in Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego
      • 11th Infantry Battalion "Caupolicán" (Batallón de Infantería Nº 11 "Caupolicán")
      • 13th Artillery Group "Tierra Del Fuego" (Grupo de Artillería Nº 13 "Tierra del Fuego")
      • Anti-tank Company, (Compañía Antiblindaje)
      • Logistic Company, (Compañía Logística)
    • 5th Divisional Logistic Regiment "Magallanes", (Regimiento Logístico Divisionario Nº 5 "Magallanes") in Punta Arenas
    • 5th Aviation Platoon "Punta Arenas", (Pelotón de Aviación Nº 5 "Punta Arenas")
    • Antarctic Studies Center of the Army, (Centro de Estudios Antárticos del Ejército)
      • Army Base "Gen. Bernardo O'Higgins", (Base del Ejército "Gen. Bernardo O'Higgins")

VI Division

Structure of the VI Division 2019
U.S. Army Under Secretary Joseph Westphal shakes hands with Chilean soldiers at VI Division headquarters, June 12, 2012

Responsible for the defense of the Arica y Parinacota and Tarapacá regions.

  • VI Division, in Iquique
    • 1st Armored Brigade "Cuirassiers" (Brigada Acorazada Nº 1 "Coraceros") in Arica
      • 27th Armored Infantry Battalion "Bulnes", (Batallón de Infantería Blindado Nº 27 "Bulnes")
      • 9th Armored Group "Vencedores", (Grupo Blindado Nº 9 "Vencedores")
      • 4th Self-propelled Artillery Group "Miraflores", (Grupo de Artillería Autopropulsada Nº 4 "Miraflores")
      • Anti-tank Company, (Compañía Antiblindaje)
      • Anti-air Artillery Battery, (Batería de Artillería Antiaérea)
      • 9th Mechanized Engineer Company "Zapadores", (Compañía de Ingenieros Mecanizada Nº 9 "Zapadores")
      • 10th Signal Company "San Marcos de Arica", (Compañía de Telecomunicaciones Nº 10 "San Marcos de Arica")
      • Supply and Maintenance Company, (Compañía de Abastecimiento y Mantenimiento)
      • Armored Reconnaissance Platoon, (Pelotón de Exploración Blindado)
    • 2nd Armored Brigade "Mounted Rifles" (Brigada Acorazada Nº 2 "Cazadores") in Pozo Almonte
      • 5th Armored Infantry Battalion "Carampangue", (Batallón de Infantería Blindado Nº 5 "Carampangue")
      • 7th Armored Group "Guías", (Grupo Blindado Nº 7 "Guías")
      • 9th Self-propelled Artillery Group "Salvo", (Grupo de Artillería Autopropulsada Nº 9 "Salvo")
      • 7th Mechanized Engineer Company "Aconcagua", (Compañía de Ingenieros Mecanizada Nº 7 "Aconcagua")
      • 11th Signal Company "Huara", (Compañía de Telecomunicaciones Nº 11 "Huara")
      • Armored Reconnaissance Platoon, (Pelotón de Exploración Blindado)
      • Supply and Maintenance Company, (Compañía de Abastecimiento y Mantenimiento)
    • 4th Motorized Brigade "Rancagua" (Brigada Motorizada Nº 4 "Rancagua") in Arica
      • 4th Motorized Infantry Battalion "Rancagua", (Batallón de Infantería Motorizada Nº 4 "Rancagua")
      • 6th Artillery Group "Dolores", (Grupo de Artillería Nº 6 "Dolores")
      • 6th Engineer Battalion "Azapa", (Batallón de Ingenieros Nº 6 "Azapa")
      • Signal Company (Compañía de Telecomunicaciones)
      • Historical Company
    • 24th Motorized Brigade "Huamachuco", (Brigada Motorizada Nº 24 "Huamachuco") in Putre
      • 24th Motorized Infantry Battalion "Huamachuco", (Batallón de Infantería Motorizada Nº 24 "Huamachuco")
      • 14th Artillery Group "Parinacota", (Grupo de Artillería Nº 14 "Parinacota")
      • Reconnaissance Platoon, (Pelotón de Exploración Terrestre)
      • Anti-tank Company, (Compañía Antiblindaje)
      • Engineer Company, (Compañía de Ingenieros)
      • Signal Company, (Compañía de Telecomunicaciones)
      • Logistic Company, (Compañía Logística)
    • 6th Divisional Logistic Regiment "Pisagua", (Regimiento Logístico Divisionario Nº 6 "Pisagua") in Arica
    • 6th Signal Battalion "Tarapacá", (Batallón de Telecomunicaciones N° 6 "Tarapacá") in Pozo Almonte
    • 1st Commando Company "Iquique", (Compañía de Comandos Nº 1 "Iquique") in Iquique
    • 6th Aviation Platoon "Arica", (Pelotón de Aviación Nº 6 "Arica") in Arica

Special Operations Brigade

  • Special Operations Brigade "Lautaro", (Brigada de Operaciones Especiales "Lautaro") in Peldehue
    • 1st Paratroopers Battalion "Pelantaru", (Batallón de Paracaidistas Nº 1 "Pelantaru")
    • Army Special Forces Group, (Agrupación de Fuerzas Especiales del Ejército)
    • Mountain Special Group, (Agrupación Especial de Montaña)
    • Paratroopers and Special Forces School, (Escuela de Paracaidistas y Fuerzas Especiales)
    • 12th Commando Company, (Compañía de Comandos Nº 12)
    • Logistic Company, (Compañía Logística)

Army Aviation Brigade

  • Army Aviation Brigade, (Brigada de Aviación) in Rancagua
    • Fixed-Wing Aircraft Battalion "La Independencia" (Batallón de Aviones "La Independencia")
    • Rotatory-Wing Aircraft Battalion "Germania" (Batallón de Helicópteros "Germania")
    • Aviation Maintenance and Supply Battalion (Batallón Mantenimiento y Abastecimiento de Aviación)
    • Airport Company (Compañía Aeropuerto)
    • 5x Aviation platoons detached to each army division

Doctrine Command

Army Institution and Doctrine Command (Commando Instituto y Doctrina)

  • Army Schools Division (Division Escuelas)
    • Bernardo O'Higgins Military Academy in Las Condes
    • Army NCO School Sergeant Daniel Rebolledo Sepulveda in Maipú
    • Army War College in La Reina
    • Military Polytechnical Academy in La Reina
    • Army Infantry School General Jose de San Martin in San Bernardo
    • Army Communications School in Peñalolen
    • Army Engineering School in San Antonio
    • Army Services and Physical Education School in La Reina
    • Army Airborne and Special Forces School in Peldehue
    • Army Mountain School in Rio Blanco
  • Army Education Division (Division de Educacion)
  • Army Doctrine Division (Division de Doctrina)

Force Support Command

Army Force Support Services Command (Commando Apoyo de la Fuerza)

  • Army Logistic Division, (División Logística del Ejército) in Santiago
    • 1st Logistic Regiment "Bellavista"(Regimiento Logístico de Ejército Nº 1 "Bellavista") in Conchalí
    • 2nd Logistic Regiment "Arsenales de Guerra" (Regimiento Logístico de Ejército Nº 2 "Arsenales de Guerra") in Peldehue
      • 2nd Barracks "Batuco" (Cuartel N° 2 "Batuco") in Batuco
    • 3rd Logistic Regiment "Limache", (Regimiento Logístico de Ejército Nº 3 "Limache") in Renca
  • Army Engineering Command (Commando de Ingenieros)
    • Military Workers Corps (Cuerpo Militar del Trabajo) in Santiago
    • Army Engineering Service
  • Army Communications Command
  • Army Infrastructure Command
  • Army Military Engineering and Industry Command
    • FAMAE Arms Factory in Talagante
    • Military Geography Institute in Santiago
    • Investigation and Control Institute in Santiago

General Garrison Command

  • Army General Garrison Command in Santiago, serving the Santiago Metropolitan Region, reports directly to Army Headquarters
    • 1st Cavalry (Horse Guards) Regiment "Grenadiers" (Regimiento Escolta Presidencial Nº1 "Granaderos") in Quillota, the former headquarters of the Army Armored Cavalry School, also functions as the Presidential Escort Regiment since 1840. Name attributes to the Argentine Regiment of Mounted Grenadiers "Gen. Jose De San Martin" and Ecuador's Tarqui Grenadiers and Tapi Grenadiers Regiments
      • Mounted Ceremonial Squadron
      • Honors Squadron
      • Training Center
    • 1st Military Police Regiment "Santiago" (Regimiento de Policía Militar N1º "Santiago")

Army Medical Command

  • Army Medical Command in Santiago
    • Santiago Military Hospital (Hospital Militar de Santiago)
    • Northern Military Hospital in Antofagasta
    • Children's Rehabilitation Center
  • Army Administration Command

Graphic overview of the Chilean Army

Structure of the Chilean Army 2019 (click on image to enlarge)

Geographic distribution of operational forces

Structure of the Chilean Army is located in Chile
I Division
I Division
Motor. Bde 1
Motor. Bde 1
Armored Bde 3
Armored Bde 3
II Motor. Div.
II Motor. Div.
Motor. Bde 2
Motor. Bde 2
Motor. Bde 6
Motor. Bde 6
III Mtn. Div.
III Mtn. Div.
Mtn. Det. 3
Mtn. Det. 3
Mtn. Det. 8
Mtn. Det. 8
Mtn. Det. 9
Mtn. Det. 9
Mtn. Det. 17
Mtn. Det. 17
IV Division
IV Division
Motor. Det. 14
Motor. Det. 14
V Division
V Division
Armored Bde 4
Armored Bde 4
Armored Det. 5
Armored Det. 5
Motor. Det. 11
Motor. Det. 11
VI Division
VI Division
Armored Bde 1 Motor. Bde 4
Armored Bde 1
Motor. Bde 4
Structure of the Chilean Army
Armored Bde 2
Armored Bde 2
Motor. Bde 24
Motor. Bde 24
SpecOps Bde
SpecOps Bde
Aviation Bde
Aviation Bde
Divisions, brigades and detachments of the Chilean Army in 2020

Unit names

All infantry units and most of the artillery regiments are named after important battles or places in Chile, while the cavalry regiments are named after the various types of cavalry. These are the units:


  • Adrian J. English, Armed Forces of Latin America
  • Jane's World Armies
  • Jane's Sentinel

es:Anexo:Organización del Ejército de Chile